Pre Amp Tube Order in a Blue Angel?

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Murphy Slaw

Well-known member
May 18, 2007
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In a 1;12 combo, looking from the rear, what is the left to right pre amp tube order.

Murphy, I looked everywhere, even in the Blue Angel manual, and could not find a physical tube diagram, although I found some schematics of the preamp and power amp sections.

I'll go find the links if you want them.
See, when I got it I wrote Mesa and asked for it, along with a catalog of products as I want to use some of their tubes, and it's birthday.

They sent me the catalog, and a letter with the birthday (I gave them the serial #) but the letter said they didn't have a tube chart for that amp.


I just want to know, left to right, (or right to left, whatever) which is V1 through V5, on the pre amp tubes, and what they do so I can adjust perfection in the finest quality in the correct spots.

This has been now a several month ordeal, a most simple question to me. I thought Mesa had better customer support. I'm now questioning that.

Because, like I said, I wrote them and they (I have the letter) said in writing they didn't have a tube chart for that item.

If they don't have a tube chart for it, and it goes down, am I to assume they couldn't fix it? Obviously nobody else could either. This would seem to me to drop the resale value on this product considerably.

I know if I put this question on the Fender Forum about ANY Fender amp, I would, and have, get the answer within' minutes.

It's a simple question.

Thanks for trying.

Well, at least the thread is getting some hits!

Surely someone will know, eh? Though not a best seller, it's one helluva amp and I really love it for it's natural breakup, (gigged last night !) and creamy, non offensive tone.

Thanks again, anyone trying to find out for me.
My guess would be in the combo that v1 would be to the far right (looking from the back) just from every other mesa combo I've owned. That's strange that they wouldn't be able to tell you what the socket order is. Also if one of the tubes has a protective metal thing that pops on and off, that's v1.
No metal caps. The Blue Angel has two rows of tubes, due to it having a GZ34 rectifier, 2; 6V6's, 4;EL84's, and then the second row, towards the front, has 5 12AX7's. They are all held in place by an aluminum channel w/foam, and some nylon straps.

I haven't pulled any of em' yet, just bought the amp 3/4 months ago and it sounds great, but it had never been gigged, and is now working every weekend. And pretty well cranked, it's a low power amp and I'm pushing it to the sweet spot.

I'm a spare freak and have spare everything, but, like I said, it's important for a working musician to know which preamp tube is which, and I do with my Fenders, it's common knowledge. Quick and easy to troubleshoot if you're in a bind, during a show.

Thanks to all, I'm still hoping someone in here will know for sure, but just hasn't seen the thread yet.

Best to ya.
In general, V1 would be the tube closest to the input jack, as the tip connection of the jack would connect directly to the grid of the first triode of V1 (well, there's probably a 68K resistor in between to eliminate hum, but it's basically a direct connection). If you know how to do it safely, you could also open the chassis and trace the circuit directly -- the tube designations may even be printed on the PCB.
V1 is the tube on the far right, in the back row, as you look at the amp from the back, with the chassis mounted. It IS directly in line with the input jacks. The tubes go from v1-v5. V5 being the phase splitter.

I know, because I couldn't believe no one had a tube chart for that amp, until I started looking for mine. I have the schematic, but no tube chart, which is weird, because I have an original manual as well. Sooooo...I pulled the chassis just to be "extra" positive.

I was gonna goof around with V2 anyway, because most folks claim that tube really controls the noise level, if you have a problem with it (I don't).
Man, you guys are the best. I knew I'd get the facts in time. So V1 is far right, and obviously the phase inverter is the last in the chain at far left.

I've never had any noise, my November 2000 is quiet as a mouse in a club with good clean power.

I guess finding out what the job of each tube is (5 pre amp tubes in an amp with one channel, and no gain ) would be out of the question, eh?

Yea. Maybe pushing my luck.

This is a very fine machine as a bar amp. I love it so much I bought a $300.00 flight case for it, and have quit looking at amps.

Thanks again to you all. I like the Boogie family.
Here's what I "think", based on the schematic...

V1 -- input drives tone stack
v2 -- gain stages
v3 -- verb driver
v4 -- fx loop and verb mix
v5 -- phase inverter/driver

Lots of chatter about v2 being the tube that really controls the gain and therefore, noise. Lots-o-folks putting lower gain tubes here (12ay7's, 12at7's). Bottom line is, re-tubing with variations of lower gain tubes in all but v4, really opens up the amp.
I owe you a beer. The mid, as I read the manual, effects the breakup a bit, and that explains V2 being a gain stage, although it's not much. I've got a few NOS jans (5751's?), and 7025's, and am gonna play with it some IF I EVER GET TIME.

I really think this is one of the best amps that was ever designed, and the more I play it in a live bar setting, cranked at about 2/3 oclock, the more I like it.

Thanks again.

Best to ya.

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