Power Conditioners

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I use a furman RP-8D and it works great. If I was to buy another one I'd get one without the lights on it though, they are really useless on stage IMO. I also have an ETA PDSL and it's not as good as the furman, but works fine to power my computer and etc. :D
Monster Power 3500. It gives you the voltage and amperage display, twelve outlets, and it's designed to take out any unwanted signal noise, hums and all that other good stuff. It's the best IMO!!!!!

I use a Furman with the simple led display and lights. I don't buy into the hokus-pokus about line conditioners and all that. You can't convince me that a component can "clean up" the mess on a current that travels countless miles before it arrives at my outlet.
I have a handful of different rack mount power distribution systems. I have everything from a cheap ART one to a Furman AR-1215 voltage regulator.

Tonally with my gear, I hear no difference. I like having the Furman AR-1215 voltage regulator for tour though because I've personally encountered shows where the power available was only 90VAC. My in ears were cutting in and out... being on only about 25% of the time. If I had my voltage regulator at that time everything would have been fine.

Long story short, if you can afford a regulator, get one. But if you aren't touring and just playing at home / recording, don't waste your money.. buy the cheapest one you can get.. even if it's just a power bar.

That's my 2 cents.
Gregwor said:
Tonally with my gear, I hear no difference. I like having the Furman AR-1215 voltage regulator for tour though because I've personally encountered shows where the power available was only 90VAC. Long story short, if you can afford a regulator, get one. But if you aren't touring and just playing at home / recording, don't waste your money.. buy the cheapest one you can get.. even if it's just a power bar.
I have to disagree with a couple of points here. In my rig I use both the Furman Power Factor Pro to filter and stabilize the current and the Furman AR-1215 to stabilize the voltage. In the summer the power in my house is all over the map, varying from 90v to 126v. It's also very noisey, electric motors,tools, and other appliances all send noise through the line that will negatively affect any high gain amp. Using the the PF PRO stabilized and cleaned the current, providing a current reserve that DID improve the sound of the amp. But immediately the LED readout on the PF Pro made me aware that the voltage in my house varied widely so I then added the AR-1215 to remedy that problem so as not to chance damaging any of the digital stuff (which seems to be espicially sensitive to voltage variances). I also have the problem of having a 390 ft tall radio tower 1-1/2 blocks from my house that pushes out 150,000 watts of moldy oldies that bleeds through everything electrical. The two Furman units have eliminated that headache completely. So I would suggest that anyone should get the best power conditioning they can afford because IMO it makes no sense to drop a bunch of cash on a nice rig efx etc., and then feed it dirty power.

Like I said, touring, you never know what sort of power or RF problems you'll encounter. At my house and 'most' of the places I've played, there haven't been any problems, but obviously some people such as your self will encounter such problems at home. So in that respect, I totally agree with you.

Also, problems are probably more prone in different countries or areas of countries for that matter. I've heard that Europe is horrible for power. I am lucky that the area I live in is blessed with decent power overall.

Again, if you can afford it, do it, otherwise see if your normal playing areas have decent power or not.

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