Post Your Rig! Must Include a Mark V.

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I have no pics, but I have to say how insanely jealous I am of some of you and these very nice rigs. Wow, some great stuff here. Darn I am poor! lol

Sweet and simple. Will get more gear in future, but at present this is all I need.
Thanks! What can I say but it does the job. The other guitar I use is an old JS100 from 1996 I have modded a bit, and even though it is a cheap and nasty guitar (comparatively to the JP6) it still sounds sweet as hell thru my Mk V. Actually it gives a nice sweet tone, that is razor sharp for leads, but I am thinking the next mod will be a set of Crunchlab and Liquifires for it, as those pickups + this amp = heaven.
Mauler said:
Thanks! What can I say but it does the job. The other guitar I use is an old JS100 from 1996 I have modded a bit, and even though it is a cheap and nasty guitar (comparatively to the JP6) it still sounds sweet as hell thru my Mk V. Actually it gives a nice sweet tone, that is razor sharp for leads, but I am thinking the next mod will be a set of Crunchlab and Liquifires for it, as those pickups + this amp = heaven.[/quot

the crunch lab and Liquidfire sounds like what you need :wink:
Those John Petrucci guitars look nice. They seem to be pretty popular too. I would like to try one some day.
it's a road king ii btw. the guitar is an ESP KH-2, kirk hammett signature, which is indeed based on the esp MII.
Here is my rig, the JP6 being the new addition. Pardon the junk lying around, setup is temporarily out of my music room.



Jacko123 said:
Dayum that's sweet. Did you re-tolex your heads yourself?

Jim Ed Love said:
I need to post my pic in this thread! :D


Thanks! It is nice and it sounds massive.
Those heads are both factory original. The MKIIC+ has a new grill and badge to match the MKV. I still have the original grill and badge for the MKIIC+.
Here's my quick little gig-rig, just unzipped to double check before tonights gig.


FWIW, Both Yamaha SGs are '77s, with the burst one recently refin'd, refretted and plek'd. Upcoming mods to the rig - think about a G-System Limited...

Everything except the at home now but the VH4S as my vocalist keeps it at his place as I have 3 flights to go down and the VH4 weighs a TON (as I gig with it....or did until I got the Mark V :twisted: ) and another Diezel frontloaded 4x12 with V'30's.





The White and Black Explorers are both the same. Custom MXII-CTM's Set neck, Mahogany Body, Rosewood fret board,3Piece Maple Neck, sperzels, and EMG 60/81 combo.
Sorry for the big pic :shock:



Yes I am a fanboy. May not like the looks but truly is the easiest and best sounding ESP I ever played. The SS frets make it a dream to play. Just need to up the string gauge to what ever you are used to as the SS frets make bending toooo easy and chroding can go sharp. So once i went up a gauge it plays perfect.




Routing: (all George L's which rule all!)
The AB switch allows me to take out everything to the right and above it (filter effects that go before the amp)

Everything to the left, and upper left is in the effect loop, which can be taken out with the Mesa Controller, so......straight, no impeadence on my signal from the guitar to the amp. as follows Guitar-AB Passive switch- patch bay- amp!!!! Must say, it is a nice view from up here on cloud nine!!!!!


Yup that's number Good Ole #95 right there with the gang of Pauls..... Watch out...

I just sold a Marshall TSL60, Peavey Ultra Plus, Peavey XXL, and Blackstar HT5H for this bad boy.


I have not had a great deal of tweak time. Im still flicking switches and turning knobs. I love how tight it is. I like a lot of pick attack and this delivers. I find myself chugging Metallica style way to much now. I like it far better than the Rectoverb I used to own.