POLL: Should I stop w the "pre1000" term on the Bo

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Should we stop using the pre1000 term at the BB?

  • Should we stop using the term pre1000 on the BB?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Should we stop using both pre500 and pre1000 terms, period?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares? Lets just move on!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
But war is good for business ... Its the 35th rule of acquisition...

which brings me to my next point:

Does anyone know if the Mesa factory does tours for non-famous general public???

I was in SF on honeymoon last november and I was extremely close to just hiring a car and driving to petaluma but in the end I bottled and didn't incase it was a drive out for nothing ...
should we return some time, do they do it?
TheSon said:
But war is good for business ... Its the 35th rule of acquisition...

which brings me to my next point:

Does anyone know if the Mesa factory does tours for non-famous general public???

I was in SF on honeymoon last november and I was extremely close to just hiring a car and driving to petaluma but in the end I bottled and didn't incase it was a drive out for nothing ...
should we return some time, do they do it?

Yes, just ring them up and ask what would be a good time for a tour.
Anyone that thinks a recto is a one dimensional amp must be a guy with a one dimensional mind.

I have seen the Rec used in so many different styles of music, from country, to pop, to rock, to punk, to metal to jazz and classical.

dmotisko said:
who cares !!!!!! The Dual Rect. is a one dimensional amp for one dimensional players. Sell them and buy a real amplifier !!!!!
I agree that Gear Monkey is a dealer. He is always trying to sell something on here. If you follow his links to gear-monkey.com It's a forum he created and maintains calling himself MrSndman. He is posting all the time on there for selling stuff. Now there is the Gear Vault. It is an interesting idea! I wonder who came up with it and created it???? Gear Monkey did! Gear Vault is a brother site to Gear Monkey. This is all stated at gear-monkey.com. He talked about how he didn't like e-bay getting the money from his sales. So he started his own site. Most of the "auctions" on gear vault are being sold by gear monkey as of right now. I wonder if any of the other items on there are other people or just pseudonyms that gear-monkey has. I also wonder if Gear Vault gets anything out each sale made.


Here's an interesting link explaining how Gear Vault works

"That's why I welcome everyone to The Gear Vault! It's an exclusive community for musicians and music gear. Did I mention it's free to list? The only charge is a small percentage of the final value sale. If you don't sell your item, you don't pay!"

I always love it when people tell me something is free and then slip in right after that there is "only a small charge" lol

So let's say I sell an $1800 amp on there. Gear Vault would collect $36 dollars of that. Of course Gear Vault isn't making a ton of money off of anything on there now because the creator is the one selling most of the stuff but the idea is to get as many people as possible to sell stuff on there. Let's say 3 people sell $1800 dollar amps. $36 dollars per person. That's $108 dollars. Hmmm pretty soon with enough people selling on Gear Vault and Gear Vault would be making some decent money. Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are dealer trying to create a new internet business that is very similar to Ebay.
Thanks Turumbar82,

Also if you google "Mrsandman" you'll see my name pops up on about 20 other message forums. And also should take you to my band page "Demonized" on myspace... with over 15,000 friends and over 73,000 plays. It's quite successful. Add us ---> http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user&Mytoken=1196892184158
(right now since the singer just had a child and the drummer is working 2 jobs and going to school full time, the band is dormant. Hope for new material soon)

And to clarify, Gear-Vault.com is free to list and only a 1.5% charge (Only if you sell your gear) Why should you pay if you don't sell? Unlike ebay in many ways.

1). Security and Safety come first! It's a tight nitch community and if anything smells fishy at all... I'll personally do a full investigation... right down to calling this person on the phone (which I've done before). No Scams on Gear-Vault! And we do not release personal information! Trust and safety first!

2). Free picture uploads, Free listings, Free video hosting, Free stores, Free swapping, Free message board. I pay hosting, domain, script, networking, PR'ing, advertising, And have Free give aways! All out of pocket expense for me. (I hope to recoup some loss from the 1.5% selling fee and/or PPC ads)

3). I have strong love for music and passion for gear. My friends call me a gear-***** :D. It's what I enjoy. It's my hobby. And I help everyone I can. I get several emails a day asking general question... I help anyway that I can and I have even given away free tubes and such to my friends... just so they can diagnose their amp problems without having to buy parts. I'm just friendly and loyal like that. I enjoy helping other. Hence, why I have gear-monkey and free listings on Gear-Vault.

4). I'm a normal guy with one kid and a wonderful girlfriend. My fiance is getting her degree in Business management in January and she works full time at a bank. She writes most of Gear-Vault content.. as my grammar isn't that good. LOL! We live in a small 3 bedroom house in a nice area and just love life.

Hope this clears things up about me. I'm a network freak all over the internet... from youtube, myspace, 20+ message forums.. and that's when I had the idea, "hey, what can I do to help out fellow brothers who enjoy music like me?"

Along came Gear-Monkey... then 4 months later, Gear-Vault was published.

I hope this clears things up!


EDITED to clarify: I also don't use Boogie Board just to sell. I come here to teach and help others along with receiving more knowledge... and contribute to the community.

Please do go to Demonized's myspace!!!! You won't see much about the band at all but you will see a lot about the Gear Vault!

I took a listen to the songs and I'm speechless...at a loss for words...

Everyone you have to hear it for yourselves!
I didn't say anything rude about it. I just told everyone to check it out! Let the music speak for itself.
That's cool. I don't want anyone to have high expectations that were anything special. We're simply 4 hobbyist that play in my small home built studio. And occasionly go do open mic nights at the pub.

We have some covers that we've done.. but I don't think we're allowed to post them on myspace as they're copyrighted.
I think everyone should stop picking on Gear-Monkey. Gear Vault is a good idea. Ebay takes way too much from you in fees just to post and then for selling and Paypal takes fees too.

He seems to know a lot about the rectifier series and about the parts in them. I'm no expert myself.

Maybe the pre-500 idea is hype and there are amps after #500 that really have the best tone. Of course tone is completely up to the individual player.
I know George Lynch was known for the pre-500 hype but I also have read that he really loved Engl's and his old marshalls. And I also read that he used card board cutouts of amps on stage for props and just had a solidstate randall combo amp backstage mic'd.

I think Gear-Monkey has a right to his opinion. That's what this forum is about right? Expressing your opinions?

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