pod 2.0 in MKIV loop sounds good IMHO

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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I have a pod 2.0 laying around and i stuck into the efexs loop on the MKIV and very good results. I'm just using the pod for efects in manual mode. The great thing is you can match the volume better and also add treble mids bass, to the efect, with the pod. I haven't tried this one out with the band yet, but it seems really nice. I think you can get a 2.0 pod used for around $100. Anyone else using the pod for efects only? I think I can run the small footswitch for the pod and access 4 efects when ever. I think I coud use the MKIV as a power amp and use the amp models in the pod. I haven't tried that yet. Give me your pod thoughts.
Well, I don't have a pod, but I've used a Yamaha Magicstomp in the loop with great results. Very natural sounding indeed. I like serial loops better than parallel though, and the MKIV has a terrific one.
The pod is coloring the sound a little and I'm having a little trouble with clipping. I'll have to read about the magic stomp.
Currently I am using a Line 6 PODxt in the effects loop of my Mark IV.

The PODxt has the ability to bypass the amp and cab models. I am using it only for the effects. Works and sounds great.
with the pod 2.0, I have to use it in the tube preamp position, to bypass the amp models. Do you have to do that with the XT? It colors the sound a little and the pod is clipping a little from guitar signal. Still with all this, it sounds pretty good IMHO. It sounds like the XT has more flexibility then the 2.0. I should hook it up to my computer and see what I can do.
In the PODxt, one of the amp model settings is called "bypass".
It does what is says and bypasses any amp models and cab models.

This can give you a direct line to the effects without coloring the sound with the amp models and cab models.

I used to own the POD 2.0 at one time.
Unfortunately the POD 2.0 does not have a bypass mode and the tube preamp sertting is an amp model.

The PODxt with firmware version 2 and 3 have the bypass mode.

You can pickup a PODxt at ebay from $200 used to $300 new.
POD 2.0 units are selling for about $100 on ebay.
The ebay advise is just in case you thought about an upgrade to PODxt.
That's great news, I think a pod XT (used) is in my future. as soon as i sell the 2.0 pod. thanks
Hello folks,

I just purchased a Mark IV A and loving it. I also have a vetta 2 head with the fbv pedalboard and have used it through the Mark's effect loop for effects. You can use the bypass amp model to cut out all of the line 6 emulation and just use their effects. It doesn't seem to degrade the Mark IV tone. I know using a vetta 2 head as an effects processor is serious overkill moneywise but I just happen to have it. I don't think it's possible but it would be great if I could use the fbv pedalboard to control the channel amp switching on the Mark IV. If that were the case I would then trade in the vetta head for pod xt pro possibly.

I think you can do that with the midi thru on the PODXT. I'm not sure how but I think there's something that would take the midi out of the pod and trigger the switching jacks on the back of your MKIV. I'm not sure, and someone hear who knows better will chime in, but I think what you need is a ROCKMAN MIDI OCTOPUS SWITCHER / ROUTER. Hope this helps. I had a Vetta II and couldn't get it to cut in a band situation. I know many people do, so it had to be me. I'm dying for a Vetta III, I love the whole idea, even though I'm a tube guy.
hello jamme61,

I'm not a midi expert but what I've been reading lately about using midi to channel switch a Mark IV and control effects leads me to believe that you need a pedal that is capable of sending two midi program changes for every button push, i.e. one pc that goes to the effects to tell it what to do and the other pc that goes to the midi audio switcher to tell it which channel to switch on the Mark IV.

I also like the all-in-one concept of the vetta and the fbv. It's great to be able to change everything ranging from stomp boxes, preamps, cabinets, post effects, etc by hitting one button. The amp emulation is pretty good but it's not the real thing.

Hey michelj,

How did you patch in your Vetta into your Mark IV?
Are you patching into the Vetta's return or the Vetta's input on the front?

I've got both the Mark IV and the Vetta II head. I just started some expirimenting with both.
I've got a preset on the Vetta that has both Vetta amps (2 amps in 1) in bypass mode. No cab models either.

With the Vetta in and out of the Mark IV's effects return and then the satellite out to my DC-5 for the right channel, I've had some success.

My PODxt in the Mark IV's loop was more transparent than the Vetta in the Mark IV's loop. Go figure. :shock: Phase issues with Vetta; none with the PODxt with same cables. :?

That's why I'm asking about your setup, It's to see how you have had success with it.
insearchoftone said:
Hey michelj,

How did you patch in your Vetta into your Mark IV?
Are you patching into the Vetta's return or the Vetta's input on the front?

I've got both the Mark IV and the Vetta II head. I just started some expirimenting with both.
I've got a preset on the Vetta that has both Vetta amps (2 amps in 1) in bypass mode. No cab models either.

With the Vetta in and out of the Mark IV's effects return and then the satellite out to my DC-5 for the right channel, I've had some success.

My PODxt in the Mark IV's loop was more transparent than the Vetta in the Mark IV's loop. Go figure. :shock: Phase issues with Vetta; none with the PODxt with same cables. :?

That's why I'm asking about your setup, It's to see how you have had success with it.

hello insearchoftone,

I go from the effects send of the Mark IV A head into the input at the front of the Vetta and then from the effects send of the Vetta back into the effects return of the Mark IV.

On the Vetta, I've got the bypass preamp model in both amps and the loop is at the end of the effects chain. That way I have access to the post effects on the Vetta.

It works really well and I haven't noticed any coloring of the Mark IV tone.

I had thought of trading in my Vetta for a PODxt but then I figured that having the Vetta power amp section might prove useful at a gig if the Mark IV power section goes down for some reason. That way, I'm not totally dead in the water.
