Playing guitar in an apartment

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
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I just moved into a nice two bedroom apartment. The apartment is a 4-plex with people living both above me and across the hallway outside my door.

I switched on my Mark IV today, turned it up to a "reasonable" volume and thought to myself, "This just isn't going to work." I haven't had any complaints yet, nor do I want any. So my question is how should I deal with this? Should I familiarize myself with the local noise ordinance laws? Or when the police knock on my door say, "what guitar, I don’t hear anything. :wink: Kidding aside, I've never had to deal with close neighbors before, and I really don’t want to start making enemies here. Can anyone share similar experiences?

POD and Ear Phones. Actually if you are careful with the final output level knob and get it so it just goes on, then use the volume and gain knobs to bring the overall level up a bit the amp will work in your building. The Mark IV is so great because it works quite well at very low levels!!!!

For real quiet time I have a Kustom Tube 12A.

Thanks brianf, yeah that's what I'm going to have to do. I don't see any other way around it. I do have a PODxt and studio headphones, but it would suck to use that all the time.

I'll try your suggestion though and see how it works.
Mac, Amplitube and earbuds. Add Garage Band and you can cut your own backing track, record a dozen track or wank till the cows come home all in a quiet splendor.

A Pod with earphones is great too.
I use my Mark IIB head with self-built 1x12" EVL Thiele cab like that since several years in my apartment, i.e. lead master on 0.7, and it sounds great, now even greater with NOS Philips/Sylvania STR 415 tubes (old RCA 7025 in the preamp). :)
I hit the open low E string with a volume I like and go outside my door and see if its to loud or not. Adjust as needed and mark it.
I'm finding myself in this position myself. Thats one of the reasons why I bought a 1-12" Black Shadow(Celestion 90)cab (half open back). I plan on having my Mk III drive it in class A mode (15 watts) for a practice amp, though it may still be too loud.
I used to plug in a wireless and walkaround from room to room and outside to ensure I would not bother anyone. I have since ditched the wireless and the care about pissing anyone off. I was losing too much tone through the old wireless that I had anyway. As far as anyone complaining goes, I try to play early enough that my closest neighbors can't really complain. I don't say anything about the booming rap but everyone pretty much knocks whatever they are doing off by about 8 anyway unless there is a party. If there is a party then things can go a little later but that only happens on weekends for the most part anyway so no big deal. If I do feel the need to play late then I just use the class A setting and switch down to tweed power on hte Mark IV and keep the output to a minimum. It really is just for that inspirational moment anyway so I can work something out enough to remember it til the next day.
I have a V-amp2 that I use into the wee hours of the night, like I'm doing right now! :D . It's ok, nothing like having the real thing, but it craves my thirst for distortion and random effects. I can record too! thats always cool. Just make sure you have a good pair of headphones.
If I plug into my GSP 2101 I usually use Sony mdvr600 Studio Monitors late at night because they are comfortable and have a nice range. Not to mention that they fold up nicely when I want to put them away.
If you want to use your Mark, you may try experimenting with the EQ to get the best possible sound at TV-like volume level. I do this with my Quad and was able to dial in some interesting tones.

If you can stand leaving your beauty unused in a corner, there's countless solutions - a POD with earphones, a small amp like the Roland Microcube, there are also a few cool sounding PC softwares around.

Last but not least, trying to become friends with your neighbours may prove to be a good idea :wink:
I've also had decent results playing through a Korg Ampworks modeler through computer speakers, with a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter. Still not as cool as a real tube amp!
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. During late night playing I'll most likely use my PODxt, and AKG headphones. However, I don't want to find a new home for my Mark IV, or worse yet rarely play through my Mark IV. I'll have to mess around with the settlings and see how good I can make it sound at the lowest possible volume. Also, I can always wait until the person above me leaves.
I play my markIV in by apartment all the time, While my three year old is sleepin and my wife is watching TV in the other room and nobody complains. You just have to adjust to playing at low volumes.

That's very reassuring Scott, thanks. I think if I play at reasonably volumes during the day I should be alright.
Has anyone run the pre-amp out of a Mark IV into a different, low-wattage power amp? How did it sound?
I had never, ever turned my mark iv up past 5 (sucker is bruutally loud).

So i put in a resistor that basically turns what was a 5 on the master vol to 10... has given me a lot more adjustability on the volume.

Plays great in my bedroom now (esp in class a), and still can peel some paint when I kick in simulclass with the band.

It's a great, cheap mod. I'm thinking about putting a switch on it so I can turn the attenuation off if needed.
Attenuator / Power soak is one way to go
Well, I think I finally found a solution that my neighbors and I can live with. I moved my Mark IV in the back bedroom of my apartment. My bedroom is at the corner of the building, and shouldn't disturb anyone. :twisted:

Thanks for everyone who shared their suggestions and experiences.
