Played the Mark V today.

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JohnDNJ said:
Gizzorge said:
Look it's like this. The IV and The V are both great amps. Guys who have the Mark V are most likely to say that it is the best thing since sliced bread, and they got the latetest greatest blah blah blah..

The Mark IV guys are going to say it is nothing special and be swayed by the fact that they don'thave the latest greatest MARK Series Amp anymore blah, blah

Human Nature....

Fact is both amps are killer!!!

I have never owned a Boogie before, and I am loving my V so far....

I could have bought either one. I chose the IV because for what I was looking for, it smashed the V hands down. ;)

I played the V today and i completely disagree with you. The V is simply a better amp. I've owned several IV's, 2 IIC+'s and a few III's. The V is every bit a Mark series amp. It has a boatload of gain on channel 3 just like the other Mark amps. Maybe something was up with the tubes in the V you played?

The Mark IV's I've owned varied in tone. Some sounded plain or sterile, and the R2 channel sucked on them all. Channel 2 of the Mark V pisses all over the R2 channel of the IV.

I'll write my own review later. However, the mark V is FAR from a perfect amp.
i could care less how well it cops a mark IV, what i do want to know is how close can it get to the mark III ?
No offense to the OP, but it's a tough sell on an opinion when you pull out a new amp that you've never played and have no idea how to properly tweak (especially considering the format is different than past Mark amps)...right off the UPS truck, plug in, then immediately compare that to an amp that's been out for 15+ years, you already know that you like, and you understand how to tweak and obviously have spent time with before. Give it time and I'm sure you'll like it more.
This is the very reason that I decided not to bring the C+ to B'ham to compare against the MkV. Nobody knows how to tune the MkV yet, and this would not be a fair contest. Now, the 23" wide EV thiele will be making the trip, for sure. It made the Lonestar speak a true voice in the 10 watt mode on the clean channel. 8) thing for sure..when the V rolls into town, we will give it a damn good shootout-we have the goods to do some spot on comparisons,down to various incarnations of the C+/Thieles/Lehle/amp switcher/tubes/etc...
-you know, I never expected a clone of anything-i am excited about hearing chan. 1 and 2-after seeing the layout, it was apparent that it was going to cop the C+ "lead tone"-not the sweet spots one can dial in due to the push/pull/lead drive/etc(not to say the lead saturated tone isnt sweet..but I really like those low gain settings,too!)
...I hope it is a 4 with MORE...that way, I can leave the vintage stuff at the house and pull out the Boogie magic live without worrying about theft/smoke/beer/********/wrecks while my C+ is in the back kind of stuff
-stay may be another month..but the NAMM will have detailed,unbiased reports-and a damn good time along the way 8)
Random Hero said:
DudewithFr0 said:
You should have ran it through a stiletto cab instead of a recto. The recto cabs are boomy and do not have a tight low end

Whilst I agree with what you said about the cabs, I doubt that was the issue here. Maybe he just preferred the IV. Others will go the other way I'm sure.
Your probably right but having good note tracking and a tighter low end makes a world of difference
Here, I recorded this tonight with next to no tweaking whatsoever at my buddy's home studio.
This is just pulled off the cuff live with a 1\2 ass lead over dub and all direct into Logic with no
tweaking whatsoever.

This is the IV lead channel coming out of the record out (no cab). I played with the V lead channel for
a good 2 hours and couldn't even get near this tone. All I did to get this sound was crank the gain\drive and
scoop the eq. :)

As I said in my OP..I dont care about the versatility of the V, I have that already and am happy with
the lower gain sounds and smooth liquid tones I can get from the TriAxis. I wanted THE single definitive voicing
of the IV and the V just doesn't have it otherwise I would have gladly paid in full to get
the first head that came in. :)
JohnDNJ said:
Here, I recorded this tonight with next to no tweaking whatsoever at my buddy's home studio.
This is just pulled off the cuff live with a 1\2 ass lead over dub and all direct into Logic with no
tweaking whatsoever.

This is the IV lead channel coming out of the record out (no cab). I played with the V lead channel for
a good 2 hours and couldn't even get near this tone. All I did to get this sound was crank the gain\drive and
scoop the eq. :)

As I said in my OP..I dont care about the versatility of the V, I have that already and am happy with
the lower gain sounds and smooth liquid tones I can get from the TriAxis. I wanted THE single definitive voicing
of the IV and the V just doesn't have it otherwise I would have gladly paid in full to get
the first head that came in. :)

or, you just dont know how to dial the amp in.
EdgeOfDarkness said:
JohnDNJ said:
Here, I recorded this tonight with next to no tweaking whatsoever at my buddy's home studio.
This is just pulled off the cuff live with a 1\2 ass lead over dub and all direct into Logic with no
tweaking whatsoever.

This is the IV lead channel coming out of the record out (no cab). I played with the V lead channel for
a good 2 hours and couldn't even get near this tone. All I did to get this sound was crank the gain\drive and
scoop the eq. :)

As I said in my OP..I dont care about the versatility of the V, I have that already and am happy with
the lower gain sounds and smooth liquid tones I can get from the TriAxis. I wanted THE single definitive voicing
of the IV and the V just doesn't have it otherwise I would have gladly paid in full to get
the first head that came in. :)

or, you just dont know how to dial the amp in.

Rigggghttttt. Considering the V is supposed to be way easier then the IV at dialing in tones....
I'm going back today as a matter of fact now that I have had the IV at home for a few days just
to see if I was wrong. If I am\was I will fully admit it (and return the IV for the V ;) )
JohnDNJ said:
Rigggghttttt. Considering the V is supposed to be way easier then the IV at dialing in tones....
I'm going back today as a matter of fact now that I have had the IV at home for a few days just
to see if I was wrong. If I am\was I will fully admit it (and return the IV for the V ;) )

Edgeofdarkness is a Marshall guy stirring up trouble on the Boogie Board, lol. :lol:
I was mildly worried until I heard your 'ideal' Mark IV tone, which IMHMFO sounds like poop. I hope the Mark V can't cop that tone :p
JohnDNJ said:
Here, I recorded this tonight with next to no tweaking whatsoever at my buddy's home studio.
This is just pulled off the cuff live with a 1\2 ass lead over dub and all direct into Logic with no
tweaking whatsoever.

This is the IV lead channel coming out of the record out (no cab). I played with the V lead channel for
a good 2 hours and couldn't even get near this tone. All I did to get this sound was crank the gain\drive and
scoop the eq. :)

As I said in my OP..I dont care about the versatility of the V, I have that already and am happy with
the lower gain sounds and smooth liquid tones I can get from the TriAxis. I wanted THE single definitive voicing
of the IV and the V just doesn't have it otherwise I would have gladly paid in full to get
the first head that came in. :)

I'm not trying to be a dick but come on! Are you serious? I dialed in tones on the Mark V in 2 seconds that smokes what i just heard on that clip, both in terms of tone and amount of gain.

I've owned several IV's, III's, and a few IIC+'s and the V is right there with them. The ONLY thing that time will tell to me is if it can nail the IIC+ tones. I'm not worried about it covering the IV, i KNOW it can easily.

You either played a V with a beat tube in it or you have some other reason for trashing the V.
phyrexia said:
I was mildly worried until I heard your 'ideal' Mark IV tone, which IMHMFO sounds like poop. I hope the Mark V can't cop that tone :p

Too scooped for your taste? I'm running 2 6l6's and 2 el34's to give it bite which is
something "I" wanted. I didn't say it was a perfect sound or that everyone would like it,
we all know how that goes right? ;)

Anyhow I went back today and played it for another few hours. Me and the guy at the shop
who is a Mesa freak both tweaked the hell out of it and both us of agree: It's a great amp
but it is not 100% true to the originals.

The BEST sounds on it are the Fat Clean which is lush, gorgeous and chimy and all that other good stuff.
The other is the Mark 1 with the bold toggle on...very smooth, creamy, liquid sounding and perfect
for smooth soloing. I was really smiling on that mode, it's ******* killer.

The lead channel is not what it's cracked up to be. It's tight, it has balls but it's not a C+ or a IV
and that's that. You will see for yourself when you get to try one and compare it side by side
with what it's meant to sound like, if you have that luxury. The other IMHO HUGE mistake they made
was putting the C+ channel with the IV and Extreme. It does sound much different from the IV and Extreme modes
and all extreme mode does is fatten up the IV mode a bit which you could easily do with some tweaking or even easier
with a tube screamer or other boost type pedal. They should have put the C+ on chan 2 as MK1, 2c+ and Crunch.
The "edge" mode isnt that good and you could again easily achieve that sound with the clean channel and
a screamer pedal. This way you could use the C+ for rhythm and the IV\Extreme for leads.

For those looking for an all-in-one head\combo you should be happy with it and if I didnt already have
a TriAxis\2:90 I most likely would have been swayed. But for those looking for the original sounds, get
the original amp. :)

Either way, it's all's Mesa and it rocks. :)
danyeo1 said:
JohnDNJ said:
Here, I recorded this tonight with next to no tweaking whatsoever at my buddy's home studio.
This is just pulled off the cuff live with a 1\2 ass lead over dub and all direct into Logic with no
tweaking whatsoever.

This is the IV lead channel coming out of the record out (no cab). I played with the V lead channel for
a good 2 hours and couldn't even get near this tone. All I did to get this sound was crank the gain\drive and
scoop the eq. :)

As I said in my OP..I dont care about the versatility of the V, I have that already and am happy with
the lower gain sounds and smooth liquid tones I can get from the TriAxis. I wanted THE single definitive voicing
of the IV and the V just doesn't have it otherwise I would have gladly paid in full to get
the first head that came in. :)

I'm not trying to be a dick but come on! Are you serious? I dialed in tones on the Mark V in 2 seconds that smokes what i just heard on that clip, both in terms of tone and amount of gain.

I've owned several IV's, III's, and a few IIC+'s and the V is right there with them. The ONLY thing that time will tell to me is if it can nail the IIC+ tones. I'm not worried about it covering the IV, i KNOW it can easily.

You either played a V with a beat tube in it or you have some other reason for trashing the V.

You're central jersey? I'm northern near NYC. We could always get together for a little side by side comparison. :)
Always happy to jam with fellow Mesa owners regardless of preference. :)
You're central jersey? I'm northern near NYC. We could always get together for a little side by side comparison. :)
Always happy to jam with fellow Mesa owners regardless of preference. :)[/quote]

Can I throw my Black-Dot Mark III into this mix? :wink:

If someone around here in NNJ has a IIC+ then we could make a truly critical comparison between them all. :mrgreen:
Melodyman said:
JohnDNJ said:
Rigggghttttt. Considering the V is supposed to be way easier then the IV at dialing in tones....
I'm going back today as a matter of fact now that I have had the IV at home for a few days just
to see if I was wrong. If I am\was I will fully admit it (and return the IV for the V ;) )

Edgeofdarkness is a Marshall guy stirring up trouble on the Boogie Board, lol. :lol:

to be fair, i own more mesa products than marshall.
there are not many amps you can pull right out of the box and know how to dial it in.
"there are not many amps you can pull right out of the box and know how to dial it in"

Yeah, but after fighting for like ever with my Mk IV to get the tone I wanted (and played channel 1 with TS808 and Zendrive because the 2nd channel was bunk) the Mk V is a HUGE relief

Oh, and I couldn't care less if it doesn't NAIL the Mk IV or IIC+ exactly, because I want the tone in my head...not the one on the LoG or Metallica record.

The Mk V is just SO much easier and has a larger palette. Not that I hated the Mk IV...but I wanted one SOOoooo badly and was always frustrated with it.

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