Pinch harmonics have more top end with El34's?

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Feb 8, 2010
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The pinch harmonics on my Recto sound great just not the same as my friends JSX. Will El34's make any difference or is that in the preamp tubes.
Yes, no and both! :p

Actually the first question is if your friend's JSX uses el34's or 6l6's.......
So you level the playing field at least somewhat before trying to compare that apple to that orange......

You would really have to be willing to try it to see for yourself and that is not an inexpensive way to go. 8)
I can tell you this: a lot of the audio content that lends to harmonics actually starts in the midrange, not the high end as many assume.
With that in mind, el34's generally put out more mids than 6l6's (in any given amp, that is). But how they react in your amp, to your ears,(with your pick and thumb) is something I won't claim to know.
I personally prefer the sound of el34's, but have owned amps with both and have had no problems getting pinch harmonics from either.
If you try the el34, you will probably like the tone, but only you will know if you prefer it.

Good luck :)
I can get pinch harmonics at will they just don't have quite the same top end bite as his JSX. Your saying it might help putting El34's in, before i drop 100$ thought i'd check with the board. El34's in his JSX.
MKV said:
I can get pinch harmonics at will they just don't have quite the same top end bite as his JSX. Your saying it might help putting El34's in, before i drop 100$ thought i'd check with the board.

I'm using str450's in my MkV right now. I enjoy them as much as the 6L6, and it really depends on what you're looking for. With my amp, there are sweet spots for feedback and harmonics. The trick is dialing it in, and this goes for both tube sets.
MKV said:
The pinch harmonics on my Recto sound great just not the same as my friends JSX. Will El34's make any difference or is that in the preamp tubes.

It has a lot more to do with the fact that the amps are really different. The power tubes will make a slight difference but as to pinch harmonics specifically it won't be night and day.
I solved the problem. I changed the eq settings on my mxr-10band, i scooped freq 125 and 250 the rest of the way out from -8 to -12 and increased the presence on channel three to 12:00. This tightend up that loose bottom end even more and is comparable to his JSX. Pinch harmonics also have alittle more top end,and the amp overall sounds a little less dry and more wet. Still like to see how El34s would affect the overall tone. One more thing i have a 3 channel Recto not a mark v.
I would have to assume that it would help a little. I havent tried EL34's in my recto yet, BUT....I can tell you that from personal experience, I find that harmonics do stand out better with more mid/upper mids present. Not that this amp wont do pinch harmonics.....but they are a little more resistant as compared to other amps Ive owned/played. They just dont jump out as easily, and it seems that you do have to be a little more careful in where, and how you play them if you want them to stand out. This would make sense considering that the rectos are light on the mids, and adding mids in any way seems to help in my experience.

Recently, Ive added an MXR 10 band and an OD808 to my rig, and with the extra mid character of the OD, and the mids that I dial with the 10 band.....I find that among other things, harmonics now stand out much better. There isnt a sweet spot anymore.....they jump out anywhere I want them to. FYI, this has been my experience with various low and high output pickups. Id expect an EL34 with good mid character to have a similar effect.