Piece of Junk Roadster

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Mar 10, 2008
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So I recently purchased a brand new roadster that worked great for about a week and then it blew 2 tubes and that had to fixed. Changed the tubes and a few days later one tube blew. Sent it to the local amp tech and he took it apart and looked at everything to see wut was wrong

I got it back today and he said that it was only faulty tubes ( I'v trusted this guy with a few amps before and fixed them easily and quickly). Came home set it up and now it doesn't even make a sound. Got the amp connected to a cab through the 4ohm outlet and when I plug a guitar in all it makes is a rattleing noise through the head. Is there something I'm missing or have I got a piece of Shi* on my hands

THing that I thought it could be is that the cord between the amp head and cab may be broken. What would cause one to break and could that be my problem?
well the amp guy that I use said it was fixed and working fine I think it's either the cab or the cord but I'll talk to Mesa.
First off, don't use the 4ohm tap if you've only got one cab. Use the 8ohm. Not that that would prevent it from making any sound, but it's wrong either way.

Check dumb **** first... all cords are good, all guitars are good, batteries charged (if you have actives), volumes are up? Gain is up? Turn off all the loops and just use the channel masters to control volumes.
Make sure it isn't a broken speaker cable first. You should always have an extra handy. If it's a broken speaker cable then you are operating the amp without a load and you are going to fry it. What is the resistance for your cab? 8, 16 etc... ohm. Make sure you have that set up correctly.
Charlie said:
Make sure it isn't a broken speaker cable first. You should always have an extra handy. If it's a broken speaker cable then you are operating the amp without a load and you are going to fry it. What is the resistance for your cab? 8, 16 etc... ohm. Make sure you have that set up correctly.

Improper load could be the reason you're blowing the tubes. Sounds like the problem lies with your cab. Try the head with a different cab.
If he is going from 4 ohm on the amp to an 8 ohm cabinet then he has a safe mismatch.....it says so in the Mesa literature.
Rocky said:
If he is going from 4 ohm on the amp to an 8 ohm cabinet then he has a safe mismatch.....it says so in the Mesa literature.

+1 That's exactly how the RK cabinets work. When using both sides together it's a 4 Ohm load, but when using either the closed or open on their own, it's an 8 Ohm load on a 4 Ohm output. That's the way Mesa designed it to work. 8 Ohm cab on a 4 Ohm output is fine.
Sounds dumb but take everything out of your fx loop.

If you plug you ins/outs backwards in a series loop you will get no sound. I did that with my Roadster and cussed it for 2 hours before I figured out what I had done.

The DR will still make noise if you hook up the loop backwards. It will drop volume and /or oscillate but it will make noise. The Roadster will not.
stompboxfreak72 said:
Sounds dumb but take everything out of your fx loop.

if I had a dollar for every time I plugged a pedal in backwards and wondered why the big box wasn't making any noise I could buy myself a pretty nice lunch.
Ya thanks for everything guys but messing around and talking to the guys at the local store aznd the amp tech we found out the problem was the amp cabel and it's working totally fine.