picked up Dual Rectifier.. what a heap of crap!

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CudBucket said:
LnTh said:
Interesting. I read the whole thread and this kid still comes across as a troll to me. Anyone agree?

I do. A total tool. Only an idiot would go into a store and pay $1600 for a beat ractifier and then play stupid: "Oh, I can't return it. I hate every amp I play."

Give me a break. This is the stupidest thread in the history of the Boogie Board. Except of course anything Gear-Monkey has ever posted.

Where is Gear anyway? Its been awefully quiet over there at the Gear Vault...I kind of miss it...

NoGlassNoClass said:
The store already agreed to replace the Treble pot right? We all agree you got bent over and f'd in the wallet on this deal right? You know you have at least one bad 6L6 right?

So tell the store in order to make things right you want the pot fixed and a FULL retube...pre's powers(stick with 6L6 for now trust me) and recs. Amp will sound 100x better with fresh glass, and if you tweak at it for a while and still hate it, you can sell a fully functional amp with new tubes and not lose your ***.

i havent gone back to the store,
but yes even on the receipt it says
"we'll change the red channel treble pot n/c"

i switched the outer left 6L6GC with the outer right
bad tube, not socket or amp i think
so i left both out

should i take out one of the rectifier tubes also?

i dont know why you would suggest i ask for a full retube
because one 6L6 was out?
i was even thinking why bother asking for a replacement 6L6GC
when i am going to order tubes as soon as tomorrow

i was thinking for sure high gain ECC83S front end and 2xGZ34

stick with 6L6?
i just have an idea they are not as good since they are stock haha!
not even 2x6L6 and 2xKT77?

so i found the amp is not total junk after all (surprise surprise!)
i was wiring up my friends guitar, a jackson rhoads
with EMG 89/81, AfterBurner, 18w,
GOD ****!
nice nice sound on this rectifier
a little flat, but i am familiar with that EMG81, who isnt

so ive got to get at least a bridge pickup to go with the new tubes
since i am kinda outgrowing the flat sterile 81,
i was thinking of trying the Lundgren M7?

i use high gain only;
i play metal with chords
intervals like 1-m3-m7, 1-5-9, 1-b5-9, 1-m3-5-9
fast.. 110-250bpm, often dividing the beat by six at slower bpm..
i like to be able to have high gain yet hear all intervals in the chords strummed
for lead, i like full, liquid, "evil" mids (like those crappy marshalls)
not thin, weak, brittle

i know there isnt many nice things for you guys to say right now
it was a bad amp for a bad deal
but hopefully if you guys can point me in the right directions
i can make this right.

Sorry... but I think I just pissed myself laughing! 3 pages and counting.... Great bait! LMAO
les_paul_gold_top said:
CudBucket said:
LnTh said:
Interesting. I read the whole thread and this kid still comes across as a troll to me. Anyone agree?

I do. A total tool. Only an idiot would go into a store and pay $1600 for a beat ractifier and then play stupid: "Oh, I can't return it. I hate every amp I play."

Give me a break. This is the stupidest thread in the history of the Boogie Board. Except of course anything Gear-Monkey has ever posted.

Where is Gear anyway? Its been awefully quiet over there at the Gear Vault...I kind of miss it...


I'm here and lurking.
CudBucket said:
I have broccoli in my socks.

why would you have broccoli in your socks?
i keep mine in the freezer

i have though,
had smashed apples in my sock.
i used it as a teabag to get more fructose into the bag of orange juice,
sugar, jam/jelly and bread.

back to THE SOUND, bros,
i just ordered the Lundgren M7 bridge from Conklin Guitars.
should be here by Monday.
and from what ive been reading,
i should have no envy for my pal's EMG81 after its in.

im so ready to order the high gain front end and GZ34s
i got a response from eurotubes,
the kt88s or 66's will not fit.
i am really leaning towards E34L over 6L6..

i have until tomorrow to decide.
StoneOfFire said:
im so ready to order the high gain front end and GZ34s i got a response from eurotubes, the kt88s or 66's will not fit.
i am really leaning towards E34L over 6L6...

Have you considered the KT-77? They are supposed to be somewhat of a mix of 6L6 & EL34 tones.

I cannot believe I read the entire thread. Like a car crash... you know is going to be bloody ugly, but you cannot stop watching. The kid is clearly not getting tired. Who is going to keep replying?
domct203 said:
StoneOfFire said:
im so ready to order the high gain front end and GZ34s i got a response from eurotubes, the kt88s or 66's will not fit.
i am really leaning towards E34L over 6L6...

Have you considered the KT-77? They are supposed to be somewhat of a mix of 6L6 & EL34 tones.


well i got the KT77s monday
..sounded terrible enough

got the M7 tuesday
sounds much much better.

there are two problems now=

there is static and popping when ON and ON
on any guitar, volume up or down
sounds like i am using a radio and am in between stations and cant find one
for some reason, the sound of the static does not go up when i turn the master level up???
should i be concerned or ignore it?
i dont think that it was like this before the tube change..

secondly, the whole sound is still not good when at a low volume.
the louder it is, the more mid details i can hear
when its low the mids sound terrible and i choose to remove them
to remedy this i am considering an attenuator or that graphic eq pedal that dude from Mesa Holly showed me. i should have got the name of that thing.. a friend told me that he doesnt like EQs, they take away some of the tone of the amp.. ?

this Boss Metal Zone i am using as a preamp..
i dont know if it is gonna cut it.
Ok, so I just read this thread, yes the whole thing. Anyway, I don't really know what to say. I seriously don't know why you think adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better. The main part of your tone is the amp not a freakin EQ pedal and slightly different tubes, it's the amp. It is going to sound like that amp no mater what you do to it. If you don't like the tone of the amp why the hell did you buy it? Worse yet, it was broken and you still bought it. Even worse, you paid $1,600 for a broken and worn out dual rec. That is seriously waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. I don't know if this thread is serious or not, but if it is I feel very sorry for your stupidity and lack of balls to go back to the store to get it fixed or just flat out return it. I don't think they could have really argued that they should have at least fixed it. And as you said earlier, you "hate" every amp you play, maybe this is an indicator that you just need to practice more, because I think that is absolutely ridiculous. :roll:
backwordsman13 said:
I seriously don't know why you think adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better. The main part of your tone is the amp not a freakin EQ pedal and slightly different tubes, it's the amp. It is going to sound like that amp no mater what you do to it. If you don't like the tone of the amp why the hell did you buy it? Worse yet, it was broken and you still bought it. Even worse, you paid $1,600 for a broken and worn out dual rec. That is seriously waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. I don't know if this thread is serious or not, but if it is I feel very sorry for your stupidity and lack of balls to go back to the store to get it fixed or just flat out return it. I don't think they could have really argued that they should have at least fixed it. And as you said earlier, you "hate" every amp you play, maybe this is an indicator that you just need to practice more, because I think that is absolutely ridiculous. :roll:

you cant be serious.

obviously you are not trying to be constructive,

what kind of a response are you looking to get from me?

why would you *think*
that *I think* "adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better"?
do you think i dont know the amp is the main part of the tone?
why do you think i have a cheap *** guitar and cab,
yet a decent amp?

but now that i have the amp
i am still not satisfied.
i will eventually have a nice guitar and cab,
but after spending $1600,
i would like to get the little things out of the way first like pickup, tubes, effects..

you must know about all of the things people are using and doing to achieve their sound? there is more to it than the amp. if you are happy with your amp alone, that is fine, and if youre not going to be helpful to me, then get the f*ck out of my thread. there are plenty of other threads you can go talk **** in, or you can even go start your own if you like. if you really want to be an as*hole, go talk **** to those guys that buy really expensive cables. go tell them that the premium cables wont MAGICALLY improve their sound. esp not as much as a "freakin EQ pedal or slightly different tubes"

i, however, am going to go out and get an EQ and drop it in the effects loop. may not be magic, but it sure sounded like it.

and about my lack of balls,
i bought it knowing about the broken pot
and i went back to the store and told them about the no-good-tube
they said they will replace that too,
but why should i care, i have a whole set of new tubes.
i am in this situation because i chose to be
not because im shy or dont have balls
and if they weren't being cooperative,
(which they are)
what the **** would "BALLS" do?

say what you want.
i know i am on the right path.

i can hear it.
If you don't want people flaming you for this thread, you might want to re-title it "Dual Rectifier- NEED HELP", instead of blaming the amp you bought for being a piece of crap. I understand that you knew what you were getting, but since you knew that you can't blame the amp. Personnally I wouldn't of spent that much on anything that isn't in mint condition, but since you did coming here and asking questions is the best thing to do, but once again, don't blame the amp for your decision, because I see them on CL all the time in mint condition for much less than you paid.

As for getting it into working order, I think you are doing the right thing by retubing it and seeing where that gets you. I wish you luck on getting it into order
Monsta-Tone said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Buy a Keyboard instead. :lol: :lol: :lol:

i did, haha!

when i was using a peavey transfex pro and just couldnt get it to sound good even with four eqs one after another (dont even talk about that)
i got sick of how shitty guitar sounds and bought an Alesis QS6.2

it sounded MUCH MUCH better
the piano and strings were great,
the choir sucked

but im not really comfortable playing keyboard
i could play hours for days and GET good,
or i can just pick up the guitar and play much closer to the speed of thought

i guess its good to play both.
thanks for the advice.
im going to try operatic vocals next
see how much that instrument sucks =)
StoneOfFire said:
there are two problems now=

there is static and popping when ON and ON
on any guitar, volume up or down
sounds like i am using a radio and am in between stations and cant find one
for some reason, the sound of the static does not go up when i turn the master level up???
should i be concerned or ignore it?
i dont think that it was like this before the tube change..

secondly, the whole sound is still not good when at a low volume.
the louder it is, the more mid details i can hear...

...this Boss Metal Zone i am using as a preamp..
i dont know if it is gonna cut it.

1) The static is probably one or more preamp tubes. First thing to do when buying any used amp is to retube it (my opinion). You dont have any way of knowing how old the tubes are so it's best to start fresh. Keep your receipts too, fresh tubes can be a good selling point if you decide the amp is not what you're looking for. The noise has probably been there all along, you just never noticed it because of the power tube issues.

2) That's just the nature of any hi-wattage tube amp. They all sound better turned up. You will probably have to change your settings for high and low volumes, or use some type of attenuator.

IMO the Metal Zone sucks (when used as a distortion box), but you CAN use it as a boost and/or a front-end EQ by turning the gain knob all the way off, and the level up until you are getting a good boost. The EQ knobs are actually pretty effective if you start with them all at halfway and make fine adjustments from there.

Just my .02 (and it looks like you're starting to figure it out)...this place is nothing like some of the other "discussion boards". If you tone it down a notch or two, there are a lot of really knowledgeable folks here who will help you.
Man!!!! In all honesty I said a long time ago "slow down." Tube changes, pick ups, pedals, and cabs...and then you have another issue. We honestly might not have anything useful to tell you because there have been so many changes we wouldn't know where to begin.

Hope you've learned a little bit from this. Do your research by reading manuals, test drive amps, research the market, talk to people that have them.

Toneaddictjon, NoGlass, and others have provided some very valuable info.
StoneOfFire said:
why would you *think*
that *I think* "adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better"?
do you think i dont know the amp is the main part of the tone?
why do you think i have a cheap *** guitar and cab,
yet a decent amp?

but now that i have the amp
i am still not satisfied.
i will eventually have a nice guitar and cab,
but after spending $1600,
i would like to get the little things out of the way first like pickup, tubes, effects..

i, however, am going to go out and get an EQ and drop it in the effects loop. may not be magic, but it sure sounded like it.

I think someone put you on the right track telling you to get a good amp but you MUST have a good cabinet. You can NOT neglect the cabinet more importantly the speakers you choose to play through. This is probably one of the biggest reasons you dont like the sound of the amp i'm almost certain. Set all the knobs to 12 oclock on a mesa cab and tell me if it sounds any better. You really need to stop buying all this extra ****. It's painfully obvious you don't know what you're doing in that regard. Just slow down man. You do NOT need an EQ or booster pedals or anything. Get a good cabinet, you said you got a good pickup for your guitar i'm hoping it's not too articulate or that will ruin what you're going for i'm sure. Above all like I said before STOP BUYING A BILLION things at once. Slow down.
StoneOfFire said:
backwordsman13 said:
I seriously don't know why you think adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better. The main part of your tone is the amp not a freakin EQ pedal and slightly different tubes, it's the amp. It is going to sound like that amp no mater what you do to it. If you don't like the tone of the amp why the hell did you buy it? Worse yet, it was broken and you still bought it. Even worse, you paid $1,600 for a broken and worn out dual rec. That is seriously waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. I don't know if this thread is serious or not, but if it is I feel very sorry for your stupidity and lack of balls to go back to the store to get it fixed or just flat out return it. I don't think they could have really argued that they should have at least fixed it. And as you said earlier, you "hate" every amp you play, maybe this is an indicator that you just need to practice more, because I think that is absolutely ridiculous. :roll:

you cant be serious.

obviously you are not trying to be constructive,

what kind of a response are you looking to get from me?

why would you *think*
that *I think* "adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better"?
do you think i dont know the amp is the main part of the tone?
why do you think i have a cheap *** guitar and cab,
yet a decent amp?

but now that i have the amp
i am still not satisfied.
i will eventually have a nice guitar and cab,
but after spending $1600,
i would like to get the little things out of the way first like pickup, tubes, effects..

you must know about all of the things people are using and doing to achieve their sound? there is more to it than the amp. if you are happy with your amp alone, that is fine, and if youre not going to be helpful to me, then get the f*ck out of my thread. there are plenty of other threads you can go talk **** in, or you can even go start your own if you like. if you really want to be an as*hole, go talk sh!t to those guys that buy really expensive cables. go tell them that the premium cables wont MAGICALLY improve their sound. esp not as much as a "freakin EQ pedal or slightly different tubes"

i, however, am going to go out and get an EQ and drop it in the effects loop. may not be magic, but it sure sounded like it.

and about my lack of balls,
i bought it knowing about the broken pot
and i went back to the store and told them about the no-good-tube
they said they will replace that too,
but why should i care, i have a whole set of new tubes.
i am in this situation because i chose to be
not because im shy or dont have balls
and if they weren't being cooperative,
(which they are)
what the f%&# would "BALLS" do?

say what you want.
i know i am on the right path.

i can hear it.

I am all too serious. You spent way too much on this amp, knowing it was broken. You should not have let them sell you something broken for a price that was almost as much as the brand new deal, and then you go on and say it' s a heap of crap, even though you bought it knowing it was broken. It's just so ridiculous. I can't even believe someone would buy something broken for that amount of money. And as far as being constructive goes, plenty of people have already said what I would have said. "Take it back." How's that for constructive, even though you've read 20 times already? :roll:
mikeymike said:
...STOP BUYING A BILLION things at once. Slow down.

+1 Mikey, Clutch, and others make a valid point here. Having a million different devices hooked up covers the true tone of the amp...kinda like trying to put a band-aid on a gunshot wound.

Try this: unplug everything and go straight gtr>amp, and get as close as you possibly can to the tone you want. Be patient and take some time with this...the reward is well worth the effort.

Once you feel you're "there", start adding back external devices ONE AT A TIME and adjust each one for best performance before adding another. You might (and probably will) find you dont need half that stuff to get great tone. At the end of the day (IMO) the simpler your signal path, the better the amp will sound...and when you reach the point where you are ready to take it to the stage, there will be a lot less to go wrong.