Hi guys. I don't really frequent this board, so not sure if anyone will see it, but... I AM the 'guy' from Wheeler Rd in CI. The name of the store was indeed That Music Store and I am Todd McCagg, former proprietor. That was a lifetime ago to be sure. Until recently, I was still in the guitar biz but took a breather after 40 years to go work for Apple Computers. I closed the store in 1983 and did some sales mangling, er, managing for the company that, at the time, owned Ampeg, Vantage Guitars, North Drums, Crumar keyboards, etc.. After that I was a pro audio rep in NY/NJ for QSC, Rane, Audio Technica, Emilar, and Kramer. In 1985 I moved to Chicago to rep for Kaman which, again: at the time, was Ovation, Takamine, etc. That lasted 3 years until the "corporate thing" got to me. I went independent and over the years have worked for Remo, Premier, ESP, Modulus Graphite, Matchless, SWR, G&L, BBE, Spector Bass, Jerry Jones Guitars, Hughes and Kettner, EMG, Fernandes, Orange, and others. A famous man once said: "the only consistent thing in the music business is CHANGE" so the lines kinda came and went. I am still very close friends with many of the folks that I worked with in the past, most notably would be Stuart Spector. He and I are both fly fishing addicts and get to fish together several times a year. The last of my repping was with Stuart and G&L for close to 10 years in the Baltimore DC area. Started with Apple in July of 2009.
NO, I don't still have any of those cool guitars that went through my hands like butter on a bald monkey. I do still play, record, do guitar work (frets, electronics, all the same old That Music Store stuff) and still a gear head. I have been married for 33 years to the same wonderful lady and I have a 19 year old son who is an amazing classical bassist and is currently at University studying for his Music Education degree.
My email address is
[email protected] if any of you guys want to say hi. Recently ran into a former customer, George Cintron who is with a Led Zeplin thing with big orchestras (we saw him with Baltimore Symphony). One of my favorite customers (actually ALL of my customers were my favorites, I miss it now and then) and a great player enjoying a pretty exciting career. I hear he plays LI frequently in between his national stuff with the tours.
Gotta run. Best of everything to you all. Love IS the answer. John was right.