Peavey 5150 or Laney VH100R?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
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So in addition to my Mark IIIs (which aren't going anywheres), I'm looking for more tones...always right?

I think I've boiled it down to these two amps for now. What do you folks think?
I think their both excellent sounding amps and both can be had for a good buy on the used market right now. Would be nice to A/B between either or and one of my IIIs for live performance. Thoughts and opinions are more then welcomed. Thanks!

I've owned both (and a Mark III blue stripe)....sold all of them! :lol:

Depends on what you're looking for and style of music. The 5150 is a one trick pony....I love it's chainsaw mids that hit you right in the other amp is like that, and it's great live. The VH100R is way less aggressive....but nice to solo on.
Actually, I am selling my Roadster and I'm interested in the VH100r and the EVH 5150 III, so any opinios regarding those two are welcome (I know that we're not talking about the same 5150. Anyway...).
I also would be interested in a Mark IV or V but these are so much expensive here in Europe.
I am yet to try but I guess that the EVH is more aggressive and tight than the VH100r. On the other hand, the Laney is cheaper and has several loops.
As I said, until I try both I cannot give an honest opinion, but would also like to hear opinions on this board ;)
I've owned my Laney VH100R for 9 years now. It's been one of the best amps I've owned, especially when playing live. It can be a bit noisy/hissy depending on how you eq it. I would say that the EVH is tighter than the Laney but for my style I like the saturated tones I get from my Laney. I've owned many amps, Orange, Mesa, Marshall, Rivera, Engl, Fender, Carvin, and etc. My Laney has been my favorite.
Dude, the 5150 and the Mark III are like peanut butter and jelly together if you run 2 amps at the same time. Its awesome. Id go 5150 in a heart beat. Great amp. And theyre dirt cheap these days. Its more vesatile than people give it credit for. If you plug into the high gain jack, you get high gain tones :lol: I have a 50's 60's oldies band i play in. I use my 5150 plugged in to the Normal gain input jack. perfect tones for what I need there. I also play in a metal band and a punk band. High gain input jack for them. I use the crunch mode for the punk band. Killer. the amp also makes great tones when boosted. The amp doesnt really have a "clean ch" but has a rythm ch. The clean tone isnt as good as a lonestar but its not as bad as the knitpickers make it out to be.

I dont get where all the "one trick pony" stuff comes from personally. Its a 2 ch amp. What else is it supposed to do? I play blues, classic rock, country and metal with mine. covers all my needs as much as my Mark III does now and all my rectos, marks, stiletto and marshalls did.

The Laney is a great sounding amp as well. Very different than the 5150 though. With boosts and stuff you can cover a lot ground with it easily. The VH100R is an EL34 amp. the 5150 runs 6L6s. So your choice there. Not sure if you can change the type of tube on either amp. The one feature I wish the 5150 had that the Laney has is footswitchable modes for the channels.

So again, either amp would be something different and cool to go along with your Mark III. Both cover alot of ground and sound great. Id personally go with a 5150
droptrd said:
I dont get where all the "one trick pony" stuff comes from personally. Its a 2 ch amp. What else is it supposed to do? I play blues, classic rock, country and metal with mine. covers all my needs as much as my Mark III does now and all my rectos, marks, stiletto and marshalls did.

lol....lets be has a clean channel that is average at best. The 5150 is built for has a very aggressive gain structure. I do agree with chan 1 boosted, that is killer too. I had one for a few years (even sent it to Jerry at FJA) and the reason I sold it was it's lack of versatility. Also, it was not fun to solo on.
Ultron said:
droptrd said:
I dont get where all the "one trick pony" stuff comes from personally. Its a 2 ch amp. What else is it supposed to do? I play blues, classic rock, country and metal with mine. covers all my needs as much as my Mark III does now and all my rectos, marks, stiletto and marshalls did.

lol....lets be has a clean channel that is average at best. The 5150 is built for has a very aggressive gain structure. I do agree with chan 1 boosted, that is killer too. I had one for a few years (even sent it to Jerry at FJA) and the reason I sold it was it's lack of versatility. Also, it was not fun to solo on.
To me it has one of the best lead tones out there. Each to there own i guess :lol:

Not sure if this is what youre getting at but to say the 5150 can ONLY do metal is a rediculous statement.
droptrd said:
Ultron said:
droptrd said:
I dont get where all the "one trick pony" stuff comes from personally. Its a 2 ch amp. What else is it supposed to do? I play blues, classic rock, country and metal with mine. covers all my needs as much as my Mark III does now and all my rectos, marks, stiletto and marshalls did.

lol....lets be has a clean channel that is average at best. The 5150 is built for has a very aggressive gain structure. I do agree with chan 1 boosted, that is killer too. I had one for a few years (even sent it to Jerry at FJA) and the reason I sold it was it's lack of versatility. Also, it was not fun to solo on.
To me it has one of the best lead tones out there. Each to there own i guess :lol:

Not sure if this is what youre getting at but to say the 5150 can ONLY do metal is a rediculous statement.

I suppose it can pull of any style, but it excels at metal. It's not as versatile as say a Mark IV. My issues soloing on it may have been due to the choke that FJA mods put on it....made it REAL stiff.
Last year when I sold my Roadster I picked up the 5150 III and it is an amazing amp. Unlike the previous 5150's it is not a 1 trick pony. It has a decent clean channel and the mid gain channel is good for blues and rock. The high gain channel is just brutal. Go play one at your music shop and you will be impressed.
Hey ixoye777

I've just sold my Roadster and I'm looking for a totally different amp. Right now, and unable to try it by myself yet, the EVH 5150 III is beeing on my mind to replace the Mesa.

Can you make a review and a comparison between the two amps?


You can also answer to my post untitled "EVH 5150 III" in this section, so we're not "hijacking" this thread.

Thanks in advance ;)