Owners of QUAD preamp, can you help me on Lead Master ch2?

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Jan 27, 2009
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My doubt :
i think that the lead master knob on rythm2 doesn't work properly.

Can you help me?

Now i make a example for pratic try:

volume 7
trebles 8.5
bass 2.8 pullup
middle 6.8 pullup
master 7
lead drive 3
lead master 3

OK, here if i use the lead master knob i have always good and regular excursion from 0 to 10

With the same setting on ch1 i explain now the ch2 :

volume 9
treble 9.8
bass 2.9 pullup
middle 9 pullup
master 7
lead drive 2
lead master 3

In this config i have the two channels lead similar on balance volume but :

ARGH, here if i use the lead master knob i have a big difference from 0 to 2 circa.. then from 2 to 10 i have the SAME volume!

Do you have the same effect or i have some trouble on this part?

Thank you in advance, Bye Nicola
I'm trying out my Quad this weekend re: http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=33349

I'll dial up your settings and see what happens with Lead-2 Master...
I think with these settings you've got soooo much gain going into L2 that there's no headroom left for the lead master to act as a volume control. Having said that, my Quad seemed quite linear when turning up the L2 master...

I'm wondering; do you have any effects in there and what are you using as a power amp? If I go above about 4 using those settings, the volume gets uncontrollable!
No effects..
The lead master is micidial from 0 to 3.. then it doesn't adds more volume (from 3 to 10)

In any situation

Do you think i must reduce the master on both channels?
The lead master is micidial from 0 to 3.. then it doesn't adds more volume (from 3 to 10)

I have exactly the same problem! I really don't understand why.

I have already change all the optocouplers.

If some could help me (us?), thanks.
Hmm... I do not think of it as a 'problem'... it is just the nature of the beast. All Quads I have tried are like this. Remember... they are tweak machines after all... so if you look a bit closer for some balance I am sure you will find it.

You might also want to try some different settings to check things out... look here:



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