Opinions on the Stiletto Ace?

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Well-known member
May 8, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys,

Intro (Ignore if you want :lol: ):

Well, I had the Mark IV/Thiele setup and wanted to get something with a little more of a metal tone so I sold that and went with an Engl Powerball. Now my band situation is not really working out (other guys are getting into some "stuff" I would rather avoid) and I am like a man without a country now. I have always been a huge fan of Fusion/Jazz guitar playing and now that I am not really playing with a band I am thinking, why not play the type of music I love the most?

Body (Here is where I need some input):

I like the idea of a 1x12 combo so I am really looking at the Stiletto Ace now, or perhaps a Bogner Shiva. Here are my main questions to owners of the Stiletto:

1. How is the quality of the Stiletto Ace?
2. Does it sound good at "at home" levels? Is it enough for small clubs/venues?
3. How do you like the versatility of it? Is there anything you wish it had/didn't have? Can it do metal (not my main priority, but I do have the metal in my blood :D )?
4. If you could go back to when you bought it, would you still have bought it, or would you have gone to something else?
5. Does it take effects well through the loop? I use a G-Major and would like to continue using it if I get a Stiletto. How about overdrives infront?
6. Is it easy to mic up? Does it sound good when recorded? Do you possibly have any recordings of it?

I am just in the "considering" phase right now but I definitely like the idea of getting back into the Mesa family and getting an amp that would suit my situation a little more.

Thank for all input in advance :D
I have the Ace head/4X12 Stilletto and still dig it after 8 months. Ouality wise its fine, I did have a problem with the footswitch cable though but Mesa hooked it up :D At home like all tube amps 50 watts how it sounds is subjective, but I can get decent sound at the "wife rippin' the door open volumes" :) As far as versatility, its quite versatile for a two channel EL-34 amp.Some wish it had reverb but I don't miss it with this amp. My Memory Lane sounds great in the loop as well as my T.C SCF. It depends on your description of metal but I say yeah it can do metal pretty good. I havent done any worth while recordings with it yet but have heard it is excellent and though I don't have the 1X12 the 4X12 mikes great and cuts through with ease in the mix. The Ace is an amp you gotta check out thoroughly before you buy and if you play singlecoils bring that guitar and guitar with humbuckers when you check it out. In my opinion the Ace loves humbuckers and can sound good with singles with some tweakin'.The Ace is a bright amp espeacially with a new V-30 and Mesa tubes but once the V-30 broken in and a tube swapp its all good. :twisted:
I agree, The Stiletto series as whole fits very well with mahogany based humbucker guitars . Les pauls sound amazing with a Stiletto . Rope, what sort of tube swap did you do and what was the major difference from the stock tubes ?
Hey Barry and others, I recently purchased the stiletto deuce head and 4x12 traditional cab. I agree that gibson type guitars are great with this amp,,, never tried a strat with it but I do own a Mex tele with a little 59 in the bridge and its great.

I have to admit that when I first brought it home and spent a little time with it I found it to be very bright to the point that it bothered me some.
After spending some time with it though I found that you can easily dial out the brightness if you desire. I spent a few good hours trying to break in my new 4x12 cab the way celestion says to do it,,, I believe that helped a lot.
And because im the type of guy who likes swapping out tubes often for a new fresh sound, I made some tube purchases that you guys may find helpful.
Remember that there is nothing wrong with the stock mesa tubes but I believe you can do better if you choose,,, Im somewhat of a tube ***** in a way I guess because, like I said I enjoy swapping them around for fun,, I never wait till they are all used up.
Anyways to make this short as possible I purchased JJE34L'S,
SED =C=winged, Mullard reissues and some JJKT77'S.
I found all of them to work and sound nice but I deffinatly have made up my mind on a favorite here,,, the JJkt77's. Real nice,, even better than the SED's although I thought the SED's sounded better in my ROV.
I also have a bunch of spare 12ax7's ive swapped around and found that so far I enjoy the JJecc83s high gains and the Sovtek 12ax7lps in v1-v3.
Anyways because of the tubes and I believe in a big way the breaking in of my cab I think the tone of this rig has gotten better in the past 3 weeks.
I deffinatly dont hear that high brightness I originally had, but again if I want to,, I suppose I can dial it back in because even though I havent actually played out live yet I could never see this setup getting lost in any mix... Good luck guys.
I liked the Stiletto Ace so much I bought 2. I now have the 2x12 combo and a head with 4x12 Recto cab. (The cab was supposed to be a Stiletto cab, but what arrived was the Recto. And it would have cost me a fortune just to ship the thing back.)

I've had mine for almost 9 months and love it more each time I play it. The cleans aren't like Fender cleans but more like Jazzy cleans. There's a girth to the cleans; meaty.

The effects loop works very well - I use a Boss GT-Pro.
Home levels sound great. In fact one of the compliments I've received is that it sounds the same all across the volume levels. There's a pre-amp balance kida' thing on the back that allows you to crank the pre-amp for different gain structures.

There's more than enough gain and bottom end for metal. The Ace was designed to cut through the mix.

I have no regrets what-so-ever with my Aces.

I haven't used (or really needed to) any pedals in front of the amp, so I can't comment on that.

I would heartily recommend thie Ace.
^^^ Barry, for power tubes JJ Kt-77s( right on Recto Robbie), pre amp Tung Sol V1--V3 and Nos Tesla V4,V5. Hey Moot I've yet to find a El-34 amp thats as simple and versatile as the Ace 8) .
1. How is the quality of the Stiletto Ace?

>> I have an Ace 2X12 and it seems solid, no problems. It does weigh a ton though.

2. Does it sound good at "at home" levels? Is it enough for small clubs/venues?

>>50 Watts is enough to play an arena. You shold be going through a PA so 20 watts is enough.

3. How do you like the versatility of it? Is there anything you wish it had/didn't have? Can it do metal (not my main priority, but I do have the metal in my blood :D )?

>>It is Mesa;s take on the Marshall sound. I seem to have seen a few Metal bands out there using Marshall. The math here is pretty simple....

4. If you could go back to when you bought it, would you still have bought it, or would you have gone to something else?

>>I'm completely content.

5. Does it take effects well through the loop? I use a G-Major and would like to continue using it if I get a Stiletto. How about overdrives infront?

I run a delay in the loop, it is fine. I run a TS9 and a Zakk Wylde overdrive in front...they are work well on both channels

6. Is it easy to mic up? Does it sound good when recorded? Do you possibly have any recordings of it?

i havent met an amp that I can't mic up so I cant help you here. Listen to the new Al DiMeola and you can hear a Stiletto Ace on a CD.
for the quality, i had two preamp re-tubes to do at two different ace's, always no 3 (the middle one)

one amp has 4 screws missing at speakercover (on the back)

two amps arrived w/out cover as included in the package

50 w is loud enough indeed but not really satisfying if a single amp blows at the edge of volume, though i already use the 2x12"
it took me 4 ace's to get the sound i wanted - loud and lower volumes. that's really nice now. no buzzing or humming, no hiss at higher volumes, but fat transparent low end high presence and gaining sound, from jazz to rock/metal.

i play with the axis, a lp standard but mostly with a strat (hb at bridge)

an expensive amp!
1. How is the quality of the Stiletto Ace?
>Sound is subjective but mine sounds great to me
2. Does it sound good at "at home" levels? Is it enough for small clubs/venues?
> good on both
3. How do you like the versatility of it? Is there anything you wish it had/didn't have? Can it do metal (not my main priority, but I do have the metal in my blood )?
> lots of versatility, I wish it had fx button on footswitch, it does metal
4. If you could go back to when you bought it, would you still have bought it, or would you have gone to something else?
> still would have gotten it
5. Does it take effects well through the loop? I use a G-Major and would like to continue using it if I get a Stiletto. How about overdrives infront?
> I use an H2O in the loop , a Fulldrive, Tone press and a Clyde Deluxe up front and they sound great
6. Is it easy to mic up? Does it sound good when recorded? Do you possibly have any recordings of it?
> haven't recorded with it yet
Currently running a PRS CU24 and a Fender Strat (American) through a Stiletto Ace and an Express 5:25 (Sold my Fender Blues Deville 212 for them)

1. How is the quality of the Stiletto Ace?
I love mine. Chimey/a little more "treble" vs the Express. Lead Guitarist plays LP through the 5:50. His is a little fuller, more bottom. As a rhythm guitarist, the Ace lets me cut through the mix, but still blend.

2. Does it sound good at "at home" levels? Is it enough for small clubs/venues?
Yes for both. The Master Output allows it to be heard at very low levels both clean and crunch. My previous amp (BD212) went from 0 to obnoxious on like, 0.5. Couldn't play quietly at home. A little heavy, but portable enough for small clubs.

3. How do you like the versatility of it? Is there anything you wish it had/didn't have? Can it do metal (not my main priority, but I do have the metal in my blood )?
When you refer to "metal" I'm not sure what you mean. I play mostly 60's/70's classic rock, and 80's hair band. I find it does cleans and crunch very well. Have experimented with "D tunings" aka nickleback, and on fluid drive, find it does a great job. (Again, I only practice this sound... haven't played Nickleback live to get a "fan" response). It does lack reverb, but I don't miss it.

4. If you could go back to when you bought it, would you still have bought it, or would you have gone to something else?
Most definitely, would have purchased it, and would purchase again if stolen. For me, I love the sounds I get from it.

5. Does it take effects well through the loop? I use a POD XT Live for occassional effects in the loop and I have no complaints. I have run the PODXT Live through the front, but most times, I just run my guitar straight to the amp. I am much happier with the "natural" sound of the Ace (no effects). I don't feel I need the extra push from the other boxes.

6. Is it easy to mic up? Yes. I've used a Shure KSM-109 and also an Audio-Techniques Studio pack mic... both located 3-4" off center. Very happy with the sound through the PA (no negative comments).

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