Opinions on KT66 tubes

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
the Moon
I am currently running my Boogie Simul-Satellite with a quartet of Sovtek KT66 tubes. I re-tubed it about a year ago, but I have since forgotten the difference between my old Mesa STR420 6L6 tubes that came with the amp and my KT66. I was wondering if anyone else eher has used KT66 tubes and what the tonal difference is. I beleive that KT66 tubes are full pentode, like EL34's. Next time i retube I plan to use EL34 in the outside pair and 6L6's in the inner pair. The simul-satellite was designed to beable to hand this configuration, but I am also not sure how that will sound like in comparison to my KT66 tubes.

Any opinions here on said configutarions?
If you go back to the 6L6's you'll lose a bit of bottom end. The EL-34's will break up much quicker than the KT-66's and your frequency spectrum will shift more towards the mids and highs. Try the JJ6L6's or KT88's for more of a broader spectrum than most of the power tubes out there.
Don't KT88's run at a much higher voltage?

What will running 2x JJ6L6's + 2 EL34's sound like?
dmt said:
Any opinions here on said configutarions?
I don't have an answer for your question (no KT-66 experience).

I just had to post a response anyway, so I could say that with a moniker/avatar combo like yours, I'm really wanting to hear just what you're playing through that amp of yours. Very cool! I'm sure most people here don't know about tryptamines (or Alex Gray), but some of us have been there!! Repeatedly.

- Thom
Bill Hicks said:
Today young men on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.

I play heavy rock (is that a legitamate term?), think Tool, RATM, Incubus, SOAD, Floyd, Radiohead. In other words: Heavy, Dark, Melodic, sounds that make you wonder what the **** you just heard....

My Rig:

dmt said:
Heavy, Dark, Melodic, sounds that make you wonder what the f%&# you just heard....

I know we're veering orthagonally off topic, but I'd love to hear that! Nice setup - quite imaginative. And great quote.

And here's Thom with the weather... seven sonic cyclones are swooping in to blow your mind!

- Thom
The Sovtek KT66 is simply the guts of a Sovtek 6L6WXT+ in an ST shaped enclosure. Expect the same performance as the Mesa STR-430.