Ok, Battle of the Br000talz!! Choosing a new Amp....

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Mar 10, 2009
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Hey guys! I've been thinking about what amp to get lately, and have come down to these choices.
Help me narrow it down! These are the amps:

Mesa Roadster Head
VHT/Fryette SIG:X
ENGL Powerball
ENGL Savage
Framus Cobra

Now, I play similar styles like these bands: Parkway Drive, August Burns Red, All Shall Perish, Despised Icon, Heaven shall burn, etc....

I am NOT looking to exactly imitate these bands tone, thats not what I'm aiming for. I just want a brutal tone.

What do you guys think I should get? Just trying to get some general user experienced opinions here!
Thanks guys, Peace!!!
Thats like a painter saying ''I want to paint something red"
But what shade to use?

Any of those amps can be ''Br000talz" but they all have their own sounds.

Side note: I'd pick a 2 Channel Dual Rectifier over the roadster.
I would choose any of those except the engl powerball. no mids and very sterile sound.i had one sold it

the engl savage sounds better but has not so much bottom end

ive got a roadster now and it sounds awesome. i play brutaal metal and it works

I can't believe I don't see the Crate FW15 on your list. What a metal beast! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah....what colemaneuclid said. +1 :wink:
colemaneuclid said:
Side note: I'd pick a 2 Channel Dual Rectifier over the roadster.

+1 except instead of a dual recto make it a 2 channel triple recto. The additonal headroom in the triple will make things sound more brutal IMO.

But like coleman said any of those amps can be "brutal" if you use them the right way. But dont think just about the amp head, consider the cabinet and your pickups as well.

Any of those heads through the wrong cab might not get you what your after. I will always recommend a Mills cab from the type of music that your referenced because i have never heard a low end project with power like it does with a Mills. Also Mesa and VHT cabs can bring the brutalz as well.

Pickups and your guitar play into the brutal equation.... i find a medium to high output passive pup, through an OD and into a high gain amp much more efefctive than an EMG into an amp. Why? Because you get the tightness and response of the super high output like an EMG with the harmonic complexity and cleans of a passive.

There is a lot to consider when you talk about getting a GOOD high gain brutal sound. i've heard way too many heavy bands that can play well ruin the whole sound by their guitar tone. Either too much bass, too much treble, too much gain, not enough mids.... so i guess what i'm trying to say is dont just look at the amp being the bringer of the brutalz... its the whole system (guitar, amp, cabinet). Also make sure you search up on the posts... there are a lot of great tips you cna pick up on this board and the knowledge of why it works the way it does. for instance an EQ in the loop or an OD in front of the amp, or getting the right cabinet for the right sound, etc etc.
Chris McKinley said:

I can't believe I don't see the Crate FW15 on your list. What a metal beast! :mrgreen:

Oh yeah....what colemaneuclid said. +1 :wink:

:lol: You should hear my 4 year old play through his Flexwave 15! It's extremely brutal!

I haven't tried any of the non-Mesa amps (live in the middle of nowhere!), but the 2 channel Duals are can get really brutal with the right cab and tube combo.

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