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eudaimonia02912 said:
What would be the equivalent of the pulled deep on a Mark V?

There is NO equivalent, if the graphic EQ has the 80Hz jacked up that high. Read this thread for more info about the lack of the "deep" feature on the Mark V.
Hello everyone, new to this board. I was hoping someone could help me with getting a nice "seek and destroy" tone and a "rust in peace" tone( specifically to play tornado of souls and take no prisoners.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)
Here's what I was playing tonight. It sounded amazing, with plenty of saturation and sustain. I was switching between leads and rhythms just by changing from neck to bridge pickups. I'm using a Music Man JP6:

Channel 3
Mark IV
Gain: 3 o'clock
Master: to taste
Presence: 12, might need to come down at higher volumes
Treble: 3
Mid: 3
Bass: 9
preset EQ, 12
ibanez77 said:
Thanks alot man :) i'll give it a go tonight.

Oh, sorry, man, but I was just posting settings in general, not responding to you specifically.

That said, using what I posted as a basis, try moving it to IIC+ mode and playing with the presence.

Maybe crunch mode boosted would get you those tones better. I think both songs were recorded with Marshalls, and the crunch mode sounds the most Marshally.
a new, amazing "LARGER_THAN_LIFE_ROCKSTAR"setting:

EDGE mode

gain: 5:00h - full - crank it up!!! ;-)
master:5:00h - full Yepp, we'll need compression...
presence:7:00h - turn it down and after you found your playing volume adjust it to taste!

treble: 7:00h - no need...
middle: 7:00h - we don't like them anyway - LOL!!!
bass: 7:00h - amazing low-end altough it is not dialed in

...silly eq setting, I know

loop "on" - send level at noon or less

EQ "on" - preset depth poti - somewhere between 9:00h and 5:00h should work

for my ears 10W, 45W with diode rectifier or 90W - all in "full power" mode - worked great

Tested with Tung Sol preamp tubes, Mesa EL34 STR 447, 2x12 Rectifier vertical cabinet w/ Celestion Vintage 30
and PRS Standard 24 w/ PAF style humbuckers.
What do you guys recommend for coloring the clean channel a bit??

A GOOD chorus pedal? or what a bout a delay pedal??

Thoughts on this?
Any modulation could color the clean channel.
Just make sure that you use it at the loop :wink:
Heres my almost-best 1992 Jim Martin Impression (covering his AD era version of Epic...) :p
Mark VI mode, Pentode, 45 watts, variac Eq on.
Preamp EQ:
Gain: 2 0clock
Treble: 3 oclock
Mid: 3 oclock
Bass: off
Prescence: almost full whack.
Master 10 o clock.
Bright on.

5 band:
80hz: 7 and a half/10
240hz: 6/10
750hz: 1/10
2200hz: 6/10
6600hz 4 or 5/10

Miked up from 2 and half feet away, with an sm57 pointing to 90 degrees away from the speaker.

The wah towards the end (And in the 'Crack hitler' and 'Be Aggressive' covers should you check them out) is a Dunlop 535q set to cover a simliar Q range to Jim's Morley wah.
mejoshee said:
Mark VI mode, Pentode, 45 watts, variac Eq on.

you have a mark vi mode?!!! :shock:

It clearly runs at 1.21 gigawatts.. :p

You got me....

"You now know about the flux capacitor I have in my DeLorean. Please dont tell anyone......" (c) 2010 Lame typo excuses inc.
SteveO said:
LesMesa said:
Has anyone been able to get a good classic rock tone out of the Ch 2. Edge setting? I’ve tried tweaking this mode a lot and like how the gain sounds between 11-1 o’clock but can’t seem to get a good balance out of the tone stack. With the treble too low it sounds like there’s a blanket over the amp; set too high and it’s fizzy. I’m playing with a Les Paul Traditional with ’57 Classic pickups. I'm looking for a good lower gain classic Marshall or Hi-Watt sound out of this mode. The Crunch mode is much easier to dial in but has more gain. Thanks.

Gain 12:00 (straight up)
Master 10:00
Presence 12:00
Treble 11:30
Mid 2:00
Bass 10:00
EQ off

45w mode
tube rectifier

I'm getting no fizz at all set up like this, plenty of high-end

I've got another one for lower gain classic rock type tones. I think one of the keys is to turn the treble off and adjust the other controls to get an acceptable tone. Depending on the speakers a tiny bit of treble might be needed but, if i'm not saturating 47 consecutive gain stages, the frequencies governed by the treble knob seem out of place.

Channel 2

Crunch Mode
Gain 12:00 or more
Master 11:00
Presence 1:00
Treble 7:00
Mid 2:00 (this know will add gain too)
Bass 11:00
EQ if you want

Sounds a little better with the loop off.
Tube or solid rectifier to taste.
Anybody know a good Opeth tone? Or a technical death metal tone, similar to Martyr or Necrophagist?
As a newbie here I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone who's taken the time to post their settings. I'm a recent MkV owner and was struggling to find the tone in my head but I tried some of these settings, and the Petrucci settings in particular, and wow, its opened up the amp in a huge way.
gradyogle said:
Anybody know a good Opeth tone? Or a technical death metal tone, similar to Martyr or Necrophagist?

I also am needing some help with finding some settings for a good Santana sound particularly a "Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen" sound and a "Europa" sound. Any help will be profoundly appreciated.
lesterpaul said:
might want to try this:



we had a few tests today-boy, its a ***** to play thru a Mk V,E Dyne, and C+ via a Boogie high gain amp switcher, but we survived!we thought we would take pics of our Mk 1 settings this time-played thru a Boogafunk Thiele with EV/Variac power, Groove Tube EL-34M power tubes, effects loop send level at !2:00 noon, these settings yielded a huge,THICK tone with gobs of gain and power-backing off the vol. knob gave more of a Marshall flavored classic hard rock tone, while dimin' it conjured up the "beast"-notable was diode vs. tube / at this volume, the differences between the two become apparent-obviously, use the preset for other channels with the sliders set in this fashion
(glad we didn't go to Jimmy's Lounge,after all!)

-this is a huge wall of sound that can be very flexible IF you know how to use the controls of your guitar/with a dual 'bucker, you can have great tonal variances by rolling off the vol/and/or tone knobs
Does anyone know or think I could get a Slither tone (velvet Revolver) out of this amp? Rhythm that is. If so what would the settings be?

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