Nomad Combo problem

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New member
Feb 24, 2008
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This is my first post. I have a nomad 1-12 combo that I purchased off the bay a couple of years ago. After playing for while, there is a sudden reduction in power....the volume reduces quite a bit. I looked through the back at the tubes and one was lit very brightly and the others were hardly lit at all. Shutting the amp off for a few seconds and turning it back on fixes the problem most times. Any idea what this could be? I'd like to have maybe a small clue as to what is going on before I send my amp to a tech and get raked over the coals.
A tube has obviously gone bad and must be replaced. Don't wait, stop using the amp until you replaced the tubes. On a short term you could replace the culprit tube only but a full set will provide better tone.
It's always a good idea to retube a amp you aquired second hand unless the seller can prove the tubes are new.
