NOMAD 100 users.......

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May 22, 2007
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Do you guys have your channels volumes up and the Master low, or the channels volumes low, and the Master up? I've been going back and forth with this, and can't yet find the amp's sweet spot. Thoughts?
When I had my Nomad 100 I ran the channel masters from 10:00 - 1:00 and the main output as high as I could for the room. If I had to keep it lower volume I'd opt to keep the main output high and adjust the channel masters so I would be pushing the power tubes harder for the best tone.

The Nomad is a great amp but after a year using it I could not find a tone that really excited me but suppose that is way there are so many amps out there. Something for everyone.
Thanks for replying. I've been using it the other way mostly, but I'm going to try your way for this week's gigs.
It really is a nice amp that needs the proper tweak time.....
I've got the 212 combo and I love it.... I tend to run the pre fairly hard and the output low. You'll an awfully big room to really open it up as they are way loud
I run my Nomad 100 1x12 combo with the channel volume high and the master/solo low. I run it with an additional 212 recto cab and have never had to run the master up to high, even when trying to get over an insanely loud drummer. I don't know if it really sounds any different than keeping the channel levels low and using the master, but I like it.
I use a Nomad the channel masters b/w 9 and 11 and use the main output from there.
About 50/50 based on the replies.....Channels low, Main up, 3, Channels up, Main low, 3.