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Jan 18, 2010
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Hello all-
After many recommendations and looking at reviews, I passed on a new Lone Star that sounded great and went to play a ED 1x12 that was on the floor. Prior to the manager showing up I turned the amp on. Totally disconnected from anything all I got was loud static. Messed with all the settings, no luck, shut the amp off and waited for the Mgr to show up.
Mgr had the same problem and replaced the power tubes with 2 sets of Sovtek 6L6s. Bottom line amp sounded great in the store and I drove home with it. I powered the ED up in my relatively quiet music room and heard significant white noise regardless of the settings other than standby. I've never had a good amp that wasn't dead silent under the same circumstances.
Not wanting to give up, I've contacted Doug's tubes and ordered a complete retube with upgraded tubes recommended by Doug.
If this does not work, the amp will be going away for good, and I will sadly go another direction. I really like the amp but not the BS noise. I hope this fix works. Thoughts?
BTW. The dealer commented that Mesa tube failures were more the norm, rather than the exception. Whats with that?
Thanks, Paul
Obviously the aluminum chassis does not ground as well as a steel one. Try plugging in your guitar and turning its volume knobs down. Then compare the noise with the cord into and out of the input jack of the amp. You may be surprised at the outcome, as I was.
Prob bad tubes. I won't worry too much. Even Mesa is suffering from poor QC re: tubes. I'm willing to bet the amp is just fine.

I think quality tubes are just getting harder to find these days.
jetdriver said:
Prob bad tubes. I won't worry too much. Even Mesa is suffering from poor QC re: tubes. I'm willing to bet the amp is just fine.

I think quality tubes are just getting harder to find these days.

My Electra-Dyne has only one factory installed tube left in it, V7. It is still noisy at idle compared to my Mark II, until I plug into the input jack. I have checked the grounds at all the jacks and the reverb connections, BTW.
Thanks all-
The problem exists even when plugged in.
Unacceptable noise floor.
I'm thinking (hoping) it's a tube issue as well.
I hope I'm correct, as I don't want to throw away 240.00 in cash retubing a new amp, only to take it back.
I'll you posted.
Thanks again, Paul
Which gainstage is your noise problem on? I've had problems with the hi and lo gain settings, but not with the cleans. The problem's been ameliorated with new preamp tubes, but it's still a bit noisy for my taste. Then again, I've found that most mesa amps can be quite noisy on their gain channels. Probably because my replacement tubes are also Mesas rather than something higher quality, but it would be good if I knew exactly the cause. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see if a solution's found.

Hope everything works out and keep us posted!
I'd be really surprised if that doesn't fix it. I have all stock tubes and mine is quiet as hell. Even quieter then my Mark IV, which is also very quiet.
tubby_cosmos said:
Which gainstage is your noise problem on? I've had problems with the hi and lo gain settings, but not with the cleans. The problem's been ameliorated with new preamp tubes, but it's still a bit noisy for my taste. Then again, I've found that most mesa amps can be quite noisy on their gain channels. Probably because my replacement tubes are also Mesas rather than something higher quality, but it would be good if I knew exactly the cause. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see if a solution's found.

Hope everything works out and keep us posted!

Unfortunately all gain stages, although I'm usually in clean.
Also, doesn't putting non mesa tubes in the amp void the warranty?
I just got back from playing a 2x12 combo, needless to say I am going to have one of these very soon. Not sure if I am going to get a combo or head, but I digress. When I powered up the 2x12 there was a lot of noise, I played with volume, master, etc and could not get rid of it. I reached around to play with the reverb and noticed when I played with the reverb level the hiss increased and I got a little squeal, problem solved. I flipped the reverb to hard bypass and the amp went dead silent. I played it for a bit while they went and got a replacement tube for the reverb. After they replaced it the noise was gone. I am really digging this amp.
hogridr said:
I just got back from playing a 2x12 combo, needless to say I am going to have one of these very soon. Not sure if I am going to get a combo or head, but I digress. When I powered up the 2x12 there was a lot of noise, I played with volume, master, etc and could not get rid of it. I reached around to play with the reverb and noticed when I played with the reverb level the hiss increased and I got a little squeal, problem solved. I flipped the reverb to hard bypass and the amp went dead silent. I played it for a bit while they went and got a replacement tube for the reverb. After they replaced it the noise was gone. I am really digging this amp.

Tried hard bypass again. No joy.
New tubes on the way.
Fingers crossed
primal said:
Also, doesn't putting non mesa tubes in the amp void the warranty?

The "Mesa dealer" swapped out the power amp tubes for the Russian jobs prior to my purchase just to get the amp working. Also, the warranty will be irrelevant if the amp goes back. I'm not trying to be an ***, but really, it should not be this difficult. I just want to play my guitars, not spend time screwing with an amp that should work straight out of the box.
IF it turns out you got a lemon, return it for a good working ED. DONT GIVE UP ON THE's the SHIZNIT!

I have owned A LOT of amps in my day and my ED is here to stay!
paulgoodman said:
primal said:
Also, doesn't putting non mesa tubes in the amp void the warranty?
Also, the warranty will be irrelevant if the amp goes back. I'm not trying to be an ***, but really, it should not be this difficult. I just want to play my guitars, not spend time screwing with an amp that should work straight out of the box.

Understood. The question was really just a general one for my benefit. I was curious if going non Mesa tubes would void the warranty.

I agree about not wanting to screw with the amp right out of the box.

I will be interested in what you find. Mine is dead quiet.
creekhed said:
IF it turns out you got a lemon, return it for a good working ED. DONT GIVE UP ON THE's the SHIZNIT!

I have owned A LOT of amps in my day and my ED is here to stay!

Agreed. I know dealing with a bad amp might leave a bad taste in your mouth for the model, but this amp really freaking kicks ***!

It's also a very simple amp and one that I "believe" will be easy maintenance over the years.
Received my complete retube cocktail from Doug's Tubes today.
Swapped them all out and held my breath. Flipped to standby for a few and hit the 45 watt clean with the volume at 1:00 o'clock. Silence. I thought I must have screwed something up.
Plugged in one of my strats. Oh yeah.
Hit standby, bumped to 90, still good.
Bottom line. It ain't solid state dead quiet when maxed out and racked up, but well within any acceptable noise floor.
I have to play out tomorrow night and will have some "quality time" during the day to give it a good workout.
Happy ending, but unfortunate I had to spend $$$$ to repair a new amp.
Thanks all for your input.
Did your tech have any clue as to where the problem was? I had my preamp tubes redone, but it was with mesa tubes so there could very well still be a noisy tube in there somewhere. Haven't looked at my power amp tubes, though. If you have any suggestions as to where I could look for the source of my noise, that would be great. I don't quite have the cash to have a full retubing done, but I'd be happy to invest if I could pinpoint the cause.
tubby_cosmos said:
Did your tech have any clue as to where the problem was? I had my preamp tubes redone, but it was with mesa tubes so there could very well still be a noisy tube in there somewhere. Haven't looked at my power amp tubes, though. If you have any suggestions as to where I could look for the source of my noise, that would be great. I don't quite have the cash to have a full retubing done, but I'd be happy to invest if I could pinpoint the cause.

Hey tubby_cosmos-
I didn't have a tech do anything really. I did the retube myself.
Called Doug's Tubes, told him the amp I was using and the style of music and guitars I played.
Stated I felt my tubes were crap and send me a set that would do the job. Never discussed price.
Sent me a mix of tubes. Replaced the Mesas, problem solved.
For all I know Mesa could have sent me a complete set of theirs and had the same result.
I simply grew tired of waiting for a tech to call me back, and went my own direction.
I really don't care at this point. I'm just happy the problem was solved.
Unfortunately my 1600.00 amp wound up costing me 1850.00.
I just write it off as the cost of doing business with companies who are successful and forget how they got there.
Good luck, Paul
BTW. I did give the amp a total workout this afternoon.
Kicked a$$. Off to the sound check and show.
Take care, Paul

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