Hey all,
My 97 dual just recently started acting up, right before a damn show of course. But I'm getting a loud jet engine like hiss that is noticeable on the clean and dirty channel. I've tested all the tubes and they seem to be fine and replaced ones just to be sure to no avail. It also is much louder on the Silicon Diode setting rather than the Tube rectifier. I originally though the diodes might have went out, but I checked them over for shorts and found nothing... My next stop is the filter caps, I am fairly certain this issue is in the power section.
Two questions, anyone recognize the issue im having and have any insight? Also, if I replace the filter caps has any one experimented with the values on these? I know in some amps a slightly larger value can really tighten the bottom end up on other amps. So wondering if anyone has tried that on their own rec series amps.
Thanks for the help ahead of time!
My 97 dual just recently started acting up, right before a damn show of course. But I'm getting a loud jet engine like hiss that is noticeable on the clean and dirty channel. I've tested all the tubes and they seem to be fine and replaced ones just to be sure to no avail. It also is much louder on the Silicon Diode setting rather than the Tube rectifier. I originally though the diodes might have went out, but I checked them over for shorts and found nothing... My next stop is the filter caps, I am fairly certain this issue is in the power section.
Two questions, anyone recognize the issue im having and have any insight? Also, if I replace the filter caps has any one experimented with the values on these? I know in some amps a slightly larger value can really tighten the bottom end up on other amps. So wondering if anyone has tried that on their own rec series amps.
Thanks for the help ahead of time!