Noise from Triaxis?!?

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Feb 15, 2008
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Hi guys,I'm new here as you can see. :)

Here's my problem,
I bought used Triaxis not so long ago (eBay) and I noticed
pretty high noise on hi gain settings,specially on LD1 Red mode.
Not even on top high settings,lets say Gain at 7 and LD1 Drive at 6-7.
Same thing with LD2 Red mode,maybe a bit lower noise but still noise...
So I got some EH 12ax7s and retubed it,nothing much of improvement.
For final stage I ordered HiGain Low Output from EuroTubes,
still waiting for package to arrives,I'm from Bosnia,it's a long way. :)

So I wanted to ask you guys,this noise issue,could it be caused
by some bad piece inside the unit and not only by tube/s?

Hopefully this kit I ordered will make me happy. :)

Thanks for every feedback,comment or a single word!
Thanks for the single word :p

Well I tried different settings with presence and DV,
of course when it's higher the higher is the noise.
But even with DV at 0 and presence at 3-6 I get pretty much of noise.
I'm able to kill some of it using Noise Gate on G-Force
but I feel lacking of sustain etc.
Dunno,I haven't tried brand new Triaxis so I can't compare it
but I guess that's not suppose to happen a lot?
dont forget to rule out cables and guitar one by one. also the triaxis has a 3way power switch, try it with the ground lift on. also check the power outlet youre running off of. other than that i'll say visually look for any damage inside and check for build up on your inputs/outputs, or loose jacks also.

dont think those are the real cause, but they are good things to check for either way.

good luck man, wish i could help more.
Thanks for reply RJ2213!! :)

I tried almost everything,checking cables, power socket,ground lift etc...
What concerns me the most is that biggest noise is on LD1 Red mode,
it's just like something is wrong with that mode. :(

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