Newbie Rack and effects loop - Help Please!!

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Jul 24, 2009
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Hi all,

Firstly....please excuse me as I am a newbie to rack setups. :oops:

My issue is that I can't seem to work out how to setup my gear through the parallel fx loop on my 3 channel rectifier.

I am not sure if I understand this correctly but with a parallel loop, does this mean that I can run effects such as the wah and TS-9 through say channel1 and the Triaxis through the loop and bleed them together?

My equipment is this.....

Wah, TS-9, Rack EQ, Triaxis, ADA MP-1, Boss SE-50, G-Major (on order), GCX Audio Switcher, 3 Channel Rectifier.

Now, I have tried several different configurations from Voodoo Labs website through the switcher but none of these work, infact I get a high pitched squel. I seem to only be able to run this gear through one channel. I have tried many different configs and searched the internet high and low but cant find anything.

Can someone please help me with how to set this up? Diagrams or written - either way! :?

Thanks everyone
I've been reading your post over and over again trying to think of the best way to describe a fix for it all but basically

You basically have 3 preamps (one internal in the recto, then the triaxis, and the ada) and one power amp (which is not stereo). The triple rectifier can be used as a power amp for external preamps via the effects return but it was never really designed for that purpose. Yeah the Recto has 3 channels but those channels are not the same as say on a Mesa 2:90. The recto has multiple preamp channels for different sounds. A stereo power amp has two different power amps. You could use your triaxis and ada into a stereo power amp and blend the two. You could have one going to channel A and the other to channel B because they are separate functioning power amps in the same unit.

There is no way that you will be able to have anymore than one of the preamps you have running into the Recto's power amp seperately. They will only be able to run inline which will sound like hell because you will have the gain and tone controls from both preamps messing with each other.

In the mesa manual is states that if you are going to use it as a power amp then you should clean the Recto on the clean channel because the gain channels are set up different and won't sound right being use with an external preamp.

This is my opinion and the best way I can describe a fix for it....

You have too much stuff and are trying to do too much with it especially for someone who is new to racks. Not to offend you but it sounds like you don't know much about your Triple Recto either.

It's kind of a waste to buy a triple recto and just to use it as a power amp. It's a 3 channel monster of an amp that has lots of versatility on it's own.

The Triaxis is a great preamp and has tons of tones but is best paired up with a stereo tube power amp like the 2:90, 2:50, 2:100, any stereo tube power amp. The same goes for the ADA.
but, with the gcx audio switcher it should all be possible i'd think. i havent used that unit, but i've used midi and external switching for a few years iwth a few different amps. its late,im tired, maybe tomorrow i can do up a diagram of a good solution.

anyways, this is best resource i found

the parallel loop could be a problem, but ill think about that before my next post.
oh, and most likely i;m agreeing with Turumbar82 about you being better suited with a seperate power amp for the triaxis and mp-1. i had an amp-1 for about a year, i had used that and my triaxis with a peavey classic 60/60 power amp before i bought my mesa power amp, the peavey 60/60 or 50/50 is cheap/built like a tank/sounds good.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies.

I have now bought a Mesa 2:90 which I should receive this week.

Change of scenario..... I am looking at getting that "Metallica" sound.

Should I sell the ADA MP1 and The Rectifier head and keep just the triaxis running through the 2:90 or should I keep the Recto head and but another cab to run the triaxis in one channel and the recto in another for soloing etc.


which metallica sound? justice? black? master? kill em all? or later?

either way, keep it all, find your tone, then sell what you dont need.
Hi again,

I am mainly trying to get the Death Magnetic sound.

I know James is using Diezel heads but I am thinking of trying to use one recto 4X12 cab (bi-amp) with the triaxis going through the 2:90 one channel and the recto going through the other to which I think I can bleed the sound together.

Is this correct?

Cheers - Brad.
Are you talking about the triaxis/2:90 going into one side of your cab, and then the Recto going into the other side of the cabinet?

That would work well and sound really powerful. The mix of the mark tones from the triaxis and the recto tones would be ultra heavy

Just make sure that if you are using the 2:90 in mono that you will need to keep the volume and presence knobs completely off on the side you aren't using because the 2:90 is a stereo power amp.
Yeah pretty much....but what if I slave the recto into the 2:90 on the second channel?

Would this be better than having the Triaxis\2:90 in one side of the cab and the recto head in the other side?
well you could do it that way and just use the recto's preamp but then you would need a dummy load for the recto's power amp. You can't just turn on a tube amp with out a load or else it will mess it up.

You would just be wasting the recto's power amp by never using it.

Have you just bought all of this stuff recently? How many tube amps have you owned before this stuff?
WARNING!!!!!!!!!! there was some misinformation there. when using only one channel of a 2:90 the channel not being used needs the volume all the way off and the presence maxed out.
its all good, we all mix up a detail or two sometimes. i'd just hate to see this thread ending with "crap, i think the 2:90 is dead".
Thanks for the help guys, some really good advice here.

In answer to a question posted earlier....Yeah this is the first time I have had a tube setup. I have been playing around with some setups and I have found that the ADA-MP1 and the Triaxis sound awesome through the 2:90 when mixed together. I have got a weber mass 150 on order to act as a dummy load for the rectifier but I might end up selling it as I am very happy with the sound I have got so far.

Just out of interest, do you think the rectifier wil sound better slaved through the 2:90?

Also, I had an electrical fault with the 2:90 so I got the tech to fix it but now when I use the 1/2 drive it keeps cutting out. Could this be due to old tubes or a bodged fix on the electrical side of things. Please leave your comments.

Cheers, Brad.
1. James used his Mark IIC+ with lower gain on Death Magnetic so LD-2 yellow on the Triaxis is what you want. I could be mis-informed of course but from what I've read the Diezel is only used as a mix in his live rig along with four (4) triaxissess. Try using your amp switcher to mix the Triaxis and recto for rhythm and thr Tri and mp-1 for leads. Just a suggestion. :D
2. The recto will sound its best through its own power amp. The 290 is a different monster and more resembles the power section in a Mark amp. By using your amp switcher and running the recto on its own power amp, you should be capable of running all 3 at once.
\m/ :twisted: \m/
3. Either you got a bad tech or a bad tube. Try to pinpoint the problem with the cutout. Is it only one side, both sides? When in 1/2 power you are only running 2 tubes per channel. Try swapping tubes around and remember that the 290 also has 3 12ax7's inside the chassis that do more for the tone that you'd think.
Sounds like you have the makings of a badass rig man. The fun part believe it or not is setting everything up the way YOU want it. 3 preamps and 3 poweramps with the switcher sounds like endless possibilities. Good luck and if you need help dialing in a metallica sound on the triaxis let me know.

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