New Widebody 1x12 Ported Closed Back Question

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Mountain Fever said:
Has anyone bought this to go with their Mark IV or Mark V? Any comments so far? would the EVM12L do in this box?


Wow, amazing coincidence: I just posted this very question on the "modern" forum. Hope we get some feedback ...I know I am interested!! :)

Update of Sorts

I could not get anyone who had any real experience with the new new widebody ported cabinet.

I was at a Mesa dealer and they had the new Mark V head on a Rectifier cabinet and I thought it sounded pretty darn good.

In the end, I made the decision to get the 2x12 Roadster cabinet which is the same as the Stiletto...just a trim difference. I have put the Mark IV combo right on top of the 2x12 which is sitting right on the carpet.

So far...I think it has really rounded out the sound of the combo. I had felt that the combo was too thin sounding and now I can actually get both a thump out of the E & A strings but keep things clearer in the mids and highs.

Also...this allows me to pursue the notion of maybe a Roadster Combo or Ace again perched atop the cabinet.

For what it is worth...I bought via Mesa Hollywood online. The dealer was going to take 6-8 weeks to get the cab...I had it in three days and the only cost was $29.00 in shipping which is a fair exchange compared to waiting.