New Tubes- Weird Side Effect

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Oct 7, 2011
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I just put a new set of preamp and power tubes in my 5:50. 3 JJs(V2,V3,V5), a GE 5751(V1) and a Sovtek LPS(V4) for preamp, and matched Tungsols for power.

Now the amp can still be heard, even when the volume is turned ALL the way down on both channels. Not loud @ all, but definitely audible.

I had the 5751 in V2 to try and soften the amp a bit, but as another poster mentioned, I sorta lost some spank and sparkle as well. I moved her to V1 and got almost all of it back. The volume issue was the same with the 5751 in both of those positions.

Totally normal, or did I do something wrong?

It sucks only b/c I enjoyed the sound of the volume dimed on the burn channel, but gain ALL the way down. Just bringing it up a hair @ a time got a really spanky clean sound that I can't get to anymore.
If you're going to troubleshoot this, first you should put back all of the original tubes.

Still have the same problem?

If not, start by changing tubes, ONE-AT-A-TIME.

Then do a sound check.
This is the only way to find which tube is causing the problem.
Thank you for the advice. Does it sound like it this could hurt the amp in any way? If its not causing damage, I will probably just leave them alone and use the burn channel for its awesome overdrive.
It's totally normal because your using a pre-amp tube that has 20percent less gain than a 12ax7. try the 5751 in V4 and see how that treats ya, if not maybe a ax7 is back in order. No you did not or can't hurt the amp by subbing pre-amp tubes.

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