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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2006
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I got you huahuaahuhauha

Just 3 sounds =

1- Lonestar clean

2 - Mark IV drive

3 - Rectifier raw

The graphic equalizer will be saved in the preset.

I realocated buttons at my taste

If I were famous and mesa were build a new model to me it will be SOMBRAXIS


:D :eek: :shock: 8) :lol: :p :roll: :twisted:
sombra said:
ytse_jam said:
i've already seen that graphic eq somewhere... :wink:

Where tell me ??? :oops: :wink:

don't remember where, i must take look around :D
i wasted about 2 hours with microsoft publisher and paint to do that!
don't remember where, i must take look around :D
i wasted about 2 hours with microsoft publisher and paint to do that![/quote]

Man I can do it in photoshop in 10 minutes.
You should ve asked for me :lol: :lol:
4nkam said:
You might wanna put real knobs on there to be up to date with the new TA rumors :D


I got it but I dont like knobs on the triaxis chassi because if you put knobs you will take off these digital numbers and at a dark stage knobs are a problem.
Because of it mesa use its inteligence and made triaxis very seeable(is this word right ?) at the stage.
Some dudes complained about it but they didnt realize that.
Even if lights goes off you can tweak on triaxis .
Very clever :wink:
rdomain said:
They should have endless rotary knobs WITH the digital readout 8)

No thats my SOMBRAXIS !!!
I want it that way hahahahahahahaha

If you want it different do your own.
That s is mine

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I think if you photochopping 5 bands of EQ from the Alesis digital EQ that it would fit in nicely. I also favor the idea of having rotary knobs with some kind of indicator. I prefer peavey's and the zinky superfly's idea of having LED's around the knob. For me, it feels much better to turn a knob rather than to push buttons. Alas, while the idea seems cool i have every sound i could ever want between my TA V2, PV Tubefex, and PV Rockmaster preamps.

Sombra, you should get a copyright on this and send it to Mesa :) Maybe you will get 50% of the profit.
Sombra, you should get a copyright on this and send it to Mesa :) Maybe you will get 50% of the profit.[/quote]

No mesa dont give a **** about what we need and being triaxis a total sell success I think they will never change it .
I dont bother I have my SOMBRAXIS :wink: :D :shock:
I have the fattriaxis, it has an extra mode called eggs with bacon[/quote]

bacon = dead pig

egg = dead dick

man I hate this type of food. I hate to eat dead animals I prefer to eat them alive :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
SFW said:

I'd like to see them do away with the DV and give you complete control over the graphic EQ. I'd be happy to give up a rack space for that. This is a quick throw together.
MJ - (or anyone)
so theres a new triaxis in the works or coming out soon????

Whats the word on specs/changes?

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