New Roadster owner

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imnoshredder said:
Thanks for all the suggestions. Unfortunately, I've tweaked every knob in every combination. No real changes.

No matter how I tweak, there is always too much bottom on chs 3 & esp 4.

I guess I didn't realize the "Rectifier" heritage involved. I do not really like that type of sound. However, when I read the ads and downloaded the manual, I seemed it was more than a rectifier amp. Guess I should've done more research, but GC didn't stock them and I thought I had a handle on it. I know the manual back and forward. Know what every knob and switch should do.
Guess I could try different guitars, but I don't want to buy a guitar for my amp.
I have a Peavey Triple XX 112 (backup amp) that honestly sounds way
better (to my ears) on the crunch and ultra channels. It's my backup for a reason. I wasn't satisfied with it completely. However, when I dial in more treble, I get more treble. On the Roadster I get either nothing or more fizz. Same with the presence.

I may see if MB will send me some 34s....seems they would be inherently more top end fizzy....****!!!

My guess is I'll have a Roadster for sale shortly...****!!!! :evil:

I just bought a Roadster combo 1x12 and I agree with you that channel 4 is WAY too dark and the treble and prescence controls seem like they don't work properly. I do NOT have this problem with my RK. I also just traded vm with Boogie and their message to me indicates that they have not heard about this. I do believe there is a problem with this Roadster, but I see that others are having the same trouble leading me to believe that it may not be just the one in my posession.
GC took it back. I had traded my Vox AD120VTX rig in for it. Got it back (plus a few new nicks) minus my presets, so I'm frantically trying to reprogram it for this weekends gigs. As I do, I remember why I've been on the hunt for a new amp for months now....
phillr said:
I just bought a Roadster combo 1x12 and I agree with you that channel 4 is WAY too dark and the treble and prescence controls seem like they don't work properly. I do NOT have this problem with my RK. I also just traded vm with Boogie and their message to me indicates that they have not heard about this. I do believe there is a problem with this Roadster, but I see that others are having the same trouble leading me to believe that it may not be just the one in my posession.

The fact that they aren't acknowledging it is a concern. I spoke to them at least 3 times. The last time I asked if they thought 34s might be a solution (hint, hint, send me some tubes!!) - he said 'maybe' - and that was it.
Not sure who thinks MB has 'great customer service' but I did NOT see it.
It was pretty much "you must be an *** if you don't like OUR amps". They suck. Not like the old days when you could buy an amp direct and talk to Doug or Mike about problems. I'm done trying to find a MB I can use. They've gone to marketing to the masses (GC, etc)....
"I guess I didn't realize the "Rectifier" heritage involved. I do not really like that type of sound. However, when I read the ads and downloaded the manual, I seemed it was more than a rectifier amp. Guess I should've done more research, but GC didn't stock them and I thought I had a handle on it. I know the manual back and forward. Know what every knob and switch should do. " - imnoshredder

Different amps have different sounds and personal taste is a big part of your decision. But try not to blame someone else for your own dislike for the general recto sound or inability to do the research, and then especially go on to diss MB's customer service, because they couldn't somehow transform your recto into what you think you might have wanted instead! :roll:

Hopefully you can find an amp that suits you better. 8)
BTW I am running EL34s in my Roadster and it sounds mighty fine (to me!).
Not to defend Mesa here but you're the one who purchased an amplifier without throughly playing it apparently. The Rectifier series was built around 6L6's so that's why you got a 'maybe' in response to your question about EL34s.. how are they supposed to know what tone you're after? Who did you speak to who told you that you 'suck' for not liking the amplifier? Plus, I always ask for Mike as he's been helpful in the past and I've never been told I couldn't talk to him, perhaps you should ask to speak with him if that's who you wanted to get when you called in the first place? As for the GC comment, I won't deny that I don't agree with Mesa's policy to sell their products at Guitar Center because the company is full of idiots in my opinion.

I'm not trying to come down on you but there are always two sides.
It IS my fault for not researching a little better. I have tried the DR's and didn't really care for them.
However, the GC here doesn't/won't carry the Roadster, so I was going by print ads and speaking to GC sales people (a mistake I know).
4 channels, 2 clean (which again, are not like the DR's I tried - Roadster's are MUCH better). But I still contend, along with some others here, chs 3 & 4 (esp 4) are not 'right', at least on the one I had. When I returned it I played a DR and those channels sounded completely different on the DR.

As for customer service, I told them EXACTLY what I wanted and was trying to do with the amp and exactly what was going on with my Roadster. There was NO mention of 'well, maybe you got the wrong amp', their attitude was more, 'you're an idiot if you can't get that ouit of that amp'. I'd have felt better if he said 'why not try a Mk4' or Duece or something else. But, nothing except you got what you got.
My perception anyway, and, again, my own fault....

I asked specifically if changing the tubes would get me closer to what I was trying to accomplish - again 'maybe'. And I understand they don't KNOW if it would but I guess I was looking for more after spending 2 grand for an amp, like, 'how 'bout we send you some 34's and see if that helps'. If it did I'd have sent the 6L6's back if they wanted. Not looking for any freebies.

While I realize some of you guys seem to be happy with yours, I was not and didn't get much help.
Not really bashing, I guess I just hoped for more. I WANTED to be a boogie owner again.
I have previously owned 2 MKIIC's, and a MK4....
Sorry, once again not bashing, I'm just disappointed...I was really excited about this amp
I have to jump in to the defense of imnoshredder on the channel 4 issue. I have been devoted to the MESA line for 20 years now and have owned 9 different models, and TOTALLY happy with their customer service. One of their greatest strenghts on any of their amps has been the ability to tweek any control just a little and get a noticable change in charachter and tone.

What he and I are both saying is that while on Channel 4 dialing either treble or presence from 0 - 11, there is no (or very little) change in tone. This is VERY uncharacteristic of a MESA amp. I'm happy for my fellow diehards who like their Roadsters, but I really do think something is wrong with the one I have. I prefer a darker tone, but I cannot brighten up Channel 4 to be usable in the mix with the other 3 channels.... I don't have this problem on my RK.
Phillr and imnoshredder, did you guys mention to MB about not being able to notice a difference in tone on channel 4?
yes. the tech i spoke to went and played a Roadster in the lab, called me back 15 mins later and acknowledged that channel 4 is much darker than 3 with identical settings, but gave no indication if they consider it a problem. I've always been happy with their support, but on this issue I kinda felt that they were gonna leave it at that, even after i mentioned that this does not occur on my RK.

I played the Roadster in the store for 2 hours dialing and tweaking, and thinking how can this be so different, so I thought maybe it was the room or power source, or my head cold :) Took it home and still dialing after a week and a half. I've spoken to MB twice now.

The marketing material on the Roadster claims it's a stripped down Road King, but if there is nothing wrong with this unit, then it's also voiced differently - even when comparing it to the RK burning only the 6l6s and a/b comp though the same cab.

In perspective, there are some GREAT tones and vibe in this amp, but not what I expected using the RK as reference, and channel 4 is practically unusable for me. I like the shorter footswitch and lighter weight, but it's looking more and more like I'm gonna return it.
francric said:
Phillr and imnoshredder, did you guys mention to MB about not being able to notice a difference in tone on channel 4?

Absolutely!! Three (3) phone conversations. And, like phillr, I really didn't get much response.
Also, like phillr, I expected a 'stripped down' version of the RK. I played a RK @ GC and decided I didn't need all the power options (and tube replacement hell :wink: ) so the Roadster seemed PERFECT. It just didn't play out for me.

Again, I thought the 2 clean channels were pretty cool. 3 was OK (but not like RK OR DR in store) and 4 is usless.

I'll be curious to see if eventually MB decides there IS a problem.
Maybe not with all, since some of you guys aren't experiencing the same thing, then maybe it's a isolated few (?).... Something in a particular batch of builds?

Bottom line is, I can't wait for someone to decide there really is something wrong or offer some possible solutions to my concerns. I gig every weekend and the Roadster I had was not gonna work for me...

Still gonna revisit the mk4. If I can tame the volume, it might be the winner :D
i recently wnet to the mese factory outlet in hollywood to try out the roadster for myself. this nonsense bout too much bottom end on 3 and 4. in my opinion is could of used a lil more bottom end puch. i was playing the 2x12 combo. a/b it with the 2x12 roadster floor cab man was i impressed. i have a triaxis with a 2/90 and a recto preamp with a 2/100. you also have to consider the axe you are using. that dramaticly affects your tone. believe me
I have to agree that, on my roadster, the prescense (did i spell that correctly :) ) control on channel 4 doesn't really change much until after 12:00 on Vintage or Modern. As you move to 2:00 and above it kicks in more drastically. Overall, I've found that both channels 3 and 4 in general sound very dark (especially ch4) and muffled. The fact that I'm playing it through a Recto oversized 4x12 probably contributes to the darkness. Unfortunately, this is my first Mesa so I can't really compare it to other models. I'm considering a traditional 4x12 or a roadster 2x12.
I definitely notice a difference between channels 3 and 4 and I messed around with them last night for a while and found I got very nice tones from both (not too dark) so I guess I would have to hear yours to identify the problem. Maybe you did get a dud amp after all. :shock: I even switched back to 6L6s and still got good tones after turning up the treble and presence a bit (man, those EL34s are BRIGHT).
regardless, good luck!
I've had mine for 5 or 6 months now and I can vouch for a difference between channels 3 and 4. I play in Tube Recto on Bold (most of the time)
Vintage setting. I find with the setting exactly the same the 4th channel is a bit darker and bit more powerful, however my pressence control seems to work nicely on both channels although I usually use little to none. I don't find the darker 4th channel offensive but this sure isn't a marshall when it comes to dialing in that perfect tone. I also find with the gain set too high it gets buzzy so I've ordered the JJ GZ34/6V6/ECC83's high gaub option from eurotubes that, as I'm led to believe, is sure to take it out of hibernation...we'll see I guess
I'll have to see this weekend how mine behaves. Waiting for a power tube.
From what I've read, it sounds like the Roadster was voiced in particular for the Roadster/Stiletto cabinet dimensions. The oversized cabinets may have lower mid range response?
oyster said:
I definitely notice a difference between channels 3 and 4 and I messed around with them last night for a while and found I got very nice tones from both (not too dark) so I guess I would have to hear yours to identify the problem. Maybe you did get a dud amp after all. :shock: I even switched back to 6L6s and still got good tones after turning up the treble and presence a bit (man, those EL34s are BRIGHT).
regardless, good luck!

Hey Oyster, which cab are you using?