New Quad owner

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Active member
Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
Hey folks!

I am a long time Mesa Mark series player (III's, IIC+'s, IV's...many of them :lol: ) and just got a Quad.

A couple questions for the experts!

What is the tube layout in the quad? What does each tube do and what is location for 1, 2, 3, etc. I am thinking it is the same as other Mark series, but would like to be sure (it isn't in the manual on teh Mesa site)

What preamp tubes do you use in the Quad? My favorite setup for Mark Mesas is:

Tung SOl reissue in v1
JJ ecc83s in v2 and v3
Chinese 8th or 9th gen in v4 and v5 (I preer 8th for consistency, but 9ths work for me too)

Any settings tips? I fiddled with it a bit last night and it seems to react pretty similarly to other Mark series Mesa's, but any tips would be appreciated.

I am running it through a VHT 2/50/s power amp into a Mesa vert 2x12 with MC90's and a VHT Fat Bottom 4x12 with MC90's.

Hey you snagged the quad I was looking at on ebay. Nice score. It looked very clean to me. Obviously I don't have one of these, thanks to you (lol) but I do use the reissue Tung Sol in my Studio Pre and really like them.

Congrats on the quad. The schematics can be found at the tube freak site
That should help you out.
I think your answer is right here:
Awesome info!

THanks a lot.

I did some experimenting on my own and found on channel one I prefer the stock Mesa a2ax7's (not sure which relables they are). THey provide a GREAT clean tone. In channel 2, I like the following:

Tung Sol reissue in v1
JJ ecc83 in v2
Chinese 9th in v3 and v4

I am unsure what preamp tubes are in my VHT 2/50/7, but my guess (knowing VHT products) is they ara Sovteks. I may fiddle with those soon as well.

Hot damn is this a great preamp!