New power tubes (6L6GC) for Express 5:50

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Jan 22, 2010
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Hi guys.
Searched through the forum to look for recommendations, info and advice on replacement 6L6GCs for my Express 5:50, but as there haven't been any recent posts on this specific amp, I thought I'd ask what with some tubes being discontinued and some new tubes being introduced.

It has a pair of grey STR-440s which are now microphonic and glowing blue and need to be replaced. The amp is no longer under warranty as it's a couple of years old, so providing I get a suitably matched set, I don't mind trying something different (especially if there is a financial saving to be made :D ). I was looking at JJ 6L6GCs but I hear they can darken the tone of the amp. The other option I was looking at was the Svetlana Winged C as I understand there are many players pleased with the result. Just wondered what (if anything) else was worth looking at or am I just as well to replace them with another set of STR-440s?

Winged C are great, but you may want to have your amp bias modded for running those tubes hotter, or ask vendor for tubes that run hotter with the original bias. When running hot these tubes have huge harmonics, good definition (but not cutting through) and kind of vintage sound.
Never tried JJ 6L6, but their 6V6 and EL84 are great.
OK thanks for the info - have used JJ EL84 and was very impressed but just heard a few less favourable things about the 6L6 in Mesa.
+1 on the Winged C, and also TAD 6l6GC. I got mine from the Tube Store, and while a little on the pricy side they are well worth it.
Went for a set of Winged Cs today from a good UK dealer - matched to similar specs to the STR-440s I took out of the Express. Very happy with the overall results!
Fair enough - they were knackered anyway and had gone microphonic. I think they had been on the way out for a while as I have noticed the tone on the lead channel has brightened up considerably. Could be the different valves, could just be they're new!

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