New Orange Tiny Terror

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
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Just got this addition to my collective arsenal a few days ago (last week)... running it through a Recto 212 with the standard V30s. It's such a fun little amp. Anyone here play one?



Excellent! I too am a Tiny Terror fan. Mine arrives tomorrow. I have been wanting to pick one up since last December. I will check back in after I get a chance to jam on it!
I had one for a while till I let a friend trade me out of it. Great sounding amp kinda wish I still had it O'well. Didn't care for the stock tubes, put Mesa tubes much better.
I've had my TT for about half a year now & it is kick ***. If you want cleans, it isn't for you but I switch between my TT & Blackheart Little Giant 5W for all my sounds. Blasphemous I know but my Roadster gets less attention since I've got my TT & Blackheart.

Actually FYI, I've got my TT & Blackheart sharing each other's speakers. When the TT is selected it uses its PPC112 cab (V30) AND the Blackheart combo's Eminence... conversely, when the Blackheart amp is selected, it uses both speakers as well. So in either case, I have a poor man's 2x12 & with one closed-back & one open-back.. both amps sound phenomenal.

I use a Radial Engineering Tonebone Headbone VT to do the job. What versatility... I end up using less pedals this way so my tone stays close to pristine & I get all the sound I want.
I was lookin at one at rudys music in NYC seems like such a fun lil amp, I always wanted to get one, def gonna check it out for the future
thinskin57 said:
aren't those made in korea?

China, actually. The older ones are made in Korea, as opposed to the other Orange all tube designs which are made entirely in the UK.
thinskin57 said:
hey Kaz, does that Eventide TimeFactor have spillover on the delays?

With the v. 2 software, yeah. They added a bunch of things into the version 2 firmware update... I need to get around to installing it.
I've been running the TT through a 2x12 Recto cab with a V30 and a G12-75T and the cleans are some of the best I've ever heard. It is a nice, practical little amp. (both cab and amp are for sale, but I won't spam that here :twisted: )
DeFrag said:
sixstringmonk said:
If only the TT had an fx loop :(.

It can be done with excellent results as evidenced here:,terror,loop

Furthermore, the Jules Mod is something to consider as well:

Lastly, there is an OT upgrade through Mercury Magnetics:

Incidentally I was talking with my amp tech about doing the MM upgrade kit to the TT sometime soon...and THANK YOU for giving me the idea to put in an effects loop...because that would make this awesome little sucker even more badass!!!
I played one of these things last Saturday through an Orange 2x12 cab. It was 7 watts of pure bliss.. The sound out of this thing is AMAZING!
kaz...have you gigged with the tiny terror yet and if so how was the sound cranked...I am looking to buy one and have heard that it is hard to get good cleans at high volume?
I've got a TT and have done an open jam with it. I love the amp. I'm more of a Marshall guy. It has everything I want. The cleans are not Fender, but that's okay for me. I ran it through a 1x12 and a 4x10 setup and had great results on 7watt setting. Ideal for a small jam situation and when your amp is mic'd going through a PA. Great amp for the money!
I just tried one of these out yesterday.I'm seriously thinking about getting it.
How would you go about running a Tiny Terror head through another combo amps speaker? If I could use the clean channel on my Mesa Rocket 44 combo and switch to the Terror for the dirty stuff I'd save myself a lot of heavy lifting.
I've never done any kind of amp switching before.