New Mesa Trem-O-Verb owner here

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Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I just picked up a Trem-o-verb that needs a little care. The red channel volume pot cuts out at 85-100%. The 1-84% volume works fine.

Where can I get a part for the pot?

The tremolo is out on the unit too. Does anyone have any knowledge of these units and possibly know how, or how much it will cost to fix it?

I have always wanted a boogie. It is unfortunate I have to do a little work on this one to be fully satisfied. I can't complain about the price since I only paid $850 for the head.

Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated!!
Call Mesa direct or talk to a local Mesa repair dealer. The trem problem could be many things so if you aren't electronic repar savy you shouldn't even try to fix it. I say just give it to a local dealer that is a repair center and ask them for a diagnosis maybe it's a simple tube problem? You can try some contact cleaner on the pot just be sure it doesn't come laced with lubricant.
Warning from one T-Verb owner to another: Even when the tremolo is 100 percent functional, the effect is weak if done to factory specs. It can't do the in-your-face trem effect similar to a Fender BF/SF's circuit (unfortunately).

I've contemplated putting my T-verb on a bench for a trem circuit hotrodding, but there are trem pedals that would probably achieve the desired effect for less money than an amp overhaul.
Here is a VERY nice little story. Well for me anyway. :D

I got the amp home. The tremolo circuit was indeed gone. I was playing around with it and the red channel volume pot was bad. It went to 85% and then crapped out.

I plugged the pre-amp out into my recording rig. I got some type of motor boating. Silly me didn't know I had to have a load on the tube amp. I only had it there for a few seconds.

I decided to take it back to GC and see if they could give me a deal on another Boogie head.

I ended up getting a Solo 50 single rectifier foir $850 out the door. I love that amp. The story doesn't end though. :D

On another forum I frequent, guys were telling me that they would give their left nut to have a Trem-O-Verb. This one guy has been searching for a good one for a while now. He offered to buy the broken TOV from me. I told him I had already returned it.

I got to thinking that I may have made a mistake giing the TOV back.

I talked to one of the guys I always do business with at GC. I asked him if they still had the amp. They said yes. It was in the back getting ready to be sent to repair. I asked if they could work a deal on the price and told him I would buy it. I got the amp for $700! I ended up spending $150 to get it repaired locally. $25 of that was for the amp to get bumped up in the priority list.

After the smoke cleard, I had 2 bad pots and an LDR that was bad. The tremolo is perfect and the tone from this unit is absolutely amazing! It had already had the factory mods on it too!

I think I did VERY good!! :D
What are the "Factory Mods" you're referring too? I have a TOV that I got back in (I think) '94. I really like the tremolo, but I'll agree that it's more on the "subtle" side. I recently found a guy in town that is certified by MESA and he makes his own amps so if there's a mod to be done he can do it on the cheap.

I don't know 100%, but I believe it has to do with LDR replacements and a few cap replacements too. there was a tech bulletin about the cap value somewhere.

The Tech told me that it already had the factory going through and they upgraded the amp with better components.

The tremolo is perfect for what I use it for. I like a hint and not a lot.

This is a freaking sweet amp!