New Member . I need some help

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score
Palm Desert
Hey everyone,
I just stumbled upon this site and I'm glad I did. 1st of all I'm a new member and my name is Patrick. I have a question. I've owned my 2 channel Triple Rectifier head and 4x12 Recto. Traditional cab for about 4 years now, and just yesterday I bought the horizontal Recto. 2x12 cab. My buddy and I are in a band and we both have the same set-up I just listed. He also just got the 2x12 Recto. cab. Were trying to spread our sound out more evenly which is why we got the two 2x12 Recto. cabs. Were going to stack the 4x12's on top of the 2x12's on each side of our drummers drum set. Were trying to have it so I can be playing out of my 4x12's like always and then under my 4x12's have my buddy's sound coming from my 2x12's. And then likewise for him. This would have our sound coming from both sides so its easier to hear eachother. How can we do this and what do we need? Thanks

A pic of what our stack looks like-

First off...hello and welcome!

Now all I think you and your bud will need is longer speaker cables. Just plug one of the two speaker cables thats connected to your head to your 4x12 and the other (longer one) to his 2x12, and vise-versa. Or you could "slave out" of your 4x12 into his 2x12, but im not sure if all speaker cabs comes with that option. Hope I helped some :D
You might also want to consider angling those 2x12's up. Might be hard to hear running straight across the floor like that.
MetalMatt: Thanks for the info and the welcome. I'll try it out and get back to you. Also do I have the 2 speaker cables from the head in both the 4 ohm and then the short speaker cables that goes to the 4x12's is in the 4ohm or 8ohm? And then the longer cable goes to the 2x12. Right?

cteets: Ya we will be messing with the set-up of the speakers soon to figure out what gives us the best sound.
Run from your head (4 ohm jack) into your 4x12....chain your 4x12 into his 2x12 with a long cable.

Have him do the same thing!

How do you like the traditional cab? I'm thinking about upgrading to a mesa cab, and have always had my eye on it! A small little review would be great!
ibanez4life SZ!: Ok, so we should technically only be using 2 speaker cables right? Or 3? Cause right now were running 3. Could you tell me the exact places where the speaker cables should go?

- I really like my Trad. Cab. The Trad. Cab sits a little bit lower than the Standard cab and has a tiny bit of a more bottem end but really hard to tell from eachother. My buddy has the Standard and we tried comparing them but it's pretty hard comparing. We have the same exact set-up ams and head wise besides him having the standard and me the trad. We even have same bridge pick-ups. All in all it sounds pretty much the same but you would probably want to play both cabs with your settings and gear to find out which you might like better. Each is a good buy though, thats for sure. Good luck. Let me know what you get.

The way I'm thinking to put your deal together would only take 2 cables.
then slave from



What are the jacks on the back of the cabs? How many speaker jacks does the recs have? and the ohms? I'm not too familiar with Mesa cabs, sorry. Are you hooking up three cables for stereo?

Were just trying to have our sound come out of everything right now. I want all my sound coming out from my 4x12's and 2x12's through my head. Right now its working but were using 3 cables. We wanted to see if 2 cables work since its easier and less cables. There are 4 jacks on the 4x12's and 2 jacks on the 2x12's.

1st off, I would'nt run you both on each side of the stage/drummer! Your losing identity and dynamics! The subtle differences in your playing styles should be a welcomed addition, not something you want to hinder by sharing stages! 2nd, you only need two cables! Each 8 ohm cab being fed by a 4 ohm out from the head!
jbird: Well as of now for prac. we have our set-up right besides the drummer which is about 4-5 ft. apart. But for live we have our stuff right next to eachother. (sounds pretty good) Ok, so 2 speaker cables coming from 2 of the 4ohm jacks in my head. Now can you tell me more specifically what jack on the 4x12's do I put 1 of the 4ohm cables from the head too? Thats all I need to know now. Thanks

Also though, what I'd like to know is: two of the four jacks on my Recto 4/12 are labeled 8 ohm "in" and "out"! What scenario could AliensExist4 use these in?
Hey guys I got it! I called up Mesa Boogie and all you have to do is have two speaker cables coming from two of the 4ohm jacks out of the head, one cable going to each cab in the (8ohm in) input jack. Thanks for all the help and responses.

I see you guys have a two and 3 channel recto!

Have you noticed any differences?

This could be interesting :twisted:
nice! How does the 2-channel and 3 channel compare and go together?

Also, How is that Ampeg bass head and 8x10? My bassist is thinking about getting an ampeg rig, either that or a mesa. Don't know which though yet..still in the saving stage.

ibanez4life SZ! & MesaENGR412: I'm using the 2 ch Tripple Rec. and my friend has the 3 ch. I love my 2 ch. but they are practially the same sounding. The 3ch just has the xtra channel and a little more features on it.

jbird: Thanks allot man. We've worked hard to get that stuff and I love it.
