New Mark IV Rig :) !

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys!

One more thread for the night!

I completely redid my rig, and thought I'd share it with my fellow Mesa Junkies :twisted:

Rackmounted the Mark IV, added a GCX with the Ground Control. On the shelf is a TS-9, EH Deluxe Memory Man, Peterson Strobostomp, Voodoo Labs Pedal Power II, and soon to be added BBE Mind Bender Chorus.

Guitars are two PRS these things so much that I sold everything else off and only own two of these bad boys. And I'm more than happy!

As for the board, I finally added a wah that I completely love! The Budda wah! Basically, the wah for people that don't like abusing wahs. It's smooth, vocal....BY FAR the most vocal I've played to date. And when you switch it on, your tone doesn't turn to a garbage of treble. Highly recommended to anyone.

Anyways, here are the pics. Enjoy!





Screw student budget, just don't eat, drive or have a gf, then all student money goes to amps! It's what I did XD And well... dream rig complete XD
^Basically...except I manage the gf one too somehow :lol:

I just work alot, and basically send all of it to paintball, video games, etc....all to guitar.
Looks great :D
GF's do get a bit spendy, I just make sure mine knows that if I had to choose between guitars and her, well she knows what i'd choose :wink:
Looks great dude!

I've been wanting to do the same for some time now, but no money.

I want a case for two heads(Mark IV medium/dual recto) something like you but with a extra head and no fx.
Eventually, I'd love to do a two amp setup aswell....need to regenerate A LOT of funds before I do that though :lol:
ibanez4life SZ! said:
Eventually, I'd love to do a two amp setup aswell....need to regenerate A LOT of funds before I do that though :lol:

Two amps sound brutal.

I have a Mark IV, same type as yours, and a Crate BV150. I use a splitter and run them together. It sounds thick and has lots of punch.

But I would like a rectifier, but I'm also a student so I don't have the money for it now.
Haha looks great, very portable (a huge plus in my book), some people get these amazing elaborate home set ups (nothing wrong with that, if you don't play live go for it) but i've always strived for portability.

Is that the road case from the ones off ebay? Looks very similar.'s one of the NY cases....cheapie, and I bought it used, but it hold up just fine for my uses.
My most burning question is what are the differences b/w both guitars? Different pickups? Necks? You must really like their feel. Have you tried the 245 and 250?
ibanez4life SZ! said:'s one of the NY cases....cheapie, and I bought it used, but it hold up just fine for my uses.
I always hate to ask these things. But about how much did it run you used? I play gigs regularly (once a week or so) and would really like road case similar to yours, I just don't need something extremely heavy duty as of now. How do you like the case so far?
I got it for $150 shipped off of a Harmony Central member. It's holding up just fine, and for my casual gigging and transport, it's perfect. Not too heavy, but sturdy enough to keep it all safe.

As for my username, longer own a single Ibanez...I guess PRS does that to you :lol:

And Elpelotero: They are both Singlecuts...the Blue one a 20th Anniversary from '06, and the Red one is from '01, a very early model. The blue one has been with me for a while now, and I just love it do death. PERFECT guitar for me in every way. I was juggling different guitars to use as my second for an alternate tuning. I went through Ibanez, Schecter, a PRS McCarty, and none of them felt as right to me. So, I sold them all off, and jumped on another Singlecut, so I could get that same feel.

The Blue one is tuned to Standard and Drop D, and has a Duncan Custom 5 in the bridge. KILLER pup btw :wink:

The Red one has a Duncan Custom with the adjustable stoptail, and is tuned to D Standard and Drop C.

Together, they make the perfect combination.

As for the other Singlecuts, I honestly prefer the original model (as you might have guessed). I don't particularly like how PRS branched the two guitars into a vintage and modern realm. The original Singlecut covers all the ground anyone could ever want. The 250 is WAY too modern, even more my tastes. The 245 is a great piece, but I prefer a slightly tighter feel to my strings.

Hope I covered it all!

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