So I got the tubes in today that I ordered only Sunday from Canada (The Tube Store) and put all of em in shortly after.
I didn't notice much difference at first on the clean channel, thought it was going to sound the same.
Clicked over to the R2 channel and applied some settings and OH CRAP! There's what I've been searching for, a nice crisp crunch. Adjusted some more and got a very intensive, beautiful driving crunch.
Then after much hesitation, switched over to the lead which still had a john petrucci setting dialed in from before. It sounded awesome! The volume wasn't even loud, I had room to turn it up to where I like it which made it sound even Shredder!
It was definitely the tubes needing to be changed. I love this thing now and I can't wait to hear what else it can do as I get better at using it.
Thank you all for answering questions and being supportive.
For anyone who is wondering, I put 4 Sovtek 6L6 and 5 Tung Sol 12AX7 in it.