New Mark III in the house.

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2005
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Or at least on the way.

Picked this one up today off Flebay!

I know I have drove everyone bonkers with all the questions about Mark III's, DC-5's and other related Boogies but you guys sure have helped me.

Picked this thing up for one Grand with a Flight Case. I think thats probably not to bad. Its a Blue Stripe after all the arguing I did about the 25 watt verses 15 watts thinking the 25 watts would be better I decided the 15 watts would really be better.

Anyway cant wait til it gets here. This will be my 3rd Mark Amp.


Its a Blue Stripe after all the arguing I did about the 25 watt verses 15 watts thinking the 25 watts would be better I decided the 15 watts would really be better

Dont remind me :lol:

Nice new amp you will love it.
Congratulations, you just purchased one of the nicest amps Mesa ever made. You will learn to live in R2 Heaven. CRUNCH!
Hey Nomad,

Huge congrats, man!! I know you've been on the fence with the III, DC and others ...glad you pulled the trigger! It's a great sounding amp that's incredibly versatile, covering vast tonal ground. You got the ebay link ...would love to see what you picked up. :)

I'll post the link when I get a chance. I paid a little more than I was planning on but it seems to be clean with no mods and has a flight case. I got it for $1000.00

It is the one in Alabammy. I am aranging to meet the guy in Fort Payne within the next few days. I had sold another amp on flebay for $800.00 so before I pulled the trigger had to shoot it out with my Honey first. She gave in as she allways does. I love that lady. :D
You guys check me out on this.

I play a Tele and probably plan on using the Clean Channel set crunchy, using my Guitar Volume to clean up.

That being said how is the best way for me to have a good bright chimey clean in the clean channel but having a much darker classic Boogie solo sound in the dirty channel? I probably wont use R2 dont want to get into volume balacing issues with that.

Should I try to use the Pull bright in the clean channel then turn the trebile down then in the lead channel leave the bright pushed in and set the GEQ to come on in lead and setting it to keep it even darker?
This is a bit premature as you'll "know" the answer when you get her home and get to tweaking it. But to answer your question, R1 is a pretty bright channel in its own right. My Tele and Strat are plenty bright with the Vol pushed in (normal). Set your clean sound (which can be very big, bright, and chimey with a Tele) first. Once you have the tone you want, set the GEQ to Lead channel and tone shape from there. Easy to get a thick, dark, saturated OD should that be your desire.

Also, if you haven't done so yet, download the manual as the pull pots are very specific in that they affect either both channels, affect only the Lead channel, affect more the preamp section or more after the preamp section. It can get tricky. Read up, then experiment with one pull pot at a time untill you figure out teh voice of each pot. Then, you become one of the elite club that actually knows how to work these marvelous tone machines!

I probably wont use R2 dont want to get into volume balacing issues with that.


How can you rule out 1/3 of your amp before you even try it? Wait until you play with the amp for a few solid weeks then you will be in a better position to determine its strengths and (no weaknesses, nope can't say it).

Give it time more will be revealed.
10-4 Thanx for the reply. I will certainly go at it when I get it just thought it would be good to get some heads up first (since it aint here yet). I do know my way around a Tube Amp. Probably one of the first things I'll do is check the Bias and make sure everything is clean and ready to go.

Aside from that I wasnt thinking the Clean Channel isnt going to be bright enuff just thinking out loud as to different ways to pull the lead channel brightness down. I really am gonna want "my clean sound" and then a different solo sound that Im thinking of. By different I mean from the amps I allready have.

Im looking for a really thick, smooth, dark solo tone all from a Tele. I know that may be pushing it a little from a Tele but I'm a Tele Freak. Since I'll be using a Tele I may have to do some serious tweaking to get the tone I'm looking for and may need some help from you guys.

I want to make this amp my grab and go amp with hardly no pedals just amp, footswitch and guitar. I may look at pedal control options have some questions there as well.

Concerning footswitching. For the most part I think I will be using the GEQ set in Auto for the Lead Channel and only want Reverb for my Clean sound. I may look at building a custom switch that switches channels and reverb at the same time with Leds built in. That way all I would need is one cable and one footswitch and no other pedals. The Cable can splay out at the amp end and go where needed.

This gives me like I said one guitar, one amp, one little pedal for that quick stop grab and go gig/rehersal/jam thangy. Then up from there I may ( for more complex stuff ) take it and or some of my other gear.

I get a lot of options I think, having this thing around.
No worries with the Tele. Mesa will make any guitar sound the way it was meant to.
carlosasi said:
I probably wont use R2 dont want to get into volume balacing issues with that.


How can you rule out 1/3 of your amp before you even try it? Wait until you play with the amp for a few solid weeks then you will be in a better position to determine its strengths and (no weaknesses, nope can't say it).

Give it time more will be revealed.

Not ruling anything out. I've been around the block and (for the most part) know what I need. I have played these things before though only have owned a Mark I and Mark IIC.

Not ruling out the R2 but pretty much know I can set my Clean to Crunch and using my Hot Tele Bridge PUP get a pretty desent Crunch then flip to my Weak Neck Pup and get Instant Clean, plus using my Guitar Volume where I may need it. I pretty much do that all the time anyway so thats what I'm used to. I really only need two Channels. Now I could like something about the R2 Crunchiness over the Clean but at that point I'd just switch from R2 to Lead. The thing I like about doing that also is just having one little button on the floor instead of a pile of em. The older I get, the simpler I like things.

I know there are a lot of variables in there and reserve the right to do something else if it suits me. :lol:
carlosasi said:
I probably wont use R2 dont want to get into volume balacing issues with that.


How can you rule out 1/3 of your amp before you even try it? Wait until you play with the amp for a few solid weeks then you will be in a better position to determine its strengths and (no weaknesses, nope can't say it).

Give it time more will be revealed.

Slap a BB preamp in front of R2 and be prepared to smile 8)
Whats a BB preamp?

Got to play my Buddys DC-5 tonight. Dang that thing sounds good. Just all around good. He had some issues with it I took care of for him along with a Deaton of his I fixed.
I'm glad you bought it, that jackass doesn't need that amp.

JOEY: it is the one that was in B'ham. He tried to trade that amp in to us a couple months ago and was pretty disagreeable in general.
Congratulations on the Mark III! I have the same amp, and based on what you've described for your intended use, you should be able to get exactly what you want. That said, I will echo Edward's suggestion in that you download the manual and spend time learning the functions of each knob and how they affect different aspects of your tone, as well as how they interact with each other. This is EXTREMELY important in getting what you want out of this amp. Spend the time and reap the rewards!

Hey Nomad,

I just checkout out your amp on ebay that thing looks clean. And with an EV to boot! Also nice that you have all the footswitches, and the anvil will certainly come in handy. Congrats again, bud! Let us know what you think of her when you fire it up :)

BTW, I'd be interested in what you observations are between the III and a MKII (you've owned one, I thought, was that right?)

Yes I did own a Mark II and have owned a number of Boogies through the years. I will gladly compare the two after I get it though its been since the 80's that I had the Mark II.

Hopefully I can go pick it up this weekend. I'm stoked and cant wait til I get it!
Allright had to change the EV out. With an Ash Tele this Amp can be very very bright. I swapped the EV out for something a little darker (Legend). I may even look for an even darker speaker (like a really broken in G1265 or something). Also want to get my hands on an MC-90 to try.

If you look at the pic this is the closest I have come so far of getting the kinda tone I was talking about. I have the GEQ set for Auto and adjusted to get a Darker Solo Tone.


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