New ideas for a heavy metal track

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2009
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Im in the progress of doing a vicious metal track, heres what i have come up with so far , i use my c+ no effects , but this time i turned the lead master to 2.5 and master on 1 wich sounds better the the other way around .

I will leave it alone for now and here what you guys think, becuae im kinda lost what riffs comes first or last or what comes next

Hre it is
I kind of feel maybe adding harmonies to that gallop pick part and maybe another riff with more sustained chords and less palm muting to open it up a little. but sweet tone you could back off the bass a little but that might just be my speakers.
Spewnz said:
I kind of feel maybe adding harmonies to that gallop pick part and maybe another riff with more sustained chords and less palm muting to open it up a little. but sweet tone you could back off the bass a little but that might just be my speakers.

I fell what your are saying, good advice its kinda what i have also come to think.

I also think il make the intro longer and a bit slower , i also ahve some minor twist i like to implemet

Il redo it tomorrow and post it .

Regarding the bass, my c+ i after i changed the pre tube(still awating he mesa repair shop her in denmark to get the parts for the powerfilter cap and full service job) the sound have really changed to the better and alot more bassy, i have to remember to back down the 80 hz ,on this recording i had it just past the top line, before i had it maxed up.

But thanks alot i appriciate it

Loaded simul C+ vol 9, treble 7,bass 1.5, middel 2, master on 1.1, lead gain 6.5.lead master 2.5. presence 2.8. classic V on the EQ and no middel, bass on the top line and treble on top line the second next to the 80hz in the middel but the slider before the treble 3 mm beneth the treble setting

Marshall 1960BV, with the c+ 4ohm to 1960 4ohm.

Shure 57, 2 inch from cone edge and aim straigt and touching the fron cover of the cab.

I used a apogee ONE and garage band.

Guitar ESP eclips dual emg 81, ernie ball not even slinky strings.

I doubled the guitar tracks and and paned 2 guitar tracks left and two right because the apogee can only record in mono and with one mic on one cone (not optimal) and takes more skill to make it sound like its just one guitar track

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