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Dec 28, 2005
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recently i tried out a mesa rectoverb. i really liked the rthym stuff really good distortion but i couldnt get a good clear lead from it. it sounded too "thick" any suggestions i really like the amp and its priced pretty reasonable. i play alot of metallica,bls,megadeth,ozzy etc but i also like to play some satch,vai and petrucci stuff. grant it i didnt have alot of time with it 1hr and this is my first exspirence with a tube amp. i also tried the f50 and couldnt get the distortion i was looking for from it but i didnt mess with it very long. the reason i have been looking at tubes particularly boogies is that im very tired of distorion boxes the sound im looking for i just couldnt get from the many many many pedals i have tried. thanks
Try a Tubescreamer in front of the amp with little or no drive, just tone and level. You'll still be using one pedal, but heck you'll be using it with a Boogie :wink: .

Another thing is, Boogies have a real touchy EQ and it takes a while to dial in a sound that works for what you may need. Don't give up on it just yet, keep messing with it (if you get a chance to).

Another thing that would make the leads stand out more (make them less thick), would be trying one thta has EL34 tubes in it.

I had one, and I loved the lead sound I got... I ran it in Vintage with the EQ set like this:

Bass 9:00 - 10:00
Mids 10:00 - 11:00
Trebble 12:00
Presence 11:00
Gain 3:00

Dont be afraid of the trebble control, it is pretty powerful and can take you out of the "Mud" territory pretty quickly and brighten up your tone.
prometheus said:
recently i tried out a mesa rectoverb. i really liked the rthym stuff really good distortion but i couldnt get a good clear lead from it. it sounded too "thick" any suggestions i really like the amp and its priced pretty reasonable. i play alot of metallica,bls,megadeth,ozzy etc but i also like to play some satch,vai and petrucci stuff. grant it i didnt have alot of time with it 1hr and this is my first exspirence with a tube amp. i also tried the f50 and couldnt get the distortion i was looking for from it but i didnt mess with it very long. the reason i have been looking at tubes particularly boogies is that im very tired of distorion boxes the sound im looking for i just couldnt get from the many many many pedals i have tried. thanks

Get a copy of the owner's guide for each of the Boogies you want to try. Read how the tone controls interact with each other, with Mesa amps it's a bit different than other amp manufacturers. Also, check out the recommended settings in the owner's guides and try them out. This will make it a lot easier to dial in the tones you are looking for and determine whether or not the amp has what you are looking for.
thanks guys :D in retrospect i might have had the gain too high as i am used to using amps with less POWER i really liked the crunch another part of the problem is it was in a store that just dosent let you grab a guitar he handed me a fender strat. i kept thinking if this thing is this thick with single coils !!!!!!!!!!! ill try your suggestions i have already downloaded the manual for the recotoverb from reading some posts here im probably gonna spend some more time with the F50 too.
When I tried out a Dual Rectifier last year, I used a Telecaster and I didn't like what I heard and I passed on it (big mistake). Later on that year I went on another amp hunt and took my guitar with me and tried everything in the store (except the Boogies) and then went to a different store and I didn't find anything I liked. I then, for some reason, went back to the first store to try the Peavey JSX one more time and it was sitting next to the Boogies......So while I was playing the JSX I went ahead and kicked on the same Dual Rectifier I tried 9 months earlier and plugged in to it... I was litterally wiping drool off my chin from what I was hearing!! That was the sound I'd been looking for all along, cleans and distortion.

Most music stores, if not all, will let you bring in your own guitar. Thats what I'd suggest, take your own guitar and try out the Rectoverb again - I think you'll find it more pleasing to the ears with your own guitar.
I've always thought the Rectifiers were superior in rhythm tones, not so with lead tones! :?
tele_jas said:
Most music stores, if not all, will let you bring in your own guitar. Thats what I'd suggest, take your own guitar and try out the Rectoverb again - I think you'll find it more pleasing to the ears with your own guitar.

This is very good advice. 8)
did what you said tele. i brought my ibanez rg 570 and plugged in it was a lil better but not the tone i wanted so i tried the f-30 and f-50 close but no cigar. just as i was about to give up i walked to the counter and told the girl i wish i could try a tube screamer in front of it or a ZW OD and she grabbed a ts 808 so i went back exspecting to be dissappointed and it happeded........ PURE SONIC HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the highs were sweet no mud at all and it still chugged like an ol shovel head. Lord i hope they still have that amp while im gathering funds!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jbird said:
I've always thought the Rectifiers were superior in rhythm tones, not so with lead tones! :?

Same opinion.

Although for rhythm I love my Rectifier to death, I feel there's much better lead amps out there.
I feel, and have found, that you can dial in a great rhythm OR great lead tones but you can't really have both with the same settings. When I record, I will acttually change my settings to do my leads and it works very well this way. But in a live situation I have to find a happy middle ground and then I use a TS (w/gain set very low) for some of my leads.

I have found some GREAT lead tones in all my Rectifiers - but my idea of a great lead tone may be different than the next persons :wink:

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