New Cab day! But.....

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2006
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not for the Mark V. :D Mesa Roadster 2x12 with V 30's. Mint condition and 400 Beans. Although it does sound sweet through the V; but I plan to use it with my JC-120H head incoming for my home set up will be A/Bing it with the Mark V. As typically I use channel one for crystal clean w/ chorus on the Mark V, now with the JC head I can A/B it and have cleans then ch1 tweed for mild grit and make Ch 2 and 3 for lead and rhythm tones. But Live I will use the Roadster cab as it is much lighter and a pain in the arse to lug the Diezel 4x12 to gigs.

Congrats! Nice addition.

Don't mean to hijack your thread :) ; however, I, too, added a cab yesterday (for the Mark V) Egnater TM212...and it seems to be working out pretty well.


Having never before owned a 2x12 cab, it's new territory for me. Overall, this thing is one nice cab. I'm still getting some whoofing on the low stuff, though, and that's what I was really afraid of. I played mostly hard rock with half step down, drop Db, whole step down, and drop C, and palm muting can really push this and my Marshall cabs (either speakers or the baffle).

I also have a friend's Roadster 2x12 (V30's) here and it really doesn't hang with the Egnater or Marshall.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
I never played an engater cab but seen many rave about them. I still love the Diezel Front loaded two 4x12's I have w/ V30's. I tried the rearloaded ones and did not really like them and also was not a fan of the recto cabs. Mainly did not like the recto's as that they have great bottom end and a Vh4 is naturally a very boomy amp. Just the Diezels weigha zillion pounds and cost like $1200 new! But IMO worth it. I like how light the roadster 2x12 is and will be using that for gigs from now on for the Mark V.
Yeah...I think you're definitely on to something with the front loaded idea. That and ported are the only two things I haven't tried yet.

I really wanted to get an Earcandy buzz bomb 2x12, but there's a 4 week wait and I needed something to transport for pre-production, as I know longer have a van or truck.

I'm not disappointed, at all, with the Egnater, but think there's something out there that can give me that non-woofing bass sound I'm looking for out of a 2x12. Don't know if it's Earcandy, Mills Acoustic, Randall, Rivera, Avatar or something else. At this point I'm moving forward with the Egnator and hoping for the best.

BTW...did I mention this cab was only $450 brand new, in the box? Great price.
nice that is a good price.

BTW is that G-Major 1 or 2? I am really GASsing to make a mini FX rack with a G-Major 2/GCX/GR Pro. But dissapointed my Diezel VH4S did not sell tonight so I had to relist it. Weird I sell a VH4 for 3K last week. The VH4S is more rare and IMO more options plus a flight case and 30 people watch, but no bids oh well. Up again. Guess it depends on who is looking for one.
It's actaully the M-One XL - the PA version of the G Major - that I'm running with the ADA MP-1. I'm hoping to get a stereo power amp, but am having the same problem selling other equipment, too. Wish I could afford your Diezel. Good Luck!
Had to return the Egnater...was getting a lot of woofing out of it on really heavy stuff, which is 80% of my playing.

Just ordered a MILLS Acoustics Mach 212B Straight Cab and am really anxious to hear it and see if it meets the claim.

Dave Mills communicated directly with me and I'm very impressed so far.

Will update as soon as possible...
Brianiac5150 said:
Had to return the Egnater...was getting a lot of woofing out of it on really heavy stuff, which is 80% of my playing.

Just ordered a MILLS Acoustics Mach 212B Straight Cab and am really anxious to hear it and see if it meets the claim.

Dave Mills communicated directly with me and I'm very impressed so far.

Will update as soon as possible...


Isn't the Egnater a 160 watt cab???
It does have two CL-80's; however, I believe the issue to be how the cab's baffle is responding with the speakers. It's a great cab - especially for the money - for most applications, but just wasn't handling the power the Mark V was throwing at it when driven.