New .50 Caliber+ & Tubes

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2008
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Hey Guys, just picked up a second .50 Caliber +, I'm finding a slight (very slight) difference in tone, which I'm not surprised or concerned but...

I now need my tone to be a bit smoother and notes to be more defined, I also this one to be a bit more "flubbier'

I have them set at the same settings, played thru the same cab, using the same guitar.

Original .50 Cal+ Tubes:

Mesa 6L6 STR 440 Yellows X 2
V1 Tung Sol 12AX7
V2 Tung Sol 12AX7
V3 Tung Sol 12AX7
V4 Electro Harmonix 12AT7
V5 Tung Sol 12AX7

New .50 Cal+ Tubes:

Mesa 6L6 STR 440 Yellows X 2
V1 Tung Sol 12AX7
V2 Tung Sol 12AX7
V3 Tung Sol 12AX7
V4 Jan Philips 12AT7WC
V5 JJ12AX7 / ECC83

I've messed around with the settings and am now looking towards tubes for further shaping of tone.

When I first bought my Tung Sol's for my first .50Cal+ the guys at the store told my they would "fatten" my tone up, not that I even wanted that, but I remember him saying that...I never found that to be the case when I fired them up in my amp-although I was quite happy with the tone I was getting never the less.

Now, in my new .50 Cal+ I definitely find my tone to be "fatter" than my original .50Cal+ and am thinkin of trying out Mesa 12AX7's instead...I'm happy with my Mesa power tubes and they always put out a quality product so...

Any suggestions tips?
I've owned my .50Cal+ since 1991 and just recently tried something new and couldn't be happier with my tone. Mind you, I play metal/thrash/hardcore/speed metal etc.
But I use:
V-1 AdZam Bugle Boy 12ax7(made in Holland)
V-2 Philips 12At7
V-3 Beijing Facility 12ax7
V-4 RCA-12at7
V-5 Electro Harmonix 12ax7

Now if you want to UN-smooth your tone, I'd try a Electro Harmonix 12AX7 in V-1 and V-3, they're pretty crunchy/high gain. But if you've got a little money, try some NOS tubes in V-1 and V-3, my current favorite is my Bugle Boy, but I also like RFT's, Old Tesla's from the 70's etc.
Cool, thanks. Yeah I play Metal/Thrash too, I'm after a straight Metal Rhythm tone here.

I definitely want high gain, but at the same time smooth with well-defined notes, think Hetfileld's 89' (live tone).

Where do you find those Bugle Boy's you mentioned?
I found it from a guy over at the Gear Page, selling NOS tubes, think it was about $50.00. But the RFT's, and NOS Tesla's are very good too and I think they're still in the $35.00 range. Plus they last long than current production 12ax7's.
Hey Scott, what's the idea of the 12AT7 in V2? Doesn't that make it even harder to achieve a balance between the clean and crunch channels? :?:

I suppose that for THrash / Metal you mught want the greatest contrast between the channels.

I run a 5751 in the V1 position for the opposite effect. THat way I get an 'edgy' clean and a good hard rock crunch with the gain on 6 to 7.

Might be worth trying a NOS JAN 5751 in V2. I don't rate 12at7s anywhere other than the phase splitter.

It's all good. :)
Well with a AX7 my clean channel sounds like Angus or Malcom Youngs dirty tone. Just seems to work for me. And I do use a AT7 for a phase splitter too. So usually I'm running 3. Just seems to my ears that the Gain/ whole amp is clearer.
Pickups would make a real diference too. My buckers are all reasonably low output so I need the gain on the clean channel to get it cooking.
So I took all 7 tubes from my original .50 Cal+ and put em in my new .50 Cal+ and that didn't make any difference, especially considering there are really only 2 tubes that are different from one amp to the other, but I had to try...

I wonder why there's such a difference in tone between the two amps, my first .50 Cal+ was a 91' a 24XXX S/N and the first know from the left is labeled "Volume" my new one is an earlier, an 89' a 14XXX S/N (I believe) and it's first knob is labeled "Gain".

It's kinda irritating me now, I kinda wanna take my new one to the local Boogie service center to have it looked at for mods, I gotta get it back to stock if it's been modded or at least sounding like my original one...

I didn't know/or really haven't given it much thought to change around the tubes from AX7's to AT7's to 5751's and who knows what other options you guys know of, but...

If I wanted a tight, high gain thrash tones that's still smooth and well defined (in terms of note clarity) say as close to the direction of James' tone here:

What would you guys suggest, you guys seem to know your tubes and can save both time & money, thanks in advance for your time and replies!
Hey, check out my bands myspace site, I'm using the .50cal+, the other guitarist is using a MKIII. As far as pickups, I'm using pretty high output humbuckers, WCR Iron Man's or Manlius Full Range's, both are 22K+.
Cool band, I like the style/tone for sure, sound like a band that you'd gotta see live with a bunch of beers goin'.

You guys ever make it out to Toronto? If you do lemme know.

Not the type of tone, I'm after here but a killer tone either way! It's tight, good ****.
I have always thought my .50+ sounded dark and not very tight. I play 80's thrash and I try to get good tight heavy tone with clarity in the notes, and I havn't found the .50 cal as good as the MKIII for this. It has new JJ's and my pickup is fairly high output, but It just isn't really working for me. I thought it did more modern tones better than Het's 89 live tone.