New 5:50

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Tom M

Jun 16, 2009
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Hey guys I have been talking about bringing back my 5:25 and getting 5:50 well I did it today. I have a question, they gave me a footswitch that was the same as the 5:25 but there is something in the back of the amp down below in a leather bag, it seems bolted to amp. What the hell could it be, it does not seem easy to get out,it's strapped in. possibly another footswitch that is different, this thing is long from what I can feel. Let me know your thoughts, I am trying to get it undone,heh

Btw: my amp pops when switching from clean to crunch on channel 1, I am so pissed I have to bring this back already, I just got home. It's an hour ride to the store,boo hoo.
That's the reverb tank in the bag on the bottom. It should only be removed for repair or replacement.

Sorry to hear about the pop.
Well after 4 hours of driving back and forth it's allset and I am one happy mofo. Somebody at g.c put the wrong 6 pin foot switch cable on amp. Once I put on the original everything was fine, no popping no nothing. I was going to grab another but once I put the thin crappy cable back on popping and only channel 2 worked on the footswitch. All is well and I have no regrets about bringing the 5:25 back, just the bigger cabinet on 5:50 makes it sound less boxy and I am a true 6l6 lover, The el84's weren't bad but I could definatelly tell the difference, and my 5:25 had a 12 inch speaker as well. With these 6l6 tubes it's more bassy and on all the channels just seem's more of what I am familiar with but on a way higher scale.

I am on vacation this week so I hope to get something recorded with new amp and post. My new tele sounds superb through mesa, and I also own a strat with t.s. pup's and a godin ext 22 with a humbucker in bridge and 2 s.c. in middle and neck, so I think I have all my sounds covered. Btw yes your right it is reverb and I feel like a tool for asking what it was but better to be safe than sorry, Here I was thinking it was some other footswitch. hehe. Thanks again.
Never noticed until now amp has somewhat open back,man I feel like everytime i look at it I notice something different,not like it's that big
I love my 5:50. It's just a great all around amp! I used mine at a BBQ this past weekend. We played 2 sets where I used a Les Paul, a Tele, a pedal board, a 5E3 clone and the 5:50.

Later in the evening we played a blues jam where I just used the Les Paul plugged straight into the 5:50.

It sounded great!
Hi Don did you notice or anyone for that matter when gigging or just playing really loud, do you hear noise and rattling from cab. I turned bass down but I still hear it, I have never had an amp this loud before in a combo version so I didn't know if it was the tubes rattling, that is what the noise sounds like, kind of high pitched and shaky. THis is not normally how loud I play but nobody was home so I figured let's see what she can do, lot's of fun there. If anyone has any advice or comments on rattleling let me know. I tried to put my champ 600 on top but that didn't quite it down either
It could be a microphonic preamp tube. It's pretty common. V2 is the first gain stage in these amps. Try another 12AX7 there (you can borrow one from another position).

Also, combo amps are known for noises. My 5:50 is fine though I don't think I've ever cranked it all the way up.

When I had a friend build me a 5E3 clone a few years ago it took a while to get all the little sounds out of it.
maybe your right, this amp was on the floor at g.c. Have no idea how many kids may have just turned it on and max out volume just to be retarded. I hate spending that much money and have to retube it already, doesn't seem right. It does sound microphonic though I've never heard it, thats how I would describe the noise it's making. Will any 12ax7 work or do I need to use mesa tubes? I figure anyone should be fine
Mesa offers 6 months (I believe) warranty on the tubes, so if it IS a tube I would take it back to GC...hell, with it being on the floor with kids doing who knows what with it I would demand a full tube replacement.
I'm having an issue with my new 5:50 and Mesa is sending new tubes, no questions asked.....can't beat that.
I swapped all the pre-amp tubes with a new one that is working but still have issue, I don't have any power tubes and I think that is the problem, I am not getting hardly any power or distortion except on burn channel and it sounds like my crunch used too, Does this sound like a power tube.

Frankly I'm astounded at all the post's on this board saying :Help new 5:50, or Problem with 5:50, I hope these are not all new amps, I don't like those odds. I will probably have to suck it up and drive back to boston and exchange it, I guess they have 2 in stock. I'm on vacation and don't want to go without amp waiting for tubes from mesa, I'll let the store deal with that.
Tom, definitely call Mesa directly. There are really good about calling you back the same day. They're only open Monday through Thursday so call as early as possible today...they will call you back. Explain your situation and they'll get you straight.

BTW, the reason I didn't buy my amp from a GC was for many of the reasons already stated. Nothing against GC...just too many death metal wannabees beating on gear in their stores. I've seen some darn nice guitars getting mauled by the many yutes at my local GC.
:) Joe Pesci is funny in My Cousin Vinny. (yutes = youths)
I always try everything I can to avoid buying anything off the floor at any store, but especially at GC. I only go to GC if they are the only store that has what I need, and I need it today and I cant wait to order it online.

I have learned to figure in a complete retube as just a built in aspect of buying a new amp, any amp. I just buy the tubes when I buy the amp if possible. Kinda like I never drive a new (used) car on the tires it came with, I always replace with my own choice of new tires.
G.C. was useless in helping me, and I know about buying off the floor but it is one of those times. I am on vacation till next weds and have money and I returned amp. They wouldn't give me the tube kit I needed so I returned it and bought a bogner. Thanks for all your comments. I sure did like the mesa but too many problems in 2 days, that particular amp was cursed.