Bugeyed Earl
Yet another update: I replaced the filter caps (as well as C10 and a few resistors that were out of spec,) and I convinced myself that the LDRs might be the source of my switching issue, so I swapped them out also. If anyone needs this info in the future, LDR4 is the only 21L884 or VTL5C4, the others three are 21L883 or VTL5C1 (the part numbers on the stacked pair at 1 & 2 are impossible to read while they're in place.)
At any rate, I switched it on and read 21v at C9 again, and the behavior is exactly the same, grrr!!! I did get a huge improvement in the bass response, I think I can thank the new filter caps for that.
I picked up the parts to do the lead drive mod, but I want to get this problem fixed first. I noticed that I already have a hole waiting for the pot, drilled and plugged at the factory I assume. Don, did you modify your amp yet, and if so, how do you like it?
Random mid-repair gut shot:
At any rate, I switched it on and read 21v at C9 again, and the behavior is exactly the same, grrr!!! I did get a huge improvement in the bass response, I think I can thank the new filter caps for that.
I picked up the parts to do the lead drive mod, but I want to get this problem fixed first. I noticed that I already have a hole waiting for the pot, drilled and plugged at the factory I assume. Don, did you modify your amp yet, and if so, how do you like it?
Random mid-repair gut shot: