Neil Young, Mark Knopfler, Santana Tone On The Mark V?

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Apr 10, 2011
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I have spent quite a bit of time going through the "Tone Settings" sticky. Nobody has ever posted some of my favorite tones. I have been experimenting, but at this point, I'm thinking that I may be trying to re-invent the wheel. Would any of you have suggestions for settings that would be in the ball park for the tone of Neil Young, Mark Knopfler, Santana? As I explained in the other thread I started, I'm kind of new at this and for all I know the Mark V "doesn't do" these tones and I need a pedal or two. I would be open to suggestions and ideas for that idea as well. TIA
You shouldn't have ANY problem getting any of those tones straight out of the Mark V, pedals not included. Neil Young tone would be something like the clean channel with a touch of gain and LOTS of volume - really driving the power section. Santana tone should be cake in the IIC+ mode with your neck pickup. Not sure about the Mark Knopfler tone, though....which songs/album? He used so many amps ( including Boogies ). Also, what guitar are you using? Pickups? Cab? Key us in.
Take this as a grain of salt since I'm not a Mark V owner (yet), but what I consider Santana's tone is readily available in channel 2's Mark I mode.
ifailedshapes said:
Take this as a grain of salt since I'm not a Mark V owner (yet), but what I consider Santana's tone is readily available in channel 2's Mark I mode.


It is( I am Mark V owner) Mark I for the early versions (Abraxas) and IIC from Cravanserai onwards.In these days also Dumble's then

Yup, forgot about that Mark I mode - that's definitely early Santana all the way.
Neptical said:
You shouldn't have ANY problem getting any of those tones straight out of the Mark V, pedals not included. Neil Young tone would be something like the clean channel with a touch of gain and LOTS of volume - really driving the power section. Santana tone should be cake in the IIC+ mode with your neck pickup. Not sure about the Mark Knopfler tone, though....which songs/album? He used so many amps ( including Boogies ). Also, what guitar are you using? Pickups? Cab? Key us in.

I appreciate the guidance offered above. I keep experimenting and reading. My problem is that I use the Mark V in my condo. I was told before I purchased the amp that it was capable of performing well at low volume settings. I am wondering if (1) there is anybody out there that has achieved the artist tones mentioned in the title and what specific amp settings they are using, and (2) can these tones be achieved at relatively low volume? (condominium level volume...). (3) If a pedal(s) would be needed what suggestions would you have for pedals to achieve the tone of these guitarists at a volume level acceptable in a condo. I have a Mark V Combo, the only electric guitar that I have at the moment is a telecaster, custom shop hot no-caster single coil bridge pickup, custom shop twisted tele single coil neck pickup. I'm exploring these questions at several places, I just thought that this would be the most likely place to get the most accurate answers...I appreciate any and all help...thanks
SpiderWeb said:
I appreciate the guidance...can I get the Neil Young tone (or any of these tones) at low volume? (condominium level volume...) without pedals (idea of what settings?) Or, if pedals required, what pedals? (telecaster, combo, custom shop hot no-caster single coil bridge pickup, custom shop twisted tele single coil neck pickup...)

Man, you are really over-thinking this stuff. No two guitars and no two amps will ever sound exactly alike, and no two people will hear something the exact same way. Half the joy of playing electric guitar (especially for those of us who use Boogies) is tone hunting. You just need to try the different guitars you have, mess around with the different modes on your amp, and see what you get. Another thing is that the Mark V is seriously versatile, and your "Neil Young tone" is probably available in every channel. :)

Minor rant time: I hate it when people limit a famous guitar player to one "tone." I'm a Clapton fan, and I love his "woman tone," but that doesn't mean every one of his songs has that tone. To think that your favorite guitarist played the same pickup on the same guitar through the same amp for every song is not very realistic. Most of what we hear as a player's tone comes from his unique style of playing his instrument. Okay, rant over. :)
ifailedshapes said:
SpiderWeb said:
I appreciate the guidance...can I get the Neil Young tone (or any of these tones) at low volume? (condominium level volume...) without pedals (idea of what settings?) Or, if pedals required, what pedals? (telecaster, combo, custom shop hot no-caster single coil bridge pickup, custom shop twisted tele single coil neck pickup...)

Man, you are really over-thinking this stuff. No two guitars and no two amps will ever sound exactly alike, and no two people will hear something the exact same way. Half the joy of playing electric guitar (especially for those of us who use Boogies) is tone hunting. You just need to try the different guitars you have, mess around with the different modes on your amp, and see what you get. Another thing is that the Mark V is seriously versatile, and your "Neil Young tone" is probably available in every channel. :)

Minor rant time: I hate it when people limit a famous guitar player to one "tone." I'm a Clapton fan, and I love his "woman tone," but that doesn't mean every one of his songs has that tone. To think that your favorite guitarist played the same pickup on the same guitar through the same amp for every song is not very realistic. Most of what we hear as a player's tone comes from his unique style of playing his instrument. Okay, rant over. :)

I understand your comments, and believe me I do have a tendency to over-think everything, but I am doing a lot of tone hunting and I am enjoying it. Even though, at the moment, I'm a "bottle rocket" around the Boogie Board, I realize that each guitarist has a toolbox of different tones, from different guitars, using a variety of pick-ups, amps and effects. I'm just hoping that this community of experienced Mesa owners can help to get me somewhere in the ball park of the "signature tone" of these guitarists with the equipment that I have at a volume that will not get me killed by neighbors. When I peruse the tone settings thread I see that people are trying to achieve this or that sound all of the time. I'm just looking for suggestions as to how I might get close to the tones that I most appreciate.
I'm glad you didn't think I was being rude. I'm an over-thinker, too. I was just making sure that you were doing your own tweaking because it seems like some people just sit around and wait to be told what to do. :)

Now, I'm 28 and play a PRS, so my ears hear things a little bit differently, and my guitar sounds nothing like a Tele. I guess I'm not the one to help you out with your "old man" tones. (Totally kidding there! :)) I'm a big Santana fan, and to my ears, the Mark I mode is the best match. I like a few Dire Straits songs, but that's all I know about Mark Knopfler. I personally don't even like Neil Young. Hopefully people who know more about those guys than I do start chiming in.

Regarding pedals, the Mark V should be able to get you the basic tones you need on its own. I'd recommend getting a good delay pedal for the FX loop, though. That will open up a whole new world to you.

The best source you can use is your ears, man. The tones are there, it's up to you to find them. That's more then half the fun with these amps in the first place. Plus, it'll get you to know your amp like your best companion...and there's much exploring to be had. Also, as ifailedshapes mentioned, get yourself a nice delay and enjoy the ride. Good luck!
Neptical said:

The best source you can use is your ears, man. The tones are there, it's up to you to find them. That's more then half the fun with these amps in the first place. Plus, it'll get you to know your amp like your best companion...and there's much exploring to be had. Also, as ifailedshapes mentioned, get yourself a nice delay and enjoy the ride. Good luck!

I am having a lot of fun exploring, I have had some success with a Neil Young-like tone. I am in the process of deciding about a delay. This amp does take you for a ride. I'm beginning to realize the possibilities...thanks
Hi spider web,
I have just got my Mk V and I am a huge fan of all those you mentioned and i to have searched for the tones your after. In my experience it comes down to one thing your ears and listening to the tones off the albums. Its 'That Tone' you here so trust your ears, I have sat with my amps and tweaked until I got AS CLOSE as one can. I have had an amp biult with all the specs from Claptons Tweed Twins, hunted down the old Oxford speakers he used, had photos of his amps guts and had the cabinet made like his from 100 year old pine, just like his. NOW, I can get the tones prety close but the tone is definateley in his fingers. I play a Clapton strat, as you can tell I did become obsesive about 'The Tone'. I got the Boogie because i like Santanas early tone from Abraxas etc, but a funny thing has happend in the last ten years of 'Tone Hunting' I am developing my own tone which is a bit of Clapton Santana and me and its great fun now. With my Boogie I change the speaker to a Altec, that makes a big diference and I changed all the tubes, Power tubes are Winged 'C' and the V1 Preamp tube is a Low gain Jan Philips with all the others Harm Croyo tubes. Its great now I have a smoother gain over the whole amp and Mk1 channel is rely useable now. Have fun a play music.
P.s Santana on Mk1 setting Treble about 1 0cklock, mids about 3 to 5 play with that one, bass just below 9 ocklock. Thats useing My Clapton Strat with a bit of Mid Boost on middle pick up on treble pick up.
MGW said:
Hi spider web,

P.s Santana on Mk1 setting Treble about 1 0cklock, mids about 3 to 5 play with that one, bass just below 9 ocklock. Thats useing My Clapton Strat with a bit of Mid Boost on middle pick up on treble pick up.

hi MGW

May I ask?

What about
Thick ?
EQ on (preset to ??)
Gain ??
Presence ??
Treble is it 10 o clock-->10:00 or 1:00(which I use)
Mids 3-5:00
Bass 8:30

Guitar and speakers are important factors

I use

Mark I
EQ on (preset to about 12 o'clock)
Gain 11:30
Presence 2:00
Treble 2:00
Mids 11:30
Bass 9:00 and with an EVM12L and a PRS Santana SE I am really there.With the Strats it needs to be changed more in your direction


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