When I read up on them the KT77s run a higher plate voltage, of course it sounds like you know that. Higher voltage would equal less life. If you still have your stock tubes you might want to try them. I seem to get plenty of headroom on my combo and Im comparing it to my Triple Rec.
How did the KTs sound in your amp? I mean when they were fresh.
I have a bunch of old 6550s out of my old Sunn amps lying around. I might have to try some and see how they sound.
When I read up on them the KT77s run a higher plate voltage, of course it sounds like you know that. Higher voltage would equal less life. If you still have your stock tubes you might want to try them. I seem to get plenty of headroom on my combo and Im comparing it to my Triple Rec.
How did the KTs sound in your amp? I mean when they were fresh.
I have a bunch of old 6550s out of my old Sunn amps lying around. I might have to try some and see how they sound.