Need Mesa Cabinet info for a Build!

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
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Well I found my Croco Embossed Leather that I was looking for at a Great Price, so now I need to build the cab's for my Mark V that is on Order. I think that I have settled in on a 4x12 for the bottom and a 2x12 for on top. The cabinets will be made from 3/4" , 13 ply, void-free Baltic Birch. I am not worried about weight since These are for home use and wont be moved. But In order to get moving, I have a few questions and if anyone could help I'd appreciate it.

1) On a typicall Mesa 4x12, how far back from the front of the cab is the speaker baffle recessed? I plan on using a dado and gluing the baffle in.

2) How thick is the wooden frame that holds the grill cloth?

3) I heard that Mesa attaches the grill cloth frame to the baffle with Velcro, Is this true? Any pictures?

4) Are the speakers front or rear loaded? I am assuming front loaded.

5) I like playing Metallica, 80's Hair bands, and am starting to get into some Dream Theater, Do I go standard size or oversized for the 4x12?

6) Half-back or closed back? (I presume closed back will give me a tighter bottom end which would be good for metal)

7) Anyone know what the radius of the round-overs are on a Mesa cab?

I think that will do it for now. If anyone has a pictures that could help answer my questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

1- about 2inches
2- 1inch
3- no ,stapled
4- rear
5- inbetween ,os for metal
6- both make removable panels closed for metal
7- I think 3/4
8- good luck!
Thanks. This helps.

For #3, I understand that the grill cloth is stapled to the frame, but the frame itself, I presume uses Velcor to hold it in place to the Speaker Baffle. At least tha't what I thought that I heard.


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