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Sep 7, 2006
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I'm new to the board, and I'm looking for some advice... I have a triple rectifier, coming in tomorrow!! I was using a single rectifier for years... I'm looking for advice on effect set up etc.... This is what I have..

Triple Rectifier
MXR Phaser
Boss Super Chorus
Boss Chorus Es.. (used for a higher rate setting)
Presonus Blue Max Compressor rack mount
Lexicon Reverb rack mount
BBE Sonic Stomp
Original Crybaby

I was thinking of running the 2 Chorus, Delay, Phaser, Reverb, Compressor in the effects loop. And running the Wah, Overdrive, and BBE from the front..

Singal would be from guitar to Wah, Overdrive, BBE, Tuner, to Amp
Effects loop would be Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Phaser, Delay, Reverb Compressor, to Amp loop...

Does this sound right? Any suggestions on things I should do different?

Thank in advance for the help!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds about right!

I think some might say that reverb should be upfront, but I get mine from the loop, and it sounds amazing!

One thing I've learned with my mesa....the less pedals, the better! You really want to conserve that amazing tone!
Sounds pretty good, from what i've read and heard really the more time based effects such as delay and echo, etc. are good in the chain. Grats on the triple, it will be nice.
Thanks guys!!!

I get to start playing tomorrow... My triple should arrive tomorrow afternoon!!!

Thanks again
No problem. Enjoy your time on these forums..Tons of information and lots of people who know answers to about any question you have.
Honestly I would cut it down to one modulation pedal, maybe lose the compressor (the higher the gain inherent in an amplifier, the more natural compression it has), and GET RID OF THE BBE. Those things are useless with a real amplifier.
and always mix around your rig and take note of what sounds good in a certain chain. you might like a certain effect in a particular spot