Need help quick - LSC 1x12 or 2x12

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Feb 19, 2007
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Just got a Lonestar Classic 1x12 a few days ago and just found out my store has a 2x12 for only fifty bucks more. I love the one I have but, since they only have one 2x12 for the price am wondering if I should get that one instead.

Please give me clear reasons why I should go either way.

I chose the 1 x 12 because it simply sounded better to me. Kinda sucked too, because I was set on getting a 2 x 12 setup, so I picked up a LS extension cab 1 x 12 and now play a vertical 2 x 12 (combo plus a 1 x 12 cab.) I love this set up.

The 2 x 12 just did not sound as responsive as the 1 x 12. It just simply sounded better.

Try them out side by side and see what you think. Picking up an extension cab is an option too.
The 1x12 sounds better-I have one and just bought another. You get phase cancellation with the 2x12-and while I like phase cancellation playing very high gain amps, I don't like it with the lonesatar.
Would phase cancellation be the result of a 1x12 combo stacked atop a 1x12 extension? ie, does phase cancellation happen if the speakers are adjacent to each other vertically as well as horizontally? Also, so the two speakers have to be in the same cabinet for them to affect each other in this way?
If I was buying new, I would look at that Lonestar with the 4x10 combo cabinet.

If you want a compact combo, get the Lonestar classic with the Lonestar Special size cab with 1x12.

Now to your question, I would get the 1x12.

Though I can't say I've heard the two side by side, in general, I'd go for the 2x12. It's generally a fuller sound and you're moving twice as much air! I don't believe phase cancellation is an issue here... I see it more as phase ADDition! That being said, yes the 1x12 should be more responsive because you're moving only one driver, but I think that's more than offset by the bigger sound of 2x12. Think: ALL of the most popular old Fender amps (Twin, Super, etc.)
Bottom line is you need to A-B them to see which one YOU like best.
I am with MaxBoogie on this one, I prefer the 2x12. That's the great thing about choices though. Try 'em both and you choose. The Lonestars are incredibly "tweakable" just like any other Boogie. If you go with the one or the 2x12, I don't think you will be disappointed.
I 2nd the vote for the 2x12. I originally thought I preferred the 1x12 until I actually took it out to a gig....too boomy in that sized cabinet. The 2x12 just sounded better live IMHO.