Need help on buying first Mesa...

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Hmmmm interesting info you got there...

From your description, I think Id like EL84's? My 5150 uses 6l6's, I like the amps overall tone and character, Its just not what I personally want to sound like. I love listening to it though. (If that makes sense). That isnt in regards to the tubes it uses, just the amps overall tone.

Ive been searching for ADA MP-2's and cant find a single thing...
Also couldnt find any Peavey 50/50's.

Guess ill keep searchin :|
Yeah, patience is everything.

I forgot to mention Peavey has a 6L6 based rack power amp called the 60/60.

I see the old Marshall 50/50's are commanding near as much money as a 2203. Holy MF.
There's a guy on craiglist somewhere who wants to trade his Nomad 100, I think, for a Peavey 5150. Given what you're up against, and assuming you can have a pal or yourself audition and do the deal in person, its something to look into. I've asked independent guitar stores to broker deals on my behalf before to ensure quality and payment, but that'll run an extra $150 for each part in a trade, if you can find a store willing to do it.

I have a nomad, and Ch1 is a very excellent modern clean tone. Ch2 is close to Mk1 but rounder, not as "sax-y". Dime it and Scoop it with the onboard EQ and you will be within peeing distance of a Mk2C+; metallica type tone. Ch3 sits some bizarre place between a hotrodded marshall and a rectifier.
I really like the tones im hearing from the ADA MP-2, but when its all said and done, I think saving up and waiting for a Mark III will be the best bet for me. Im just so eager to get rid of my 5150, im actually starting to hate it...

Its so far from the tone that I want, sometimes it kills my mood to even play guitar. Ive got to find a quick fix...
I got a mark1 re-issue in even trade for my recently serviced XXXcombo a couple of years back, LOL, but it was in serious need of a cap job

My mark 1 re-issue plus a fuzz & eq does ok but I don't play the Dream Theatre stuff.
It has 6l6s for 100w, but I think it takes EL34s too for an 80 watt rms.
When I had it re-capped, my tech altered the preamp to be more british with only 2 caps and a resistor.
If you're not happy with the gain, you can easily bridge the effects loop and it adds another gain stage
that is controllable by the effects loop volume.

I believe they are less expensive than the Mark3s and 4s, I have a fuzz pedal, but the mark 1 does alright up to heavy metal by itself.
Ive got a potential buyer for my 5150 right now, if it goes through im gonna hunt for a Mark III but im going to be needing an amp soon.

If i cant find the Mark, Im gonna go with a DC10 212 combo. Many say its VERY similar to a Mark and Ill be much happier with that. Ill save up some extra cash, then I can sell the DC10 and finally afford a Mark III :mrgreen:

Its going to take longer than i hoped but Ill get it done soon enough.
Reminds me of that once famous young fellow who started trading a paper clip when he was 16, and by the time he was 22, after thousands of further retrades, he traded something for a house without adding a cent more cash.

Buy smart, sell smart.
Almost got a Mark IV but then it sold :(

It only made sense for the guy to go through with the other interested party since his offer was much better than mine.

Found another Mark IV for a VERY nice price. Trying to talk the guy down about $25 to compensate a bit on shipping, then take a small loan from my parents, and im good =)
needsmoregear12 said:
Almost got a Mark IV but then it sold :(

It only made sense for the guy to go through with the other interested party since his offer was much better than mine.

Found another Mark IV for a VERY nice price. Trying to talk the guy down about $25 to compensate a bit on shipping, then take a small loan from my parents, and im good =)

Well.....did it work?
Sadly no.

I lost my job, the business closed and am currently looking for a new job. Also, found out that the value of the 6505 amps has gone down recently. Had to drop my asking price of around $625 to $550.

Still havn't sold that amp. Once I sell this amp, find a job, and sell some crap I dont use; I will be buying a Mark III or IV. Im getting extremely impatient at this point. Ive had my Peavey up for sale for about 7-8 months now...
That's bad nows on the job - best wishes for soon employment for U..

Just backtracking for a sec regarding speakers, a Mark 1 and indeed the II and III's can yield some delicious tones with an Altec 417.

Personally, I'm a fan of the 417-8H, but the plain 417 is also a beautiful spkr.
They're getting a little exxie I notice on Evilbay, but keep yr mind open and I'm sure a loverly tone will be comin' your way in the near future.
Thanks for the comment and the info on the speaker!

Yea, it will come eventually...

For now im playing acoustic guitar with a friend as a soft-rock duet type of thing. Just trying to play out at local bars and clubs to kill time and have some good fun! Trying to work on songwriting for now and more melodic playing, so when I DO get a hold of one of the Mark amps, it will sound beautiful.

Thank you all again for your posts, I hope you dont feel your time was wasted. As soon as I have the funds available I will be rereading this thread thoroughly to make sure im making the right purchase.

Elpelotero said:
I agree with the above posts. The Mark III will get you that tight classic metal tone, no eq's, compressors, or stompboxes needed. It's worth to just save a little and be a hawk on ebay, google, and craigslist everyday. The Metallica settings are very public these days, and you could have the amp dialed in within seconds of opening the box. It will also get you that smooth lead tone. Petrucci and Metallica both used the same amp model (IIC+) back in the 80's/90's.

You can find a Mark III for under $1000 if you look closely and have patience. Even a Mark IV will do it, but those tend to be more expensive. Don't get a Mark II A or B though unless you want to be playing Rolling Stones.

Are you kidding? I guess you never listened to Ozzy's "Speak of the Devil", Brad Gillis playing through 2 MKIIB's, separated by a stereo chorus. Absolutely killer rock tone!