Need Advice On Which Fulltone Boost To get

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Sep 26, 2008
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Just as the title says: I've decided to get a Fulltone boost for my TOV but I don't know which one to go for. I am somewhat buying this blind (which I'm OK with) as I don't have means to play one before hand, though many friends have recommended one of these 3 to me as well as reputation/online demos alone lets me be comfortable enough to take tghe plunge. Plus the 45 day return policy.

So here's what I'm debating between:

1. OCD (Like the simplicity)
2. Fulldrive 2-Mosfet (concerned about the stories I heard about version 1 or the 10 year anniversary issues)
3. GT500 (like the many options but I don't need another distortion box, especially for the TOV. but then again....)

I currently have these OD and boost's so I want to try to stay away from one that is too similar to anything I have (I don't think that's a concern but doesn't hurt to list them):

1. Keeley SD-1
2. BB Preamp (just bought, in the mail)
3. Electro Harmonix English Muff'n Tube OD (more a distortion pedal, though)
4. Electro Harmonix 2ube Stereo Tube Preamp

Thanks for any input.

I'm not familiar with the last two that you already have. The Keeley SD-1 5-Star mod is one of my favorite pedals. To me, it's about the best you'll ever get a mass produced overdrive to sound. I own all three of the pedals you're debating between.

The OCD is almost like having a Marshall Plexi on steroids with extra gain and bass, all in a box. There's a good reason why it's on most people's short list of best overdrives. The harmonic overtones it generates are truly spectacular. Imagine being able to play leads through a Recto, only getting lots of sustain and sweet singing feedback that you don't get with the amp alone.

The Fulldrive 2 is also a very good one, but IMO its less versatile due to its darker tonal coloring. When paired with a Recto, the darkness of the pedal will have to be tamed or it will combine with the naturally woofy bass tone of the amp and bathe your guitar in mud. However, that very same darkness can serve to tame the glassy highs that Rectos produce on Channel 3 Modern and give your leads not only ample sustain, but a much more listenable warmth in the high notes than the amp itself can give. Where the Fulldrive 2 is almost miraculous, though, is when it is played by itself through a good tube amp's clean channel. It will give you a warm, full-bodied blues/jazz tone that you almost won't believe. The pedal by itself sounds like a better light-to-medium-gain tube amp than many tube amps's that good at that particular type of sound.

The GT-500 is a pioneering pedal in two respects. It's the first pedal to use a wah pedal's midrange circuitry to provide the widest range of midrange boost/cut control of any production overdrive ever made. It's also the first to give you the option of choosing not only independent on/off for each effect, but also the ability to reverse the sequence in which they affect the signal...IOW, which one comes first. To be candid, I have found this feature to be completely useless and gimmicky. Overdrives always sound better before distortion, regardless of whether that distortion is generated by a pedal or an overdriven tube amp.

The overdrive in the GT-500 is very good. It's closer tonally to the Fulldrive 2 than to the OCD, but it does share characteristics of both. It offers treble and bass tone controls, which is a very nice and useable feature. With the gain way down, it offers outstanding amounts of very clean boost. With the tone controls, you can further shape the tone that's going to overdrive your tube amp, and this makes the overdrive side versatile enough to use with a Marshall Plexi, a JCM-800, a Mesa Stilletto, or a Recto with equally good results.

The distortion side I have found wanting, frankly. The basic tone is surprisingly nondescript and sounds very much like a generic distortion pedal. I have several other analog distortion pedals, all of which were much less expensive, that I would choose over this one any day. The midrange control's huge dynamic range is interesting, but not nearly as useful as it could be if Mike had allowed you to choose which midrange frequency you want to adjust. Instead of so much choice of cut/boost, I'd rather Mike had given you about a 12 dB cut/boost, but allowed you to dial in which frequency. The one provided in the pedal isn't really ideal either for nailing the mid-scoop sound nor for boosting the sweet singing overtones into your leads.

Overall, the GT-500 is a very well-made unit with great customizable overdrive tone, but a distortion side that is, again, a bit gimmicky and also a bit sterile. As much as I love the overdrive side, and as much as I want to really like this pedal, it's not one I would buy again if it were lost. Unless you're really wanting a distortion pedal also, and not just an overdrive, I would not recommend this one to you.

Of the three you mentioned as options, I'd say the OCD edges out the others. It, too, will have to be tweaked to your taste, since it also offers a truly generous amount of bass response for a pedal, and that could be a problem if you use lots of bass on your amp already. However, with the tone control set higher and the mid switch set to "HP", it will clean up just fine with a Recto. The Fulldrive 2 is a bit trickier to dial in when using it with a Recto with its bass set high. However, it can be done, and it would seem a shame to miss out on those really beautiful warm/clean sounds that it can generate. Ultimately, I copped out and bought all three. :mrgreen:
Awesome. Thanks for the in-depth reply. Truly above and beyond and appreciated. You pretty much confirmed what I have read and been able to surmise from other forums/reviews/friends etc.

I went ahead and ordered the OCD. I do think it will be the best pedal for my rig and will round out my OD tonal options with the other pedals I already own.

Once again, thanks for the in depth reviews of all 3. Now I have 2 fantastic OD's in the mail. Next week is going to be awesome.... :mrgreen:
The thing about the OCD - which you are going to love - is that it's also very versatile when playing around with your guitars volume knob. Cleans up sweetly, and then goes to full roar when you dime your guitar. Tons of tones in between.

I run that and a Xotic BB Preamp for a more natural goose of my amp's inherent distortion. Or both together for full on liquid madness. Many options between the two pedals.
I like fulltone products alot. When I was shopping for a Fuzz I was looking at the '69. But since it has been discontinued, I found the addrock geranium and couldn't be happier!

A good fuzz can work great as a boost and clean up nicely when you roll back on the volume.

I am torn on an OCD or Octafuzz....good stuff!
Thanks, guys, for the replies. I've never been able to fall in love with the fuzz for some reason, no matter who made it. Something about the fakey, cheap distortion sound of them, maybe. It could be the tube amp distortion lover in me, I dunno, but fuzz just sounds amateurish and toy-like most of the time to my ears. I realize that some guys use the term "fuzz" to refer to both fuzz and distortion boxes interchangeably, but I much prefer the sound of a good distortion pedal.

Better than either a fuzz or a distortion though, I prefer a good overdrive running into a real tube amp which is providing most of the distortion. Kinda like just a little bit of just the right steak sauce on top of an already really good steak.
So I went with the OCD. It's great. Really nothing I can say about it that hasn't already been said. It works well with all of my tube amps, so there you go.

I though at first it might be a little to dark for me (just slightly). But after some tweaking of the pedal and my amp it sounds amazing. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the "newness" of it to me, but right now its my favorite OD.

I just got the BB preamp too. That works wonders as well. I think I might keep the BB for the TOV and use the OCD for my other amps.

Anywho thanks again for all the input. I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
Are you using a 18v power supply with the OCD or 9v? I just ordered a 18v for mine to see if I notice a difference according to Fulltone it gives it more headroom. I also just put a MI Crunch box in my pedal system and it can really put the rig over the top.
Just 9v right now. I have an 18v adapter I can use so I will probably try that soon. I wanted to try it at its "normal" state for awhile, see what tones I can pull out of it, before juicing it up more.

I believe you can do the same thing with the BB, so I might try that as well after I conform whether or not you can juice it without damage to the unit. (That's what she said...)