NAD-Roadster, Let the Love/Hate Relationship Begin

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2007
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After months of trying to decide between a Mark V, Roadster, EVH 5150 II or Marshall JVM410H...I finally made up my mind and went with the Roadster. I bought a used Triaxis but it may or may not have issues and I still need to get a 2:90 Simul but I decided to go ahead and get...well, a head while I deal with the Triaxis.
I have been reading everything I could on the forum concerning the Roadster so I knew about the footswitch pop, had a Tung-Sol in waiting for V1, already had a couple of 4x12 Recto cabs ready to go and knew about the reverb lag. I had an early 2000's DR, Single Recto and a Mark III so I know the amp was not completely plug-n-play but I am ready to put my time in. Think I get a channel the way I like it and when I come back to it, it sucks! Man, too many variables for me. Diode or rectifier tracking, 50W or 100W, spongy/bold, effects loop in/hard bypass...I think I need to stick with a 5150.
I just finished tweaking (the amp) for today and I ended on getting channel 3/vintage sounding to my liking. Probably read through the manual for the tenth time before going to bed and plan on tackling channel 4 tomorrow. I can tell I am going to hate this amp before I love it but I can already see there a lot of tones there.

One thing that I feel is throwing me off is the effects loop. Right now I have nothing in the loop but I do want to keep the solo boost so I do not want to use the hard bypass. Where should level control be at? Mid position? Should I plug a cable between the out and in?

Just keep the loop level in the middle without a jumper cable plugged into the send and return. That will give you a more "neutral" sound with the loop and reverb not hard bypassed...
Thanks! That will eliminate one variable.
I would like to pick up a quad of EL34's to see what that will do with the mid range. There just seems to be a certain range that needs more focus that I cannot get to. Do people usually run an eq on these amps? I get that subtle changes to the controls can really impact the sound but for me these are still changes I stumble across. Cannot keep it straight in my head that treble can impact the mids and bass!

Big_Al said:
Thanks! That will eliminate one variable.
I would like to pick up a quad of EL34's to see what that will do with the mid range. There just seems to be a certain range that needs more focus that I cannot get to. Do people usually run an eq on these amps? I get that subtle changes to the controls can really impact the sound but for me these are still changes I stumble across. Cannot keep it straight in my head that treble can impact the mids and bass!


I occasionally run an EQ with mine. I do run a Tubescreamer as well, but mine is a Keeley TS9DX Flexi 4X2. Doesn't seem to have much of a mid bump like the stock ones do, which said more neutral sound is actually what I prefer...
i prefer EL34s over 6L6s with the roadster. they bring out some more midrange in the overall sound and the low-end is not as present as with 6L6s.
pickup some EH EL34s, they sound great and aren´t that expensive.
the roadster becomes more a hard-rock amp and looses a bit of this "modern-heavy" character. i love it!
a few weeks ago i put in the original 6L6s and changed it back to the EL34s after 30 minutes.
EL34s are the tubes to go with the roadster in my opinion.
Thanks for the suggestions.
There is something in the mid range that I cannot dial in. Thanks for suggesting an EL34 to try. I do love the low end chunk but for the stuff our band plays I do not need it as much. I have a couple of boost pedals to try but the TS is the one that always seems to come up.