Before returning the amp chassis back into it's shell, I decided to try out other tubes that would be suitable in the CF positions.
Ruby HG Chinese, Ruby HG JJ, Preferred Series 7025, and Penta Labs. Both the Ruby HG Chinest and the Preferred Series 7025 share common internals. Penta Labs are similar to the old Mesa Chinese tubes but with a round halo (don't sound the same though).
Before going any further, I wanted to make sure I was satisfied with the Stock tube or what I have in my stash. What tubes will complement the Mesa STR440. I reinstalled the Sovtek LPS in V6 which I believe sounded a little better with all channels when compared to the Mesa tube. At least I know it has matched triodes. I did like the JAN/GE 5751 but there was something better. Recalling my choice to swap both V1 and V2 with Tung Sol 12ax7, not bad but seemed to be missing something. Since I was not using any of the Mullard CV4004 I gave them another shot. Now that was the fix for my low droning woes with a neck though humbucker walnut guitar. Tightened up the frequency response much better than the Tung Sol. I guess there may be some merit to the Tung Sol but the one's I have available have at best 3 months of use on them. With the CV4004 in V1 and V2, the tone of the Mesa is still there but with improved low end, and more brilliance to the top end without being harsh. It gives the amp a bit of creamy sound in the fat mod of CH1 or CH2 and yet retains clarity for clean modes. The Brit mode never sounded better ! Now I am happy, getting very close to the Mark V crunch tone
Definitely an improvement in vintage voice, raw voice was about the same. Modern is where the huge difference is due to the higher gain settings. WOW now this amp definitely has some balls to it. More definition in chording and single note with the humbuckers, single coil guitar also sounded great with a bit of edge to it. The Tung Sol made the single coil guitar on the brittle side, the Mullard CV4004 was bright but not brittle, actually a bit smooth with more roll off on the upper harmonics similar to the long plate Mullard RI 12ax7, only difference in the medium plate cv4004 is the increased gain.
Back to what I mentioned earlier. I did like the change from Mesa to the Ruby HG tubes. I installed the JJ version in V3 and the Chinese in V5. I did not expect much of a tone difference. Even the Penta Labs or the Preferred series 7025 sounded very close to the Mesa JJ tubes. One thing I did notice, a bit of fizziness with the Mesa in V5 in CH1 or CH2 clean. I put in another Mesa tube and it went away. At least I know what to expect come the time to change the CF tubes. For the time being, I will keep the Mesa tubes in the CF. Also changed the reverb tube, the Mesa tube sounded best over all for the reverb circuit.
Then I got thinking, that RA100 shell looks really good, I wonder if the Roadster chassis would fit......

nope, it will not. Roadster chassis is much longer than the RA100.